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Developing Basic English communication skills



UNIT 2: Part 2 & 3

UNIT 2 – PART 2 – Things I love about the USA

G: Simple present: affirmative & negative
V: Verb phrases
P: Third person -s
He doesn´t
eat fish
They live in the

Vocabulary: Verb phrases

A. Complete the verb phrases with a verb from the list:

Go – read – work – have - listen

1.____________ a newspaper 4. __________ to the movies

2. ___________ to the radio 5. ___________ in an office
3. ___________ children
B. Vocabulary bank: Match the verbs and the pictures;

_____ cook

_____ _____ do

_____ drink

_____ eat

_____ go

_____ have

_____ like

_____ listen

_____ live

_____ play

_____ read

_____ say

_____ speak

_____ study

_____ take

_____ want

_____ watch

_____ wear

_____ work

C. Listen and check: (2)


Grammar: Simple Present,

A. Look at the four things people say about the US and Americans. Are they true or not? Read the text
and check your opinions:

B. Look at the highlighted verbs. Why do some verbs end in -s?

C. Write the HE/SHE /IT form of these verbs:
- change: _______________ -have: ________________
- talk: __________________ - go: _________________
- cook: ________________ - eat: ________________
D. Find two negative verbs. How are they different from affirmative verbs
For he/she/it: _______________________________________
For all other persons: ________________________________
E. Study and exercise:

F. Change the sentences:

My mom drinks coffee I drink coffee
1. I go to the movies She_____________________________________________
2. We live in an apartment He______________________________________________
3. She has two children They ____________________________________________
4. My dad doesn’t like cats I _______________________________________________
5. The stores close at 7.30 pm The supermarket________________________________________
6. We don’t study French My sister ______________________________________________
7. I do housework My husband ____________________________________________
8. I want a guitar My son_________________________________________________
9. I don’t work on Saturdays My friend_______________________________________________
10. Our classes finish at 5 o´clock My English class ________________________________________
G. Complete the sentences with positive or negative verbs:
Eat have listen play read speak study wear work
+ The study conomics.
1. – Pedro ______________________ in an office.
2. + Eva ________________books in English.
3. + You __________________ Arabic very well.
4. – I ____________________games on my phone.
5. + Paolo _____________ glasses.
6. + We _________________ to music on the bus.
7. – They _____________ fast food.
8. + Julia _________________ two children.
H. Write the 3rd person singular of the verbs
1. I join - he joins 2. I like - he ………… 3. I kiss - he …………….
4. I fly - he ……………. 5. I watch - he ………… 6. I enjoy - he …………….
7. I talk - he ……………. 8. I go - he ………… 9. I teach - he ……………
10. I buy - she …………… 11. I finish - she ……….. 12. I cry - she ……………
I. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences, as in the example:
1. I (live) in Edinburgh.

2. He _______________ (do) his homework every evening.

3. She’s a teacher. She ____________________ (work) at primary school.

4. “Are you a singer?” “No, I’m a pilot. I ____________ (fly) airplanes.

5. Joan _________________ (wash) her hair every day.

6. The museum _________________(close) at seven in the evening.

7. Daniel _______________(brush) his teeth every morning.

8. She ___________________ (study) Science at university.

9. Every Saturday, Paul ________________ (give) his dog a bath.

10. In the mornings, Betty __________________(take) her sister to school.

11. We ________________ (go) to the swimming pool at the weekend.

12. John and Mary ____________________ (have) a cup of tea in the afternoon.

J. Listen (6) and change the sentences:
Ex: I live in an apartment she She lives in an apartment

K. Say six true things about you ; three positive and three negative:
Ex. I wear glasses, I have short hair and I like coffee but
I don’t play the guitar, I don’t get up late or I don’t play soccer.

L. Say six true things about your best friend:

Ex: She teaches Math, she wears glasses and she likes tea but
She doesn’t sing, she doesn’t cook or she doesn’t like soccer

M. Reading:
My name is Annie and this is what I normally do.
I love to walk on the mountain. During the week I
wake up early and go for a small walk on the mountain.
I usually go with my father or my brother. We like
to get some fresh air before we start our day. We
live in the country far away from the city. We think
that our country life is wonderful because we are
away from the noise and pollution of the city. We
often walk for about one-half hour and then return to
our home. I always take my bus after our walk and
at about 8:30 a.m. and arrive at school at 9:00 a.m.
My father takes his car and goes to town to
work. He works at a veterinary clinic. He is a vet and
loves to help animals. We have 3 dogs and two cats.
On the week end we wake up early and go for a hike on the mountain. It is so nice to smell the fresh air and
see the wild animals. We stay there for about three hours and bring our lunch with us. As you can see my
family loves nature.

Why does the family like nature?

Because they can smell fresh air and see wild animals

1. Underline these words in the text, What do they mean? What are they?
Wake up a small walk far away noise pollution half a hike smell
Stay smell nature


1.______________Annie is a vet.
2.______________Annie does not like the mountain.
3. _____________ She doesn’t go to school.
3. ______________Annie lives in the city.
4. ______________Her father is a farmer.
5. ______________They never walk on the mountain.
6. _____________ Her family doesn’t love animals
7. ____________ The mountains are very polluted.

3. Fill in the gap with the right tense of the verb.

Annie_________( like) to walk on the mountain. During the week she ___________(wake up) early and
___________(go) for a small walk. She usually ________(go) with her father and brother.
She__________(like) to get some fresh air. She_______ (live) in the city .
She always________ (take) the bus at 8:30. a.m. and ______(arrive) at school at 9:00 a.m.
Her father____________(take) his car and_________(go) to town to work.
He__________(work) at a clinic. He__________(love) animals.
They_______(like) to go to the mountain on the week end and___________(see) the animals.
Annie________(stay) there for about three hours with her family. Annie’s family ______(love)
4. Watch the video and complete the sentences:
1. Mark is a ________________________
2. Mark is a ___________________________
3. He ____________________at nine o’clock.
4. He ____________________at ten o’clock.
5. He _________________________at eleven o’clock.
6. He ___________________________ at twelve o’clock.
7. He ____________________________at one o’clock.
8. He ________________________at two o’clock.
9. In the afternoon, he ___________________, he _________________ and he _________________
10. Does Mark go out in the evening? No, he _________________. He _______________ too ____________

5. A rock star talks about her daily routine.
Listen to the mp3 file and put the words from the table into her itinerary. There are four extra phrases you don't
need to use. Then listen again to check.

lunch with my friends

a coffee to eat in a restaurant

to bed until about midday

my newspaper my e-mail

a pastry and a to relax

coffee the internet

arrive do some shopping

with the music first

Elisa's Diary
7.00: I get up.
8.00: Check _________________________________ .
9.00: Use _____________________________ .
10.00: Have ____________________ in a cafe and read __________________________ .
11.00: My car arrives to take me to the studio.
12.00: Drink ____________________________ with other members of the group. Then start work.
1.00 - 2.00: Recording in the studio.
3.00: Eat _________________________________
4.00 - 6.00: Help the rest of the group ____________________________________ .
7.00: ____________________________ home.
9.00 - 10.00: Go out _______________________________ .
11.00: Go ____________________________ .

Online exercises:

G: simple present ?
V: Jobs I’m a
P: /ər/ nurse.

do you

1. Vocabulary: jobs
A. Order the words to make words for jobs:
1. ACTEHRE: ________________ 2. ROCAT: _______________ 3. TRIEWA: ______________________
4. AXTIRREDIV: ________________ 5. PTIREONICEST: ______
B. Match the words and pictures _____ an administrative assistant
______ an architect
______ a chef
______ a construction worker
______ a dentist
______ a doctor
______ an engineer
______ a factory worker
______ a flight attendant
______ a front desk clerk/a receptionist
______ a hair stylist
______ a journalist
______ a lawyer
______ a (bank) manager
______ a model
______ a musician
______ a nurse
_______ a pilot
_______ a police officer
_______ a salesperson
_______ a soccer player
_______ a soldier
_______ a teacher
_______ a veterinarian _______ a waiter/waitress

And you? What

do you do?

What do you do in a normal , regular day?


2. LISTENING. A. Listen to a game show called His job, her job. A team of three people ask Wayne
questions about his job and his wife Tanya’s job. Write W next to the questions they ask Wayne about
his job and T next to the questions they ask about Tanya’s job. (10, 11)

B. Listen again, What are Wayne’s answers.

Write YES , NO or D (it depends) after each

C. Look at the answers. What do you think

his job is? What about her job?

D. (2.12 ) Listen to the end of the game

show. What do Wayne and his wife do?


Let’s study and exercise:

A. (2.13) Complete the questions. Listen and check. Why are questions 3 and 4 different?

1. _____________ you work with other people? Yes , I ____________.

2. _________ you work in an office? No, I don’t

3. ___________ she work with computers? No, she ________________.

4. ____________ she work on weekend? Yes, she ____________.


C. Complete the questions with do or does;

1. ___________ she have any qualifications 2. ________ you speak a foreign language?

3. _______ Jamie play the guitar? 4. _________ you like Mexican food?

5. _______ you study another language? 6. ________ your dad cook?

7. ________ school children wear a uniform? 8. _________ people in your country work long hours?

D. Make questions:

A: She works at night. B: Does she work on weekends?

1. A: He likes sports. B: __________________ tennis?

2. A: She speaks foreign languages. B: _____________________Chinese?

3. A: I don’t eat fast food- B: _______________________pizzas?

4. A: They cook Italian food. B: ___________________________lasagna.

5. A: Teresa doesn’t live in an apartment. B: _______________________ in a house.

6. A: I want a new phone. B: ______________________ an iPhone?

7. A: My dad drives a Ferrari. B: _______________________ fast?

Online exercises:


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