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Adventist University of the Philippines

Department of Medical Laboratory Science

Seminar I
A Post-Webinar Report on
Awareness on Blood Donation
Ms. Rorelane M. Enriquez, RMT
By: Duke Harvey M. Tenchavez, 2022

Blood and blood products are life-saving resources not just for accidents, surgical operations, and
emergencies, but also for treating medical illnesses such anemia in children, genetic hemoglobin
abnormalities, immune-deficiency diseases, and the bleeding that occurs during pregnancy and childbirth.
Safe blood is essential for effective medical treatment. An essential element in halting the global spread of
infectious illnesses is having access to safe blood. One of the main medical treatments still used in the
treatment of critical illnesses such trauma, surgery, and chemotherapy is transfusion of blood and its
associated products. It is crucial that hospitals and urgent care centers always have quick access to a
particular amount of blood and its related products since there is nearly always an urgent need for blood to
save a life. The aforementioned emphasizes how crucial it is to find trustworthy blood donors. Appropriate
and safe blood and blood products should be obtained and easily accessible for usage in specific medical
situations in order to provide the greatest therapeutic outcomes. The problem of finding safe blood donors
and keeping an adequate supply of healthy blood persists despite substantial advancements in clinical
sciences. The best and safest way to donate blood is voluntarily and without payment. Proper screening
procedures should be regarded in its highest and strictest standards to avoid further transfusion errors and
deaths. Advancement in blood donation is highly regarded and raises an awareness to be more mindful and
be willing to donate blood for the security and safety of our health and those who needs help.

Raising awareness on blood donation is vital for the means of helping others. We can do the
following in order to help them through donating blood:
• To spread the word about the advantages of blood donation, post your donation date and your
motivation on social media.
• When you give, invite a friend or member of your family along. If they give, you will be able to
save twice as many lives. If they choose not to give, they will pass the time with you by keeping
you company and teaching you about blood donation!
• Create a blood drive in your neighborhood, at your library, business, place of worship, children's
school, gym, or any location that is convenient for your group.
• With your family and friends, discuss the significance of blood donation and your motivation for
giving the gift of life.
• Make a public commitment to give blood, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma a certain number
of times per year, and keep the public informed of your efforts.
• Share your story if blood donation has had an impact on you. Your example will encourage others
to contribute.

Regularly and freely donating blood builds up communities and helps healthcare systems. Dr.
Roderico H. Ofrin declaimed, "Everyone requires blood, yet finding safe blood for everyone who needs it
is still difficult globally. Regular, unpaid voluntary blood donations can contribute in reducing blood
shortages. They are heroes because their selfless gift helps save lives. Any of us may be a hero.”

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