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Ramos, Shane D.

BS Architecture
The bible reads a factual news about real events from the past. For
Christians, it is not just a normal book, it is like a law book that must be followed.
It contains the word of God, written to spread His words. Although there is no
specific year when the bible was written but it was said that the earliest writings
was 3500 years ago. The bible that was believed to carry the biography of Jesus
Christ and was used as a religious book is so famous even up to now. Its writings
and lessons was applied to human lives. Even though it was believed by many,
some questions the credibility of the bible because no one really knows what
really had happened in the past or who wrote its content. But since we now use
different modern technologies, the archaeologists are able to find evidences from
the locations written in the Bible. They have discovered the names of the
government official and the rulers or kings that reigned during their era. One
example that is discovered and proven true was the part where the Gospel of
John tells about how Jesus healed a person with cripple next to the pool of
Bethesda which has five porticoes or hallways before you get the site of the pool.
It was found by the archaeologists below the ground with complete porticoes
mentioned in the bible. Another example is the writings of four writers of the
bible, written in different timelines, shows similarities regarding its contents.
Scrolls with writings were also found. None of the archaeological findings
conflicted with the bible records. Even the locations mentioned was proven true
by the archaeologists. For me, it is not important when or who wrote the bible,
what’s important is that we learn and get life lessons in it. For as long as you
believe in God, you will not need any material to prove that He exist.

1. Strobel, L. (1998). The Case for
Christ. Retrieved from

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