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In early 1945, Indonesia was still
colonized by Japan. Japan colonized
Indonesia for three years. Japan colonized
Indonesia since 1942.
The colonization began after they
succeeded in expelling the Dutch. Japan also
succeeded in colonizing several countries in
Southeast Asia. Some of these countries
include the Philippines, Burma (Myanmar),
and Vietnam. At that time, the Japanese army
was among the most powerful in the world.
During 1945, things turned around.
The Japanese army began to experience defeat
on various battlefields. In the Pacific War,
Japanese troops were defeated by America.
Japan was also defeated by the British-led
Allies in the Indochina region.
The defeat threatened Japanese rule
in its colonies. In Indonesia, Japan also had
to face people resistance.
Tokyo, September 7, 1944, the
Japanese Parliamentary Assembly or Teikoku
Ginkai was attended by Dai Nippon, who
was increasingly pressed by the Allied forces
due to the defeat in the Greater East Asian
The Japanese Prime Minister,
Kuniaki Koiso, was of the opinion that
Japan should give independence to
Indonesia "in the future". Japan did not
want to lose Indonesia just like that, let
alone hand it over to the enemy.
Japan at least promised
independence to Indonesia while waiting
for the situation to improve. With that
promise, Koiso hopes there will be no
On the other hand, the
Indonesian people could actually be
mobilized to confront the Allies if they
were really pressed, especially since Japan
had already formed a "Homeland
Defender Line"/ Barisan Pembela Tanah Air
On march 1, 1945, kumakichi harada as general dai
nippon who controlled java, announced that a new section
would be formed under the name dokuritsu junbi cosakai.
Dokuritsu junbi cosakai, this is another name for the
preparatory business research agency for indonesian
independence (BPUPKI).

The japanese government was forced to offer the

promise of indonesian independence by forming bpupki
because of their pressing position. Starting from the defeat in a
naval battle at the coral sea, near australia, followed by the fall
of the saipan islands to the allied forces in july 1944. That
made japanese strength in the greater east asian war weakened.
The formation of Dokuritsu Junbi
Cosakai as known as BPUPKI was only April 29, 1945
inaugurated on april 29, 1945, while the
inauguration of its members was carried
out almost a month later, may 28, 1945.

In general, BPUPKI was formed

to "investigate important matters as well as
to prepare plans for the preparation for
indonesian independence,"
BPUPKI duties are to learn all important
matters related to politics, economy,
governance, justice, state defense, traffic, and
other fields needed in the effort to form the
Indonesian state.
Japanese influence in accompanying
BPUKI's performance is still quite strong,
including in the composition of its membership
which consists of a kaico (chairman), 2 fuku kaico
(young chairman), and 59 members.

Radjiman Wediodiningrat was

appointed as kaico. He is an elder figure, an
influential Javanese priyayi as well as an important
figure who helped initiate Boedi Oetomo in 1908.
Meanwhile, the young leaders were Raden Pandji
Soeroso and Ichibangase Yoshio (Japanese
Debating the
five principles
The 59 members of BPUPKI are
predominantly Indonesian, including 4
people from the Chinese group, 1 person
from the Arab group, and 1 from the
Dutch descent.

In addition, there is also a

tokubetu iin (honorary member),
consisting of 8 Japanese. They have the
right to attend the hearing but do not have
voting rights.
M. Yamin Prof. Dr. Soepomo Ir. Soekarno
May 29, 1945 May 31, 1945 June 1, 1945

1. Have a nationality 1. Unity 1. Indonesian Nationalism

2. Have humanity 2. Kinship 2. Internationalism & Humanity
3. Act of divinity 3. Consensus and Democracy 3. Consensus or Democracy
4. Have a populist attitude 4. Deliberation 4. Social Welfare
5. Welfare of the people 5. Social Justice. 5. God Almighty.
Until the trial was over, no agreement
had been reached. There are quite sharp
differences of opinion between the nationalist and
religious camps, one of which is about the form of
the state, between the nation-state or the Islamic
state, although this is not a new problem.
So a Committee of Nine was formed to
find a middle way in the formulation of the basis
of the state. This committee consisted of Sukarno,
Mohammad Hatta, Achmad Soebardjo, Abdoel
Kahar Moezakir, Abikusno Tjokrosoejoso, Wahid
Hasjim, M. Yamin, A.A. Maramis, and Haji Agus
After going through various fierce debates in tough negotiations at the
Nine Committee session on June 22, 1945, the basic formulation of the Republic of
Indonesia, known as the Jakarta Charter or Jakarta Charter, was born which consists

1. Divinity with the obligation to carry out Islamic Sharia for its beliver
2. Just and civilized humanity
3. Indonesian Unity
4. Population led by wisdom in representative deliberations
5. Social justice for all Indonesian people
After agreeing on the basic formulation of the state, the BPUPKI session
then discussed other independent state instruments, one of the most important is
designing the constitution or basic statute (UUD)

Important points that were discussed and agreed

upon were the statement regarding Independent Indonesia,
the Preamble, and the content of the 1945 Constitution. It
1. The territory of the state of indonesia
2. Form of the state (unitary)
3. Form of government (republic)
4. The national flag (red and white)
5. The national language (indonesian)
BPUPKI tasks were completed and disbanded on August 7,
1945. Then, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian
Independence (PPKI) was formed.

On the same day as the dissolution of

BPUPKI, a new agency called PPKI or
Dokuritsu Junbi Inkai was immediately
Japan almost dissolved after
Hiroshima was bombed by the United States
with the Allied approval on August 6, 1945. In
fact, a few days later, August 9, 1945, Japan
was hit again badly following the atomic
bombing in Nagasaki
Different from BPUPKI which
still involved Japanese, all PPKI members
were Indonesian.
The difference is, if the BPUPKI
membership is based on an ideological
background, the people who fill the PPKI
formation are selected on regional grounds.
The initial PPKI members
were 21 people, consisting of :
12 Javanese,
3 Sumatran people
2 Sulawesi people
1 Kalimantan person
1 person from Nusa Tenggara
1 Maluku person
1 person of Chinese descent
Sukarno as the chairman.
However, unbeknownst to Japan, the
PPKI membership was added by 6
more, bringing the total to 27
The goal of the PPKI was to "accelerate all final preparatory
efforts for the formation of an independent Indonesian
government". Meanwhile, PPKI duties include:

a) Inaugurating the preamble and content of the 1945

constitution which have been agreed upon at the BPUPKI
b) Preparing to transfer power from japan
c) Arrange everything related to state order after indonesia's
independence later.
Three PPKI leaders, Sukarno, Hatta, and
Radjiman, were invited to Dalat (Vietnam) to meet
marshal Terauchi on august 8, 1945. At that moment the
japanese government decided to grant independence to
Japan finally lost completely to the allies. And,
at the urging of the youth, indonesia declared its
independence on 17 august 1945. The proclamation of
independence was carried out without waiting for
japanese approval so that what Dai Nippon had planned
was not achieved.
The next PPKI session was held on 18 and 19 August 1945
which resulted in the ratification of the 1945 Constitution, electing
Sukarno and Hatta as President and Vice President of the Republic
of Indonesia, forming 12 Ministries and 4 State Ministers, and
forming a regional government consisting of 8 provinces.
In addition, the idea of forming an Indonesian National
Committee to assist the president and vice president was formulated.
This committee was inaugurated at its next session on August 22,
1945. It also resulted in the formation of the People's Security
Agency (BKR) as the armed forces of the Republic of Indonesia, the
Indonesian national army (TNI) and the Republic of Indonesia
police (POLRI)
The Japanese mission of deception ultimately failed even
though it had been planned well enough with the formation of
BPUPKI. The PPKI, which was formed afterwards, became an
affirmation that Japan had to surrender to the strength of the youth
and the movement in the case of Indonesian independence.
The fighters who were included in the proclamation of independence in
historical facts were included in the 45th generation. The essence and values of the
1945 force are as follows:
Nature and Spirit of Force 45
1. "Pro Patria" and "Primus Patrialis", namely always
having the spirit for the country and putting the
interests of the country first.
2. The spirit of solidarity or social solidarity from all
levels of society against the struggle for
3. A spirit of tolerance or tolerance between religions,
ethnicities and groups
4. Soul selfless and responsible
5. Knight's soul, greatness of soul that does not
contain revenge.
1. The spirit against foreign domination in all forms,
especially the colonization of one nation against
Spirit 45 2.
Spirit of sacrifice such as sacrifice of body, soul
and body
3. The spirit of suffering and resistance to the test
4. A spirit of heroism
5. The spirit of unity and oneness
6. Believe in yourself.
7. The nature, spirit and spirit of this 45 should be
used as an example of the positive attitude of the
younger generation towards the meaning of the
proclamation and the mystical atmosphere of the
first constitution.
One example of practicing Pancasila in everyday life includes:
1. Based on the precepts of God Almighty, we are obliged to believe and be devout
towards God Almighty
2. Based on the principles of Just and Civilized Humanity; in our association, we
must not differentiate between humans based on race or skin color, ethnicity,
class, rank, status and other things that undermine the dignity of others.
3. Based on the precepts of the Indonesian Unity; We must be proud to be the
nation and land of Indonesia, use domestic products, place unity and integrity,
and so on.
4. Based on popular principles led by wisdom in deliberation / representation, we
must respect the opinions of others in deliberation, participate in general
elections with a full sense of responsibility.
5. Based on the principle of social justice for all Indonesian people, we are obliged
to respect the results of the work of others, be willing to carry out mutual
cooperation, and do community service activities.

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