Day 10

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DAY 10


For the fullness of his blessing to become ours, we must first
surrender our whole life. “Surrender”, an action that we are having a
hard time to do. We all know that in exchange to surrender is healing
but most of the Christians are having a difficult time surrendering it
to the Lord or even to their leaders. It will never be easy, but always
go back to the time where Jesus was being crucified in exchange for
our sin. He died because he wants us to live a life to the fullest. A life
that has a complete joy and peace and for us to experience we must
first let go of the old things that only consumes our flesh. We must
first let go of those things that makes us feel weak and makes us feel
anxious for most of the time. Surrendering it to the Lord doesn’t mean
that you have to surrender it one time big time, it’s a process, little
by little surrender it and one day you’ll not going to notice that you
surrender it already because you are now experiencing a life with joy
and a life with positiveness.

Letting go the old things is hard, you cannot let go of it by just one
day, or one night. But what’s important is there is progress, there is
hope that what you think is impossible is really a possible way.

“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but
with God all things are possible.””

Matthew 19:26 NIV

Think of those old habits that you need to surrender. Ask help for
others on how to deal with it and ask the holy spirit to guide you in
this journey to the process of surrendering.

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