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February 23, 2022

Dear Mr. Reagan B. Ricafort,

Greetings from St. Paul University Manila!

This is to inform you that your research paper entitled “Teachers’ Readiness in Online
Distance Learning Modality at Pateros Technological College (PTC): Basis for A Learning
Management System Framework” has been accepted for POSTER Presentation to our
International Forum on Innovative Collaborative Learning (2022 FICL) on March 17-19, 2022.

Posters will be shown via our official website and FB page through an online poster carousel
during the College of Education session which will be on 17 March 2022, anytime from 1:30
PM to 5:00 PM. A certificate will also be awarded to all poster presenters before the end of the

Please send us a copy of your paper for the poster following the guidelines below:
1. Format: Title, Name of Researcher, Affiliated Institution, SOPs, Method, Results with
images if needed, Recommendations, References,
2. Limit to 1-2 pages, in Word document
3. Dark font and light background
4. Font size: 11; Font Style: Times New Roman
5. Email to on or before March 10, 2022

You may attend the 3-day FICL for free. Please register using this link: or email us at for any

Thank you for being part of FICL 2022.


Ma Encarnacion A. Dychangco, PhD, RN

Chair, 2022 FICL

Sr. Felicitas Bernardo, SPC
Dean, College of Education

Mary Grace Leongson, DBA, LPT

Vice President, Academics and Research

St. Paul University Manila is an Autonomous University PAASCU

by virtue of the Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order No. 7, series of 2021. ACCREDITED

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