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Teacher Candidate: Emery Elton Date: 10/17/2022

Cooperating Teacher: Ms. Roseman Coop. Initials

Group Size: 24 Allotted Time 20 Minutes Grade Level 4

Subject or Topic: Animal Essay- Writing Section 015

Animal Essay Day 1

STANDARD: (PA/Common Core):
Standard - CC.1.4.4.C

Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and
examples related to the topic; include illustrations and multimedia when useful to aiding

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

The student will be able to develop the topic with facts, concrete details, quotation and
other information and examples related to the topic by using a graphic organizer to collect
information on their topic that will help them in writing their essay,
E. Assessment/Evaluation plan
1. Formative
● Assessment:
○ The teacher will confer and take anecdotal notes during independent writing.
● Documentation Tool/ Scale:
○ Note sheet
■ The teacher will take notes about the students during the roving
conferences and guided writing.
● Assessment:
○ The students will be taking a pretest on their knowledge of writing informative
pieces and of animal adaptations and habitats.
2. Summative
● N/A

III. Instructional Materials (includes amount)

● Graphic Organizer (24)
● Computer
● Examples of informative essay (6)
● Google classroom
● Google site

IV. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, new content)

A. Prerequisite Skills
○ Knowledge of how to collect research.
○ Knowledge of how to navigate a computer.
○ Knowledge of proper English grammar.
○ Knowledge of how to write a complete sentence.
A. Key Vocabulary
● Adaptation: A characteristic of a living thing that helps it survive in its
● Habitat: a home environment for plants and animals or other organisms.
A. New Content
● Writing:
○ Informative text
○ Compose a cohesive essay that informs the readers about the habitat, diet,
and adaptations of particular animals.
● Science:
○ Animal adaptations
■ Why that animal has a certain adaptation
○ Animal habitats
■ Different habitats are required for different animals to survive

V. Implementation

A. Introduction –
● Preparation:
○ The teacher will gather the students attention and begin to transition the students
from Reading to Writing.
■ “Put away all of your reading materials except your red folder and a
● Hook:
○ The teacher will give each table group a copy of the example essay that has been
cut apart by paragraphs.
○ The students will work in table groups in order to place the essay chunks in the
correct order the best that they can.
○ The teacher will call on a student to come arrange it in the correct order on the

B. Development –
● The teacher will give the pretest to students.
● The teacher will introduce the animal essay to the students
○ “The next two weeks, we will be focusing on writing an animal research paper. In
order to do this, you are each going to pick one animal out of the ones that I
selected and collect research about that animal. We will be learning step by step
how to turn your notes into a paper.”
● The teacher will then introduce the animals that they are able to write their animal essays
○ The teacher will show them the google site that contains all the information on the
● The teacher will then introduce the three main paragraphs of the essay.
■ Diet
■ Habitat
■ Adaptations
○ As the students, if they know what these words mean, define them and give
examples using a different animal.
● The teacher will pull sticks for the students to be able to pick their animal, this way the
students are evenly split between animals.
● The teacher will hand out the graphic organizer to the students.
● The teacher will model how to use it when organizing their notes, using the ELMO
● The students will begin to explore the google site and collect information on their chosen
C. Closure –
● Teacher will call all of the students back together in order to transition into their next
○ The teacher will have the students place all of their writing materials in their
writing folder so that they have it for the next day.
○ Teacher will have the students transition to social studies.
○ Tales of the Towpath out on their desks.

D. Accommodations
○ Student GF has an IEP that allows them to
■ Access to a handwriting self checklist
■ Clear concise directions
■ Consistent positive reinforcement
■ Graphic organizers or other organizational aids
■ Modified rubrics
■ Read questions to the student

○ Student DJ has an IEP that allows them to

■ Allowance for short, concise responses on written expression assignments
■ Clear concise language when giving directions
■ Constant positive reinforcement
■ Prompts and cues, reminders to participate.
■ Extended response time for processing
○ Student SG has an IEP that allows them to
■ Allowance for short concise responses on written expression assignments
■ Clear concise language when giving directions
■ Consistent positive reinforcement
■ Modified rubric
■ Read questions to the student
■ Rephrasing and repetition of directions/questions
■ Student verification of comprehension of oral directions
○ Student JR is identified as gifted and has an IEP that allows them to
■ Be provided with enrichment material related to broad-based issues,
themes, or problems while integrating multiple disciplines into the area of
■ Access to gifted support/seminar classroom for enrichment.
■ Be provided with above grade level reading materials to further develop
and stretch his understanding of the presented skill or topic.

● Students KS and AT are English Language Learners.
○ Give them extended time to write.
○ Clear concise language when giving directions.
○ Consistent positive reinforcement.

VI. Reflective Response

A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of States Objectives (Reflection on

students performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students
who failed to meet acceptable level of achievement)
B. Personal Reflection(Question written before lesson is taught.)(Reflective answers to
questions recorded after the lesson is taught.)
1. Was the lesson time efficient?

2. Were the students engaged for the entirety of the lesson?

3. Could I have assessed the student performance in a better way?

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