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This portfolio will show the different situations,

knowledge and learnings that I have encountered and
experienced while I underwent my field study or field
observation of being a teacher in the new mode of learning
through Flex class or flex learning. This portfolio will tell my
understanding of the life as a teacher and the life as a
student that are both being challenged of this new normal
mode of teaching and learning where everything is done
online or virtually. This portfolio also showcase my
observations of the school learning environment and the
relationship or communications of its teachers, students,
parents or guardians, faculty and the community.
This portfolio will serve as my data recorder that holds and records all
my understandings and observations of the online class that I am in
which is the class of Mrs. Chorilyn Efmin B. Covero from Alangilan
Integrated School of Alangilan, Sagay, Camiguin. This portfolio also
tells how much I have grown to become a future teacher or educator
through the help of this beautiful opportunity which enables me to
experienced being a teacher that is able to teach.

The author would like to express her whole-heartedly thanks
and appreciation to the following people who were able to give
their willingness to help, their unwavering and undying support,
encouragement, financial assistance and precious time for the
accomplishment of this narrative report.
To PROF. JUVY AGBAYANI, Field Study Professor for her
untiring concern, guidance, support, encouragement,
understanding and most of all for the care that she gave to
all the field study students.
To the cooperating teacher Mrs. CHORILYN EFMIN B. COVERO
and school principal Mrs. HERMA Q. LIBAGO for their warm
welcome and acceptance of our request to observe in their school
learning environment.
To the author's partner JANNELLE LEAH L. EÑOLA for her
motivations and humorous encouragement.
To the author's family who gives a never ending support
financially and mentally.
And above all, to our Almighty Father for giving me the strength,
bountiful blessings and unconditional love.


Debby Libran L. Urog is a 4th year student of Camiguin Polytechnic State College
taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English. She is a consistent
Dean's lister and a hardworking student. She lives in Comon, Poblacion,
Mambajao, Camiguin. She is now 22 years old and single. She is a former
secretary of CPSC Student Emergency Response Team (SERT) and have
undergone various trainings and seminars. She also graduated with honors in
her señior high at Mambajao National High School. She is also a NCII certificate
holder of Food and Beverages and is currently waiting for her NCII assesment in
Electrical Installation. 


  I believed that the development and progress of the
students to become successful in the future depends on how
the teacher handles and takes care of them. I also believed
that teachers are the main foundation of learnings and
success since rationally, all of us underwent schooling where
we have our teachers to cater our learning needs. Learning in
my opinion, is a necessary, innate, continuous and lifelong
process. As a future teacher, I hope that everyone can learn
and that reasonable expectations that challenged all learners
are maintained. They must also be able to express their
enthusiasm for learning and see all interactions as chances to
teach and learn because the fundamental goal of assessment
is to increase learning. It gives all students the opportunity to
showcase what they know, value and can accomplish. I also
believe that learning is a process of making sense of the
world, thus we should be concerned with understanding
development and acknowledge that concepts are built and are
subject for questioning or revision. We must know and adapt
to individual variances and learning styles since learners are
unique and can handle their own learnings. We, too, must
show concern and understanding for each learner as well as
including and optimizing the participation of students with
their various skills and talents.


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