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(LTE 133)

Dr. Siti Ayu Jalil

Provided by :

1. Discuss four reasons why a vacancy may occur in the organization.

- A better offer.
If we work in an organization, there is also an opportunity and space for us to get better
job opportunities than what we enjoy now. For example, other organizations that offer
more attractive salaries, a much better range of facilities, and a conducive workplace

- No career development at this position.

A worker certainly wants to develop a career and continue to learn something new in
their respective field of duty so that all the skills possessed can be honed and
developed for the good of the organization. But not all organizations are able to provide
career development and it makes a worker feel trapped in something organizational
and the same work routine and he makes someone a worker to leave the organization.

- Employers not flexible.

For example, employees know the set working hours of work dating and returning to
work but don't over-calculate wanting to leave early five to ten minutes for some reason
it's not allowed, and it doesn't happen every day. Employers should be considerate that
the employee's race also has a responsibility as a child, as a brother or sister, as a
husband or wife when it comes to managing family matters. For employees who are
child-wielding they may need to pick up a child at school and send their child to the
nanny's house for a while. So they need to take a little early to get out of the lunch

- Inexperienced top officer and distrustful of staff.

Having an experienced and knowledgeable top officer is necessary if it wants the
organization to continue to thrive and remain relevant. If the superiors are not
knowledgeable and experienced in how to care for and mobilize employees and
employers should know that many people now have extensive experience and can
overcome the minds of superiors in an organization.
2. Review the advertisement that your organization or any other organization of your
choice used in the past.

Advertisement source :

 Outline four strengths and four weakness of the advertisement

Advertisement is a medium to deliver or introduce goods, information, job
opportunities and so on. Among the methods of advertising delivery are through
social media, printed media, electronic media and many others.


1. Have officer information that can be connected if the candidate wishes to
inquire about the interview session.
2. The name of the position is specified in the job advertisement so that the
candidate is clear about the job offered to them.
3. In order to attend the interview session, the candidate does not need to fill in
the form manually and only need to complete the goggle form through the
link provided.
4. The closing date for registration for the interview session is stated in the
advertisement and makes it easier for the candidate to apply immediately so
as not to miss the opportunity provided.


1. The scope of work is also not specified in the advertisement. It needs to be
stated so that each candidate who applies is clear with the tasks they need
to do before applying for a job.
2. The placement of tasks is not specified it is because the company is able to
screen candidates who may be too far from work, and this will save time
during the interview sessions that will be conducted later.
3. In the advertisement also does not display the rate of salary, allowances and
other facilities offered by the organization. A display on salary can attract
quality candidates to apply for the position.
4. There is little talk about the company's background as an introduction and
with this the candidate is more confident to apply and a quality candidate will
also be able to present himself.

 Design an improved version

3. Write five potential interview questions which could be asked by the human resources
manager when selecting a new employee for the organization.

During the interview session there are several questions that a human resources
manager can potentially ask when choosing a new employee for the organization.
Among them are as follows:

a. Why do you want to work with our organization or company?

This question determines whether you are suitable or not working in this
company and whether you will add value to their existing team. Employees who
are seen as potential with the company's mission and values will be more
productive and stay in the company longer. The human resources manager will
try to find out if the person is you.

b. Why did you quit your old job?

Interviewers usually want to know why you left your last job. When the
candidate answers the question asked the interviewer can roughly assess the
personal views of the candidate.

c. What are your hopes for those who will hold this vacant position?
To better understand the candidates whether they are suitable for the company
or not, this question to highlight the relevant skills, knowledge and experience
you have gained over your previous career and link those experiences with the
responsibilities of the positions offered.

d. What advantages or strengths do you have to hold this position?

When human resources managers ask about your strengths, they want to hear
some key things about you which are self-awareness to evaluate your
performance at work. Second, it is that you have evidence to support the claim.
You can explain why your strength is really your strength. And thirdly, that is
why this quality naturally prepares you for success in the interview session. So,
the human resources officer will know your strength.

e. How did you hear about this position?

This is a simple question that an interviewer can use to help determine if you
are an active or passive job seeker. This assessment has a lot to say about your
passion for the job and how you can be expected to perform tasks at work if you
are offered the position.

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