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Ectoparasite Morphology Life cycle and transmission Clinical Treatment Prevention

• 4 pair legs, 2 pair mouth parts,

no antennae, oval, separate
sex • Hard ticks: bacterial, viral and
• Ixodidae (hard ticks), rickettsia disease
Argasidae (Soft ticks) • primary vector for Borrelia • Few drops of
• Tick repellant, avoid tick
Ticks (Arachnida) kirna • No distinct head, thorax & • Egg, larva, nymph, adult of separate burgdorferi (Lyme disease), ether/chloroform on
infesting area, protective
in Nepali abdomen sexes. Range 1-2 yrs. and Babesia sp. head and pulling
• Anterior Capitulum-dorsal side • inflammation, edema, local straight out
(Hard ticks) & Ventral side hyperemia, hemorrhage, tick
(Soft ticks) paralysis
• Scutum present in hard ticks,
lack in soft ticks
• Cleaning clothes, dressing,
• Burrow skin, hair follicle, sebaceous
bedding by hot water and
• Scabies • Treatment: creams and drying in hot cloth dryer.
Mites (Arachnida) • Extremely small, still visible • Egg, larva, nymph, adult (2 weeks
• Pimple like lesions, night time lotion (permethrin • If clothes cannot be
Sulsule in Nepali with eyes, oval shape from egg to adult)
pruritis lotion) washed right away then
• Transfer from one person to
put it in plastic, so spread
can be prohibited.
• 3 pair powerful hairy leg, claw • Vector for Dipylidium caninum,
like feet, rear feet are long for Hymenolepsis nana,
• Egg deposited on ground-Larva (2-
jumping Hymenolepsis dimunita, • Protecting cats and dogs,
10 days incubation period),3 larva
Fleas (Insecta) Upiya in • mouth for piercing and sucking Yersinia pestis (plaque) cleaning the object which
stage-3rd stage mature larva spin • Remove the fleas
Nepali • comb like structure above • Some are asymptomatic, are touched by these
into cocoon, remain in this pupal
mouth (genal ctenidia) and intense itching, dermatitis, animals.
stage for 1 year-adult
pronotal ctenidia behind the ulcerations, nodular swelling at
head bite
• Tsetse fly- Africa
• Sand fly-Asia, S. America,
Central America,
Mediterranean Mexico
• Two pair wings (one pair small • Topical ointment, Tx
Flies (Crustacea) Jinga in • Egg-Larva (multiple stage)-cocoon (Leishmaniasis) • repellant, protective
than other), 1 pair eye, 1 pair for myiasis: complete
Nepali stage(pupa)-adult • Black fly- Africa, Mexico, clothing, hygiene
antenna, 3 pair legs excision of lesion.
Central and S. America
(onchocerca vulvus)
• Deer fly-Tropical Africa (Loa
• Enteritis and myiasis
• Wingless, 3 pair leg, claw like
feet extending from thorax, 1
• Crab lice transmitted via sexual
pair antenna, Mouth parts for
contact • benzene hexachloride
Lice (Insecta) Jumra in piercing and sucking blood. • Eggs (nits)- Nymph (3 stage) - Adult
• Pediculosis -infestation of lice, lotion (destroys eggs • Personal hygiene
Nepali • Head louse and body louse are (takes 24-27 days) Lives for 30 days
Itching, inflammation at bite and adult)
• Crab lice has hair on
• Anopheles – Worldwide: P.
vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae, P.
• Head, thorax, abdomen (10 falciparum • Repellant, insecticide,
Mosquitos (Insecta) • lotion and ointments
segments), 3 pair legs, 2 pair • Culex, Ades, Anopheles: destroy the stagnant
Lamkhutte/Maxxad in • Egg-Larva (4 larval form)-pupa-Adult (calamine & Benadryl
wings (one pair small), 1pair Wucheria broncrafti water around
Nepali lotions)
antenna • Anopheles, Mansonia, your house
Armigeres, Ades: Brugia malayi
• Irritating dermatitis

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