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Name: Rachel M.



Holistic Rubrics: Science Experiment

Beyond expectations, every aspect of the
experiment including the study, hypothesis,
variables, procedure outcomes, observation,
and conclusion has been covered in detail.
There was abundant evidence that the students
5 knew and understood the scientific vocabulary
and concepts. The results are explicated in
detail in the conclusion. Conclusions have been
derived from the experiment, along with
potential suggestions for additional lines of
investigation and highlighted real-world
Every element of the experiment has been
discussed in detail, including the study,
hypothesis, variables, procedure outcomes,
observation, and conclusion. Acceptable proof
of the students' knowledge and comprehension
4 of the scientific terms and concepts was
presented. Although the student provided a
logical explanation of the findings in the
conclusion, he or she neglected to mention one
of the following: potential suggestions for
future lines of inquiry and the experiment's
practical applicability.
Although every aspect of the experiment,
including the study, hypothesis, variables,
procedure results, observation, and conclusion,
has been covered, there isn't much in the way
of explanation. Basic evidence of the students'
3 knowledge and comprehension of the scientific
terms and concepts was present. The
conclusion gave an explanation for the findings
but did not touch on the experiment's potential
implications for new lines of research or its
potential real-world applications.
The experiment's other components, such as
research, hypothesis, variables, procedure
outcomes, observation, and conclusion, have
all been handled with the exception of one;
nevertheless, there is no elaboration.
2 There was little evidence that the students
knew or understood the scientific terminology
and concepts. The conclusion gave a vague
explanation of the findings and did not touch
on the experiment's potential recommendations
for future research directions or its noted real-
world applications.
Numerous elements of the experiment,
including investigation, hypothesis, variables,
procedure outcomes, observation, and
1 conclusion, have not been addressed or
elaborated upon. There was little evidence that
the students knew or understood the scientific
jargon and concepts. The conclusion was either
entirely omitted or failed to explain the

Analytic Rubrics: Science Experiment

Criteria 1 Beyond Every Although The Numerous
expectations, element of every aspect experiment's elements of
every aspect the of the other the
of the experiment experiment, components, experiment,
experiment has been including the such as including
including the discussed in study, research, investigation,
study, detail, hypothesis, hypothesis, hypothesis,
hypothesis, including variables, variables, variables,
variables, the study, procedure procedure procedure
procedure hypothesis, results, outcomes, outcomes,
outcomes, variables, observation, observation, observation,
observation, procedure and and and
and outcomes, conclusion, conclusion, conclusion,
conclusion observation, has been have all been have not been
has been and covered, handled with addressed or
covered in conclusion there isn't the exception elaborated
detail. much in the of one; upon.
way of nevertheless,
explanation. there is no
Criteria 2 There was Acceptable Basic There was There was no
abundant proof of the evidence of little evidence that
evidence that students' the students' evidence that the students
the students knowledge knowledge the students knew or
knew and and and knew or understood
understood comprehens comprehensi understood the scientific
the scientific ion of the on of the the scientific jargon and
vocabulary scientific scientific terminology concepts.
and concepts. terms and terms and and concepts.
concepts concepts was
was present
Criteria 3 The results Although The The The
are explicated the student conclusion conclusion conclusion
in detail in provided a gave an gave a vague was either
the logical explanation explanation entirely
conclusion. explanation for the of the omitted or
Conclusions of the findings but findings and failed to
have been findings in did not touch did not touch explain the
derived from the on the on the findings.
the conclusion, experiment's experiment's
experiment, he or she potential potential
along with neglected to implications recommendat
potential mention one for new lines ions for
suggestions of the of research or future
for additional following: its potential research
lines of potential real-world directions or
investigation suggestions applications. its noted real-
and for future world
highlighted lines of applications.
real-world inquiry and
applications. the
s practical

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