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1. Identify the four potential traps that can create experimental difficulties.

• In addition to measurement error (explained above), other sources of error, or unexplained

variation, can obscure the results. Note that the term "error" is not a synonym with "mistakes". Error
refers to all unexplained variation that is either within an experiment run or between experiment
runs and associated with level settings changing. Properly designed experiments can identify and
quantify the sources of error.
• Uncontrollable factors that induce variation under normal operating conditions are referred to as
"Noise Factors". These factors, such as multiple machines, multiple shifts, raw materials, humidity,
etc., can be built into the experiment so that their variation doesn't get lumped into the unexplained,
or experiment error. A key strength of Designed Experiments is the ability to determine factors and
settings that minimize the effects of the uncontrollable factors.
• Correlation can often be confused with causation. Two factors that vary together may be highly
correlated without one causing the other - they may both be caused by a third factor.
• The combined effects or interactions between factors demand careful thought prior to conducting
the experiment.

2. What is a controlled experiment?

A controlled experiment is a scientific test done under controlled conditions, meaning that just one (or a
few) factors are changed at a time, while all others are kept constant. We'll look closely at controlled
experiments in the next section.

3. Identify some advantage /disadvantage of Design of Experiment

• It gives researchers a high level of control.
• It allows researchers to utilize many variations.
• It can lead to excellent results.
• It can be used in different fields.
• It can lead to artificial situations.
• It can take a lot of time and money.
• It can be affected by errors.
• It might not be feasible in some situations.

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