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Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
Transportation Research Procedia 55 (2021) 1139–1146

14th International scientific conference on sustainable, modern and safe transport

The Experiences with utilization of BIM in railway infrastructure

in Slovak Republic and Czech Republic
Andrej Matejov a*, Janka Šestáková a
Universityof Zilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of railway engineering and track management,
Univerzitná 1, Žilina 010 26, Slovakia


The process of projects creating and reporting is known as BIM (Building Information Modelling). It is defined as a current trend
in the field of building industry and architecture. The development of this process has its beginnings in the 21 st century. Since 2008
there has been a meaningful progress especially thanks to academic writings discussing this theme in more details.
Knowledgeability has rapidly increased since then. BIM started to be implemented in the railway infrastructure constructions
primarily in highly-developed countries such as Great Britain, France or Sweden approximately since 2013. In the Slovak Republic
this process is not that well-known for most people working in this field. The aim of the article is to analyse knowledge about BIM
and its usage in the Slovak Republic. The research method used is the questionnaire distributed among professionals working in
the Civil Service companies, in the projective and building field of the railway infrastructure. The results of questionnaires show
that only 29% of respondents were able to answer the question correctly, what is BIM. The research results enabled to identify the
fields in which support is needed. This support can be done using various construction models and processes for formalization and
coalescence of informational modelling of the railway infrastructure buildings. Within the introductory steps of a research solving
that deals with a multi-dimensional model of the railway lifecycle, a 5D BIM sample model of the railway is created. Using this
model the needed preliminary parameters of the project proposal and report are defined. Finally, requested outputs and their
effective usage are defined, as well.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the TRANSCOM 2021: 14th International scientific conference
Peer-review under
on sustainable, responsibility
modern and safe of the scientific committee of the TRANSCOM 2021: 14th International scientific conference
on sustainable, modern and safe transport
Keywords: BIM; railway; infrastructure; design

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +421 910 987 734

E-mail address:

2352-1465 © 2021 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the TRANSCOM 2021: 14th International scientific conference on sustainable,
modern and safe transport

2352-1465 © 2021 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the TRANSCOM 2021: 14th International scientific conference on
sustainable, modern and safe transport
1140 Andrej Matejov et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 55 (2021) 1139–1146
2 Andrej Matejov et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

1. Introduction

The History of BIM is connected to the beginnings of the computation technique in the 60s. It is also connected to
the development of the graphical software in the 70s. The development of the ArchiCAD software in Hungary in 1982
is understood as the real beginning of BIM. The development of the Revit software in 2000 brought a meaningful
progress. Despite the fact that the computational technique and the graphical software have been developing for years,
the BIM implementation in the building industry is quite slow in comparison to other branches. In last 10 years this
method of creating and managing projects has started being used in terms of the building industry (Pučko et al., 2017).
Building Information Modeling (BIM) describes the whole lifecycle of a building. The 3D model is applied here
as the basis of a building. The model includes the elements characteristics, as well. The complex 5D model is
comprised of adding the 4th parameter (time) and the 5th parameter (expenses). Nowadays the 6th parameter (a report
during the lifecycle) is being discussed too (Augele, 2017).
There has been a lack of experiences with using the 6th parameter in the railway infrastructure so far. The BIM
implementation is more important for difficult projects of the railway infrastructure. The high level of security is given
by a frequent diagnostics and maintenance. Creating projects using the BIM method enables a better analysis and data
processing of difficult railway systems and components (Bensalah et al., 2019).

1.1. 3D design

The mutual dependence of objects is understood as the main difference between the 2D and the 3D project. In
the 2D project particular objects are not mutually dependent. It means that updating of all its projections is needed
when a project is about to be changed (Amuda-Yusuf, 2018). The BIM method is based on the 3D model even though
the method as such is not only about the 3D modelling. One of its biggest advantages is integrating of all branches
and organizations working on a project in the proposal phase. The 3D model enables to improve a project including
all the important parts such as an investor, construction workers, a report and maintenance in the first proposal phases.
Creating project takes a longer time but it enables to optimalize the planning, cut down expenses or anticipate mistakes
of architects which leads to saving investing expenses (Bensalah et al., 2019).

1.2. 4D design

The most important part of construction phase is planning and scheduling the project. The speed and efficiency of
completing the project as well as its financial part depend on it. The planning is the organization and distribution of
work, depending on the availability of resources (Nechyporchuk and Bašková, 2020). The 4D modelling application
has markedly increased in the last decade. This modelling is used for time harmonogram analysis and technological
procedure analysis before the building phase. This method can optimalize time and increase function level, improve
safety managing and waste material managing. Working in the 4D model offers a possibility to use new digital
managing systems, roles reorganization or implementation of new working procedures directly in a civil engineering
project. Combining the 4D modelling and new technologies It is possible to gain a clear improvement in
communication, informational streams, planning and managing results in the environmental field (Jupp, 2017).

1.3. 5D design

The complex 5D model is made based on the 3D model that is complemented with time and expenses. The 5 th
parameter forces the proposal process and ensures not to exceed the investor budget (Boon and Prigg, 2008).
Creating determination letter and budget is one of the most common activities in creating project. It is a very
demanding activity including a big risk of mistakes when it is connected to a difficult building infrastructure. Objects
in the BIM model including information enable to automatically specify its amount which is taken as the basis for the
creating budget. In comparison to the traditional method creating budget using the 5D model is much faster (Bensalah
et al., 2019).
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1.4. 6D design

The 6th parameter of the BIM model has got its meaning when handing over the building for user´s purposes. This
model includes all data about the project that can be adapted or changed within the lifecycle. One of the biggest 6D
BIM model advantages is a simple access to elements databases. I tis also possible to enregister all service intervals,
diagnostic outputs or technical specifications. This information can be added, changed or administrated by the
administrator of a building himself (Pučko et al., 2017). The track geometry is the area of diagnostics to verify the
operational quality of the structure, with respect to real operational practice. The quality of the track geometry is a key
factor in the decision-making process of the rail infrastructure manager on the conditions for the operation and
maintenance of the track (Šestáková et al., 2019). This dimension needs further research.

1.5. Interoperability

Using FIC (Industry Foundation Classes) format has become an avoidable condition when working with BIM
models. This format has been created to share exact models among concerned sides when creating a building project.
When changing the models in this format the software being used does not matter at all (Neves et al., 2018).
The IFC format is registered according to ISO. When development plans are concerned, it is applied independently.
When applying this format it is needed to present specific requests and requested information for models shared in
this format (Norberg, 2012).
The IFC format has primarily been done for aboveground civil engineering. Since 2013 this format has been
adapted for the line infrastructure purposes. A new IFC standard has started being developed for this purpose. It
promotes needs of highway, railway, tunnel, harbor and water traffic projects (Trimble, 2020).

2. Methodology and the aim

The aim of this article was gaining some information and data about the current state of the discussed issue among
the professionals working in the Civil Service and in the projective, building and managerial work of the railway
infrastructure in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic. Evaluating the data enabled to identify the fields that
need to be supported using the models of constructions and ways used for formalization and coalescence of the
informational modelling processes of the railway infrastructure buildings. For this aim a 5D BIM sample model of the
railway has been created. This model was used to define needed preliminary features of the plan and the project report.
What is more, it also offered defined requested outputs for its effective usage.
For reaching the first aim (to gain the data about the current state and using the BIM system among professionals)
an electronic questionnaire was used as a research method. In the questionnaire the selected questions were used to
clarify the current state of the BIM implementation in the projects of the railway infrastructure
( The questionnaire is divided into four parts:
1. Information about a respondent,
2. Knowledgeability of a respondent about BIM,
3. Experiences of a respondent with BIM and,
4. BIM Implementation in the functions and projects of the railway infrastructure solved by a respondent.
The questions in the questionnaire have been conceived using the scheme of one single answer-choice, one single
or more right answers-choice or filling in the own answer. The link for the webpage with the questionnaire has been
sent to the particular concerned companies in the field of the railway infrastructure in the Slovak Republic and Czech
Republic. These companies include the Civil Service organisations including administrators of the state railway
infrastructure and companies dealing with the projective and building activity. The analysis of the results was
processed by the evaluating the correct answers to the direct questions or by the evaluating the most questions using
the questions with several answer options and with own answers. The evaluation of the answers enabled the author to
identify not only the degree of knowledgeability about BIM but also the degree of BIM implementation in activities
performed by professionals in the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic.
By creating the 5D BIM sample model of the railway defining needed preliminary features of the plan and the project
report and offering defined requested outputs for its effective usage, the second aim of the article has been met and reached.
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The basic parameters of the model are defined in the following fields:
1. conveying and building features of the rail:
• draft speed: 80 km/h
• railway model: 2 (29,201 - 47,450 mil. t/year)
• load pressure: 22,5 t/axle,
• distance length: 2 500 m (km 128.400 - km 130.900),
• conveying characteristics of a distance: interstation section,
• operating characteristics of a railway: mixed operation,
• railway number: 2 (2-tracked railway),
• building characteristics of a model: a reconstruction of a railway superstructure and a railway substructure keeping
parameters of rail geometry.
2. rail geometry:
• track gauge: 1 435 mm,
• direction parameters: direct rail,
• degree of incline: zero incline,
• incline parameters: horizontal rail (0 ‰).
3. a current state and building a railway superstructure construction and a railway substructure construction:
• a railway superstructure made by rails 49E1, concrete sleepers SB 6 of a division ,,d“ and a ballast of an alternative
gauge made of a crushed stone of 31.5/63 mm fraction
• a railway substructure made of a subgrade whose capacity is not trafficking and non-trafficking resistant (disorders
of a railway substructure)
4. a suggested state and building a railway superstructure and a railway substructure construction:
• a railway superstructure made of rails 60 E2 with concrete sleepers B-91 P of a division ,,u“ and a ballast
350 mm at the bottom of the sleeper of 31.5/63 mm fraction
• a railway substructure made of a brash subballast of 0/31.5 mm fraction about 250 mm size in cross incline about
5% and made of a chemically improved soil of a prepared subgrade about 150 mm size about 5% cross incline
leading to a de-watering system and,
• de-watering the object of a railway substructure using a longitudinal drainage (a bedding sand layer about 50 mm,
a drainage pipe made of PVC about 100 mm; a drainage trench about 400 mm; a drainage trench bottom incline
about 1%; a drainage trench backing using a material identical with a subballast).
For creating the model, the software applications by Bentley company were used. The proposal of the 3D model was
created in the OpenRail Designer programme. The fourth and the fifth model size is designed in the Synchro Pro programme.

3. Results

For participating in the research, 16 companies were asked sending an e-mail. Altogether 104 respondents
participated at the research. 72% of them came from the Slovak Republic and 28% of them came from the Czech
Republic. The most respondents were working in the projective field (69%). 19% of them were working in the Civil
Service and 12% of the respondents were working in the building field. From the age viewpoint, the most respondents
belonged to the interval 41 - 50 years (33%). 7% of them reached the high school education, 76% of them reached the
university education of the first degree, 76% of them reached the university education of the second degree and finally,
5% of them reached the university education of the third degree. The analysis results show that mainly professionals
working in middle and higher management fields of the Civil Service organisations participated in the research.
29% of the respondents answered the question What is BIM? 7% of them came from the Slovak Republic and 36%
of them came from the Czech Republic. None of the Civil Service workers answered the question correctly. According
to the respondents the main advantages of BIM are a project coordination, an elimination of mistakes made by
architects, a construction budget accuracy and finally, a digital project report. The most given answers about the
disadvantages of BIM are a time and price project demandingness, price and a knowledgeability of a software and
hardware equipment.
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Other disadvantages are handing in a documentation for an administrator and building office, a deficient
interoperability caused by a differentness of formats and a non-existing legislation, unwillingness to gain new
experiences about BIM and last but not least, implementation process time that lasts several years according to the
experiences gained from abroad.
63% of the respondents heard of BIM, 29% of them directly worked with it. All of these respondents said they
were working with the 3D models, 44% of them were working with 4D models and 13% of them were working with
5D models. 45% of the respondents answered the question: Can you describe particular dimension 6D of the BIM
model? 27% of them didn´t respond at all 28% of them said they couldn´t answer the question. 40 of the respondents
(38%) said that their employer was interested in using BIM actively in their work. The main obstacle in active BIM
using was given by 47% respondents. They said their clients nowadays didn´t ask for creating projects in BIM process.
33% of the respondents said that deficient legislation was taken as one the obstacles in BIM using. 28% of the
respondents repeated the disadvantages of BIM that have already been discussed above.
As for the answers to the question whether BIM implementation was important in projects of the railway
infrastructure, 65% of the respondents answered positively. 7% of them answered negatively and 28% of them
couldn´t answer at all. According to 56% of the respondents a current legislation is not ready for BIM implementation.
That is why, 73% of the respondents said that it was needed and necessary to organise various training courses and
seminars about how to use BIM. 50% and 46% of them called for organising workshops. Just 2% of the respondents
claimed that knowledgeability was not needed to improve. 75 of the respondents (72%) claimed that BIM
implementation had been useful within their working position and 18 of them (18%) couldn´t answer this question.
The research results present that knowledgeability and experiences with BIM working and BIM processes in the
field of the railway infrastructure in the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic are very low. That is why, the 5D BIM
sample model of the railway has been created. This model can be used for clarifying BIM processes of modelling in
the railway infrastructure projects. In consecutive development of the model the following roles will be made:
• broadening and specifications of preliminary parameters of the project proposal and the project report,
• defining requested outputs for effective usage of the project during the whole lifecycle of the building or the
construction of the railway infrastructure,
• defining and interconnection of the concerned sides and their roles, tools and processes in the project informational model.

3.1. The features of the sample 5D BIM model size

The basic features of the model are defined in the part. 2. The proposal of the (2D) project has been created in the
OpenRail Designer programme and it is presented using two axes of the 2-tracked railway. The detailed description
including the river log of rails and the future position of cross sections has been used for the project. The ax of the
horizontal alignment has been complemented using the altitudinal alignment that creates the basis for the 3D model
(Fig. 1).

Fig 1. 2D and 3D design

The proposal of the 3D project has been created in the OpenRail Designer programme, as well. The 2D project
served as the basis for this model of the horizontal and the vertical ordering of the railway line. Using the function
create rail a create sleeper the rails and the sleepers with their size and their feature definition were added to the 3D
model. By adding the feature definition the component is automatically added the surface with its name and the texture.
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Using this method the track has been created. This was complemented by the material layers of the railway
superstructure and the railway substructure (Fig. 2)
By connecting the horizontal and the vertical rail alignment, a corridor has been created. This corridor enabled to
add the third parameter using the cross-section template. The cross-section template of the basic railway component
was composed for the project. This template was comprised of a ballast, a subgrade and new layers of the railway
substructure construction of the second rail (Fig. 3). By adding the textures of each railway substructure and each
railway superstructure layer, feature definitions were added to these layers. The cross-section template was added to
the created railway corridor which was used to create the 3D model.

Fig. 2 Railway track before reconstruction Fig. 3 Railway track after reconstruction

Using the function asset management the components were given some features that led to the creating the 3D
model. The 3D model components are interconnected and each component consists of many important features. For
example, for the rails the 60E2 rail shape and the track gauge about 1435 mm are typical.
The output of the process in this phase is a complex 3D BIM model. There has been no legal legislation for
accepting the 3D model as an output in the Slovak and the Czech Republic so far. The OpenRail Designer programme
enables to create the outputs using the 2D plan, longitudinal profiles and cross sections. These outputs are accepted
by the Building Offices and by the infrastructure administrators in our countries.
The fourth parameter (4D) has been added to the model using the Synchro Pro programme. The 3D model has been
created as the basis for creating the fourth parameter. It is very important to state when building labour is about to
start. This date is very important for the railway infrastructure buildings also in terms of planning the closure of railway
line. It is possible to set time of the closure day using the calendar function. A new calendar has been made for the
sample project. The beginning of building labour is 26 th May 2020. To clarify the work process and the 4th BIM model
dimension, a simple technology process of the second rail reconstruction has been prepared (Fig. 4). This technology
process is done in the Synchro Pro programme and is represented by the Gantt´s diagram.

Fig. 4 Technological process – removing and installing

A mechanisation relevant for the realization of the drafted works in the technology process has been added into the
model. The movement features according to the planned direction of the building activity has been added to the
mechanisation as a dynamic part of the technology process. (Fig. 5, 6)
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Fig. 5 Synchro Pro – removing of topsoil Fig. 6 Synchro Pro – installing of railway ballast

The result of this proposal process phase is the 4D BIM model which can be presented as video sequences of the
reconstruction technology process both in time and space. The created video is comprised of the Gantt´s diagram with
the timeline, the written technology process and the 4D model. For building practice purposes in broad projects it is
possible to create the technology process for each day of building works or for requested bound time. For guaranteeing
the shortest building time, the most effective source usage, the costs optimisation or the elimination of various risk
aspects it is possible to optimize the technology process in the Synchro Pro programme.
The fifth dimension (5D) addresses the addition of specific data to the elements that will form the basis for
budget. Data such as the classification code of the element, which should be identical to the classification code in
the SW for creating construction budgets. By assigning code, you can automate and significantly speed up
The elements of the model contain only one price item (ballast, subballast). Elements can also be combined into
structural units, which can be budgeted as one element. (sleepers + rails + fasteners = track)
For elements that can contain more than one price item, multiple classification codes can be added (culvert =
excavation work + formwork + culvert) (Fig. 7). For these elements, there is one supporting element, which is an
element of the BIM model (culvert) and one or more bound elements, which may not be shown in the BIM model
(excavation work, formwork). There are no such items in the created model. The classification code of each element,
which is also called the identifier, should unambiguously describe the element and thus create a smooth transfer of
data from the BIM model to the budgeting software.
In the case of a fictitious model which contains few elements, we imported prices into the elements’ database of
Synchro pro programme. To gain a better overview of the cost report, it is possible to create the cost report diagram.
The output of the model is a complex and logically structured scope report and the construction budget, as well.

Railway ballast
Classification code 2
Classification code 1
Excavation Formwork
CC 2.1 CC 2.2

Fig. 7 Classification codes

4. Discussion

Based on the given results there is a low knowledgeability about BIM using in the railway infrastructure projects
in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic. According to the case study presented in 2018 at the Joint Rail
Conference in Pittsburgh BIM implementation in Great Britain started in 2011 (Bensalah et al., 2018a). This process
was fully utilized in the railway network in London. The implementation strategies in Sweden started in 2013 and first
in 2015 these processes were used in the railway infrastructure. In France there also have been some proposals for the
implementation since 2013. In 2014 the French Ministry of Transport issued the must of the project proposal in BIM
since 2017. In the Czech Republic it is assumed that the first proposal of the BIM implementation will be in 2018 –
2027. However, it is a must in this country to implement the BIM processes in 2022. Nowadays there is no legislative
document which deals with the implementation of BIM in the projects of the railway infrastructure in Slovakia.
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From the above results of the research it can be concluded that in order to increase the awareness of BIM in the
Slovak Republic, it is necessary to organise various conferences, specialized lectures and seminars. Moreover,
publishing academic writings in this field would be welcomed too. In terms of workshops it would be very good to
include some practical information and facilities in working with different tools of the project informational modelling.
According to the study at the Cardiff University in 2016, since 2008 the number of the academic writings has increased
all around the world (Bradley et al., 2016). Most academic writings were published in the Asiatic countries such as
South Corea, China or the USA. As for the countries of the European Union, the leaders in terms of being informed
about BIM are the countries Great Britain, Germany and France. In these countries a bigger implementation of BIM
can be seen, as well. In the projects of the railway infrastructure the most scholarly publications were publicized in
China and Great Britain. The implementation assumption of the BIM process in the projects of the railway
infrastructure will be probably between 2020 and 2030.

5. Conclusion

The transparency and the advantages of the projects creating and the projects reports in the BIM process are
undoubtedly documented by plenty of experiences from other countries in which this process is being used. It is
assumed that this process will be used as a standard and institutionalized solving for highly-developed railway
institutions and organisations. In the Slovak Republic there is a very low awareness and experiences with the BIM
process. The Civil Service does not request its implementation and there is no effort to edit the existing legislation
and to create the new one. This article was aimed to focus on the need to improve these gaps and offers a tool for the
presentation of the relation competencies and the process competencies using the 5D BIM sample model of the railway
infrastructure construction. However, for an effective and relevant implementation it is needed to share and acquire
the existing information. Furthermore, other research in the field of a multi-dimensional railway lifecycle is required
too. The revolution of informational technologies within the building industry started at the beginning of this
millennium. The companies concerned in the railway infrastructure have to adapt to this new trend.


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