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Ambita, Jeffrey J.

BS Architecture 2A
The Bible: Its Accuracy and Credibility
“To err is human” which is according to a poet. This statement concludes that
making a mistake is a natural behavior of a human being. This is so because people have
different beliefs in terms of social, political and even spiritual or in religions which was
controlled by different factors such peers, cultures and place of origin. In the aspect of
religion, one way of determining one’s belief is with the issue of the bible’s credibility.
Who believe and who does not in the words of the bible. According to BBC (2011), the
bible was written at different times between 1200 and 165 BC. In this case there is no
definite date that the bible was written. The bible being written at different periods of
time, there may be miss out information. Also with its writers, too many individuals
were known to wrote it. Again, there is no definite person known to be responsible for
the publication of the bible. Yet, millions of catholic people base their lives on what the
bible was saying but there is no such study that shows and prove that it is reliable. One
discrepancy in bible’s content is about the Genesis chapter 1 where according to it, the
first man and woman were made at the same time and after the animals. While the
chapter 2 of Genesis gives a different order of creation being the man, then the animals,
and the woman. That is only one of the several contradictions of the bible’s content.
According to Sommer (n.d.), this is the reason why humanist and other catholic rejects
the bible.
However, in my own perspective, there’s nothing wrong in believing about the ideas of
the bible. It molds individual to be ruled by good doings. But in my case, I never let any
ideology of the bible limit the way I live. I am ruling my life with good doings as well as
never limiting myself with just a book. I believe in God and not in a book full of writings.
1. BBC. (2011). The Bible. The Bible As Library. Retrieved from
2. Sommer, J.C. (n.d.). Some Reasons Why Humanist Reject The Bible.
American Humanist Association. Retrieved from

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