GE1 Activity10 - Bello, AprilJoy

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Republic of the Philippines

Northwest Samar State University

Calbayog City, 6710
Website: http://www.
Telefax: (055) 2093657
Lesson Number
Lesson Title My Self Discipline and Self Control
Student Name April Joy S. Bello
Program BSED1 Values Education
Date Submitted December 6, 2021

Make an assessment of yourself against the indicators of self-discipline by answering the

following questions with “Yes” that applies to you.
1. Do I plan ahead, listing down what I will do for today, tomorrow and the
rest of the week? YES
2. Do I start working on the most difficult and stressful problems before the
pleasurable tasks ahead of me? YES
3. Do I complete the projects or activities I begin? YES
4. Do I avoid procrastinating (deferring for tomorrow what I can do for
5. Do I manage my time effectively, know and set-up my priorities? YES
6. Do I keep track of my schedule and insure that I finish tasks as scheduled?
7. Do I have a bad number of habits that I can’t seem to break? Like what?
8. Do I know how to keep confidential matters? YES
9. Do I see to it that my files are organized and in proper order? YES
10. Do I manage to keep myself physically fit, doing exercise and taking a
good diet to be able to have a constant flow of energy in my work?
11. Do I keep track of my lapses and delays in my job and do something about
it? YES
12. Do I keep my commitments and appointments on time? YES
13. Do I manage to continuously enrich my knowledge by reading and
studying? YES
14. Do I keep myself prepared for any meeting, report or presentation,
ensuring that I have data and documents I need? YES
15. Do I keep my commitments and appointments? YES
16. Do I take responsibility for my mistake rather than blame others? YES
17. Do I have control over my life and not allow others to influence me going
against my principles and convictions? YES
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Calbayog City, 6710
Website: http://www.
Telefax: (055) 2093657 18. Do I solicit
about developments in my department and attend to them?

19. Do I check my accomplishment against expected tasks in my “To do list”?

20. Do I practice the principle “clean as you go”. (This means not leaving
behind any file, clatter, or garbage after working. These should be cleared
or placed in their proper place or disposed of before leaving the work
area). YES

Assign a score of 1 of every yes answer.

A score of:
19-20 reveals that you are a highly disciplined person
16-18 is an average score
Below 16 reveals poor discipline. You need to organize your life to become

What does your score say about your level of discipline?

My score indicates that my discipline is average. When it comes to my workplace, I

am well-disciplined. I dislike working at a sloppy table with disorganized items. Working
in a clean and organized environment, in my opinion, motivates you to finish what you're
doing. Being in a positive environment has a positive effect on you. Aside from that, I am
also disciplined when it comes to completing tasks and handling responsibilities. I always
want to finish all of my tasks as soon as possible so that I don't have anything else to
think about in the coming days. I also know how to manage my time, which is why I
usually finish them on time.

Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Calbayog City, 6710
Website: http://www.
Telefax: (055) 2093657 Discuss your learnings and
realizations for this activity.
This activity is a huge help in determining how disciplined you are; it makes
you realize things you never thought about before. Aside from that, it gives you an idea of
where you need to improve. It makes you realize how important discipline is for your well-
being and encourages you to change the things you need to change.

Discipline keeps all of us on a path of testing in which we rarely succeed completely. Self-
discipline helps us achieve our goals and maintain a positive attitude. It is even said to be
the foundation of happiness and the most important requirement for success. Discipline
underpins every act of growth.

“There is no magic wand that can resolve our problems. The solution rests with our
work and discipline. ”

- Jose Eduardo dos Santos

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