Activity-2 Chenee Babes

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Activity 2: Make a Reflection

Situation 1:
Mrs. Rosa Rose a teacher born and raised in the Visayas married a Tausug in Jolo, Sulu. The
marriage necessitated her to transfer teaching in the place of her husband who is also a teacher.
Coming from a different family background in terms of religion, ethnic origin, and social
background. Mrs. Rose has to adjust to her present relocated residence. She was accepted to
teach in one of the elementary schools in the area where a mixture of different ethnic groups is
enrolled. Reflect on the situation given.
What teaching challenges will Mrs. Rose encounter with her diverse students?
• I think the teaching challenges will Mrs. rose encountered would be, the communication
between her and the students, it is very difficult to understand each other since they’
came from different places, and this affect how Mrs. Rosa will address to every student
when they are learning, and next is the characteristic or behavior of every students, this
one would be challengeable for her because since it is a diverse students, she needs to
know them, Learn as much as about and become as sensitive to and aware. And also lack
of discipline, different culture inside the classroom, how I manage to adjust my teaching
style for them and lack of resources.

How would she address these challenges as a multicultural teacher?

- Teacher Rosa needs to identify the most effective way to teach the students for them to
understand what she is trying to address, learning needs to be authentic and appropriate
for all the students. She needs to be flexible teacher to help her students to understand the
lesson and it would give a positive impact on the learners’ outcome behavior.
- And also Teacher rosa needs to socialize, learn the culture of that place, and needs to be
understandable, patient and ready to adjust in able for her to be connected to the students.
- Look into your own conscious and subconscious
- Infuse multicultural instructional and strategies in your teaching.
- Plan your activities within a multicultural framework
- Foster collaboration and cooperation among your learners
What personal dilemmas will she encounter? If you were in her place, what would you do?
- I think Mrs. Rosa will encounter, The problem with ethical behavior. it will be hard for
her to connect to the students and in society, since she is new there, the relationship
between her and students would be very difficult to work in because of the differences,
she will loss confidence, and it might be the reason for her not to function will to her
field, since ethical behavior is essential for a society to function properly, ethical
behaviors can also be evidenced in work relationships.
Situation 2:

You are to teach in an international school in Indonesia. You graduated from one of the
teacher education institutions in the Philippines. The school curriculum is American-based, but
your students come from different countries but majority are Indonesia nationals.
What challenges are seen in your classroom?
- I think the challenges would be first, the curriculum since it is American based, and I
don’t know much of their curriculum so I need to learn it and it would be hard for me to
easily adopt, since I am used to the curriculum of my country, I don’t have enough
knowledge of their curriculum so it is much needed time for me to dig deep on their
curriculum and to understand it, next is the communication this one is the very common
challenges of every teachers abroad since communication is very needed for you to be
able to understand everyone, and this is very important in learning, since you have lots of
students from different country, you are obliged to learn different languages in able for
you to connect with them. And also cultural difference in my classroom, my teaching
style, how I handle them, next is the different interest of every students, and limited
How would you prepare to meet these challenges?
- I need to accommodate cultural differences and commonalities, since my students came
from different countries.
- Learn as much as about and become as sensitive to and aware.
- Look into your own conscious and subconscious.
- Foster collaboration and cooperation among your learners.
- Access to teaching resources.

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