Cover Letter, CV, Diploma, Transcript - Salsabila Agustina Kusuma Wardhani

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Salsabila Agustina Kusuma Wardhani West Java, Indonesia

Fresh Graduate of Economics Science Garut 44151


Human Resource Development
PT. Daux Cosmetic
Garut, ID

Dear Mr/Mrs. HRD,

Through this cover letter, I intend to apply for the position of Administration Staff in PT. Daux
Cosmetic. My personal data are as follows:
Name : Salsabila Agustina Kusuma Wardhani
Place and date of birth : Depok, 27th August 1999
Last education : Bachelor’s Degree of Economics Science
Address : Bumi Malayu Asri 2 Blok 3 No. 38
Mobile : +628121067723
I have good experience in this position supported by Microsoft Office administrative skills and
experience as a secretary on international conference committees. I can work independently
or in a team. For consideration, I attach a number of complementary documents, including:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Copy of the last diploma
3. Copy of transcript
I really hope to be able to join and make a positive contribution to the company. If you have
any questions, I can be contacted via email address and mobile number. I hope there is an
opportunity for the next step.
Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,
Salsabila Agustina Kusuma Wardhani
Garut, West Java, Indonesia | +628121067723 | |


Highly motivated bachelor of economics science with internship, organization, and committee experiences. In my
previous role, I assisted and directed the research division staff in carrying out work programs until 75% of the work
programs reached the target. Passionate in analysis and business. Have a strong desire to keep exploring and
developing. Have excellent problem-solving, critical thinking, leadership, teamwork, communication, organizational,
well-organized and detail-oriented

PADJADJARAN UNIVERSITY Jatinangor-Bandung, West Java
Bachelor of Economics Science August 2017 – February 2022
• Cumulative GPA: 3.75/4.00
• Participated in Student Leadership and Professionalism Training activities in 2017

BAPPEDA Garut, West Java
Intern in the Division of Government and Social-Cultural February 2021 – March 2021
• Learned about the process of the regional development plan (RKPD 2022)
• Used Excel to recap and sort out data proposals Musrendes 2022 of community in government division and to
adjust the recapitulations of proposals Musrendes 2022 with regional apparatus organizations related to the social-
cultural field
• Contributed to government division’s ease of viewing main performance indicators of regional apparatus that is
under government division in 2019 – 2024 by adjusting and separating files of the regional apparatus that is under
government division

HIMA ESP FEB Unpad January 2019 – December 2019
Vice Head of Research Division
• Maintained the internalization of the research division and ensured staff of the division gets the appropriate
portion in the completion of work programs
• Made a timeline of 5 work programs and prepare a budget plan for each work program at the beginning of the
period to be submitted to the faculty
• Become a bridge of communication between the academic development board of directors and staff in the division
• Assisted in designing publications about phenomena associated with economics so that all people can understand
easily through the visualization of the infographic, with the result of publishing 7 infographics of a phenomenon
• Assisted staff in preparing and directing proposals, letters, and accountability reports for work programs with the
result that 4 work programs can be carried out according to the timeline that has been made

Secretary of International Student Conference on Asia Africa Studies 2018
• Communicated with all divisions in the committee related to letters for event purposes
• Took and organized attendance and notes on the progress, constraints, and plans of the 12 divisions of committees
at the meeting
• Created and managed 700 letters in Bahasa and English
• Managed participant administration at the day of the event
• Made an accountability report
Staff of Human Resource Development 2018
• Assisted HRD departments in interviewing candidates
• Became a group companion in helping Student Leadership and Professionalism Training participants to develop
themselves with the result that participants could graduate from 4 series of events
• Assessed participants in each series event for 3 weeks

Technical Skills: Competent Microsoft Office

Soft Skills: Communication, Creative, Critical Thinking, Detail Oriented, Organizational, Teamwork, Problem Solving


Languages: Native Bahasa, Proficient English

Courses Certification:
• Essential Excel for Business Analyst and Consultant at Udemy (April 2022)

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