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Safety and Risk Management

I. Introduction

1.3 Accident and Loss Statistics

Are important measures of effectiveness of safety programs


3 systems are considered (all report No of accidents and or fatalities for a fixed No of workers during specified period):

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) incident rate Fatal accident rate (FAR) Fatality rate, or deaths per person per year

1.3 Accident and Loss Statistics

OSHA Incident Rate (USA) based on cases per 100 worker yrs 1 worker yr = 2000 hours (50 weeks/yr x 40 h/week)


Applicability can also be based on lost workdays (instead of injuries and illnesses) provides information on all types of work-related injuries and illnesses (including fatalities) Better representation of workers accidents Fatality can not be extracted from OSHA inc. rate without additional information

1.3 Accident and Loss Statistics

FAR (UK) No of fatalities based on 1000 employees working their entire lifetime (50 yrs) Can be converted (if you know No exposed hours)


Fatality Rate (per person per yr) Independent of No of hours actually worked Useful for performing calculation on the general population (exposed hours poorly defined)

1.3 Accident and Loss Statistics


Glossary of Terms Used by OSHA and Industry to Represent Work-Related Losses Incident Rate- No of occupational injuries and/or illnesses or lost work-days/100 full time employees. Lost workdays- No of days (consecutives or not) after but not including the day of injury or illness which the employee would have worked but couldnt do so. Occupational injury- Any injury (cut, sprain, burn, etc) that results from a work accident. Occupational illness- Any abnormal condition or disorder caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment. Etc (see Crowl, D. and Louvar, J., 2002, p.6)

1.3 Accident and Loss Statistics

Tab 1.2: Accident Statistics for Selected Industries OSHA incident rate (days away and deaths) Industry Chemicals and allied products Motor vehicles Steel Paper Coal mining All manufacturing
Source: Crowl, D. and Louvar, J., 2002, p 8

FAR (deaths) 1986 4 1.3 8 40 7.3 1.2 1990 1.2 0.6

1985 0.49 1.08 1.54 2.06 2.22

1998 0.35 6.07 1.28 0.81 0.26 1.68

1.3 Accident and Loss Statistics

Tab 1.3: Fatality Statistics for Common Non-industrial Activities FAR Activity Staying at home Travelling by: Car Bicycle Voluntary Air Motorcycle Canoeing Rock climbing Smoking (20 cigarettes/day) Struck by meteorite Involuntary Struck by lightning (U.K.) Fire (U.K.) Run over by vehicle
Source: Crowl, D. and Louvar, J., 2002, p 9

Fatality rate

(deaths/E8 hours) 3 57 96 240 660 1000 4000

(deaths per person per year)


4xE(-5) 500xE(-5) 6xE(-11) 1xE(-7) 150xE(-7) 600xE(-7)

1.3 Accident and Loss Statistics


Ex 1.1 A process has a reported Far of 2. If an employee works a standard 8 hr shift 300 days per year, compute the deaths per person per year Ex 1.2 If twice as many people used motorcycles for the same average amount of time each, what will happen to (a) the OSHA incident rate, (b) the fatality rate, (c) the FAR, and (d) the total number of fatalities? Ex 1.3 If all riders used their motorcycles twice as much, what will happen to (a) the OSHA incident rate, (b) the FAR, (c) the fatality rate, and (d) the total number of fatalities? Ex 1.4 A friend states that more rock climbers are killed traveling by automobile than are killed rock climbing. Is this statement supported by the accident statistics?

1.4 The Nature of The Accident Process

Tab 1.6: Definitions for Case Histories Term Accident Hazard Incident Consequence Likelihood Risk
(Crowl and Louvar, p. 21)


Definition Occurrence of a seq. of events unintended injury, death or property damage Chem/phys cond. with potential for damage (people, property or environ) Loss of containment of material or energy Measure of expected effects of the result of an accident Measure of expected probability/frequency of an event Measure of human injury, envir. damage or econ. loss (in terms of accident likelihood and its magnitude) Quant. estimative of risk (engineering evaluation and math techniques, for combining estimative of incident consequences and frequencies) Using results of risk analysis to make decisions (either through a relative raking of risk reduction strategies or through comparison with risk targets) Description of events that in an accident or incident (with enough information to define the root causes)

Risk analysis

Risk assessment


1.4 The Nature of The Accident Process


Ex 1.6 Failure of a threaded 1 drain connection on a rich oil line at the base of an absorber tower in a large (1.35 MCF/D) gas producing plant allowed the release of rich oil and gas at 850 psi and -40F. The resulting vapor cloud is probably ignited from the ignition system of engine-driven recompressors. The 75 high x 10 diameter absorber tower eventually collapsed across the pipe rack and on the two exchangers trains. Breaking pipelines added more fuel to the fire. Severe flame impingement on an 11,000 horsepower gas turbinedriven compressor, waste heat recovery and super-heater train resulted in its near total destruction. Identify the initiation, propagation, and termination steps for this accident.


1.6 Four Significant Disasters

Tab 1.7: Four Significant Disasters Flixborough Where When Product England Jun-74 Caprolactam Failure improvised Causes b-passrelease 30t cicl-hexvap cloud ignexpl Plant+offic destroyed Conseq 28 casualties 36 work+53 civ enjur 10 days fire Safety review Prevent on desig/inst b-pass Standard modific inventory hazardous No workers injuried No equip damaged 2000 civ died 20,000 injuried Proper work of safety system (scrubber and flare) inventory interm MIC Rainsoil contamin 250 cases chloracne 600 people evacuated Stll adj area fenced Proper oper procedur Proper containment systems (HAZOP) Bhopal India Dec-84 Pesticides Serie oper failures release 25t MIC tox cloud spread town Seveso Italy Jul-76 Bactericides Reactor failure2kg TCDD(dioxin) release white cloud

Pasadena Texas-USA Oct-89 Polyethylene SOP failure release 85 kpounds flamm mixture massive explosion 23 fatalities 314 injuries $715 million cap loss SOP approp followed Proper HAZOP Proper lay-out of equip and facilities


would be

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