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The First Thanksgiving

Andrew and Kenji were sitting outside Kenji's house with nothing to do. Suddenly

Andrew stood up. "Let's go inside and watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade on
TV," he said.
"What's Thanksgiving Day?" asked Kenji.
"You don't know what Thanksgiving Day is!" Andrew asked,
surprised. "It's a holiday that Americans celebrate in honor of everything that this
country offered to our ancestors. When the pilgrims first came to America 400
years ago, they worked hard building houses, planting, and fishing. They were
helped by the American Indians, who taught them how to grow all kinds of
new vegetables, such as corn and yams, or sweet potatoes. By harvest time, there
was lots of food to eat and the future looked full of opportunity. Our
ancestors made a feast to show their appreciation. So now, every year we celebrate
Thanksgiving Day."
"What do you do on Thanksgiving?" asked Kenji.
"Well, it's traditional to eat a big meal together. We eat food that symbolizes the
new food our ancestors ate. At our house we usually eat turkey with sweet
potatoes and corn bread. And we have pumpkin pie for dessert." said Andrew.
"I've never had sweet potatoes or pumpkin pie. They sound interesting," Kenji
said. "But what's the parade you want to see?"
"Oh, it's an annual event. Every Thanksgiving, a giant parade is organized by one
of the most famous department stores in New York," Andrew explained. "There are
big balloons, called 'floats,' in the shape of famous cartoon characters. At the end
of the parade, children can even see Santa Claus, who's visiting from the North
Pole. Santa Claus is invited to remind children and parents that Christmas is not far
away. Well, now that I've told you all about Thanksgiving, do you want to come
to my house for dinner and watch the parade?" asked Andrew.
"Sure," said Kenji. " I'd love to."
- Oh, I'm sorry I'm late.
- Oh, that's all right.
- But I promised to be on time today.
- Really. It doesn't matter. I've been having a good time.
- Oh? What have you been doing?
- Just talking with Mark.

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