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MIMT MIS 2022 Spring Midterm


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1. (Please answer this question in long maximum 120 words)

1.1 What was the size of the market capitalization of Facebook in November 2021?

1.2 How many active users per day in November 2021?

1.3 What were the major concerns for Facebook in November 2021?

1.4 Is it possible for Facebook to use growth by acquisition strategy in the year 2022? What are
the reasons for your answer?


1.1 As of November 2021 the market capitalization of facebook was $950 billion.

1.2 The active daily users were under 3 billion which is more than the population on India and
China combined.

1.3 The major concerns for facebook was that the company was facing political scandals as well
as some social issues for example less privacy for users etc.

1.4 Yes according to me it is beneficial for facebook to use the growth by acquisition strategy.
Even is growth by acquisition had some negative effects but the positive effects outbound these.
As Facebook acquired instagram the user base for the media increased with new addition of
features by facebook.In 2022 because of the pandemic the world is still moving towards a virtual
side growth by acquisition will be a profitable choice.Even if the pandemic is over the joy of
virtual world is enjoyed by so many people hence there won’t be a decrease in number of users
but users might increase in the coming years.

2. (Please answer this question in long maximum 120 words)

2.1 What are the nine elements of the Business Model Canvas?

2.2 What is a good value proposition?

2.3 What are the possible example of values?

2.4 What is value innovation?


2.1 The nine elements of the business model are:

1. Customer Segments
2. Key Partnerships

3. Key Activities

4. Revenue Streams

5. Value Propositions

6. Channels

7. Key Resources

8. Customer Relationships

9. Cost Structure

2.2 A good Value Proposition is a unique combination of features that will either solve a
customer’s problem or bring them additional value.

2.3 The possible example of values are:

 More productive
 More convenient
 Simpler
 Lower cost
 Lower risk
 More stylish
 More fun
 More positive influence on the world

2.4 Value innovation is to increase user experience by getting in new technologies but also
reducing the cost. The innovation should add value to the users life and also be the ultimate
option for the users in term of a good user experience at a relatively less cost.

3. (Please answer this question in long maximum 50 words)

3.1 Is Mete’s metaverse a value innovation?

3.2 What are the reasons for your answer?


3.1 Meta verse value innovation is to get users across the world together and give them the best
user experience. They are aiming to give users a virtual experience that cannot be provided by
ay other platforms.
3.2 As seen in the passage meta verse is connecting people for different purposes like giving a
global market to business, giving a virtual experience of outer world to shy individuals, in
pandemic connecting people all around the globe to each other.

4 to 9.

Please use buyer utility map to analyze Meta’s metaverse from questions 4 to 9.

4 (Please answer this question in long maximum 150 words)

What are the positive and negative attributes (of Meta’s metaverse) in customer productivity?
What are the reasons for your answer?


The customer productivity can be seen in 6 stages of the buyer utility map, lets take a look at
each stage and categorize them in positive and negative effect:

Positive: Firstly the purchase of the product is easy.No need to purchase any additional aspects.
Delivery is convenient as consumers don’t need to go out to purchase or wait for packages.Use
of the product complexity depends on the age of the users. A large number of young population
finds it easy to use but might b a little difficult of senior citizens. Lastly disposal is very easy of
the app. Also if a user does not want to use the app they can deregister themselves or logout.
And in future if they want to rejoin it is easy to join again and not time consuming.

Negative: Supplements of these products are good internet and good latest mobile device.This
might be expensive for some people and hence people might now be able to us the
platform.Similarly for maintenance the device need storage, a good internet connection and
incase the app is not updated crashes in existing version is experienced.

5. (Please answer this question in long maximum 150 words)

What are the positive and negative attributes (of Meta’s metaverse) in simplicity? What are the
reasons for your answer?


Positive: As we can meta verse is a way to connect people all over the world. This not-only helps
in social life but also in professional life as this app can help people do business all over the
world. If anyone is finding a particular job they can get connected to many companies or
individual trying to find someone with similar background. People can run online business with
the help of the app.

Negative: It is true that this app will get people close isn a professional way but there aspects
such a frauds, misleading information as well.Even after strengthening the security for the users
there are still someone loop holes where fake profiles of fraudsters cannot be distinguished
hence some people have to suffer.
6. (Please answer this question in long maximum 300 words)

What are the positive and negative attributes (of Meta’s metaverse) in convenience? What are
the reasons for your answer?


Positive: It can't be overlooked how learning and instruction were influenced during the Covid
pandemic, as over 90% of understudies couldn't proceed with their examinations, and we
needed to track down alternate ways of continuing schooling.This is while web based learning
turned into the new standard, using stages like Zoom.With the metaverse, learning will be more
available than any other time in recent memory. The actual area of the study hall never again
should be thought about. Individuals from around the world will actually want to share data and
concentrate together progressively in an active instructive climate.Also, since we have full
command over what the understudies see inside the metaverse, conveying thoughts and ideas
will be more straightforward with visual learning. As the understudies will actually want to
encounter authentic peculiarities directly before them rather than hypothetically. Envision
meandering the roads of Ancient Rome to get a genuine investigate what life resembled in those

Negative:As the virtual world will get convenient for mor and more users there will be less in
human interaction. The interaction will be only limited to behind the screens. As children will get
used to the online way of learning hence not going to school, no physical activities no
conversations will also affect the growth in a negative way. Slowly the convenience of this app
will widen the distance between the people.

7. (Please answer this question in long maximum 300 words)

What are the negative attributes (of Meta’s metaverse) in risk? What are the reasons for your


Negative: There are multiple risk to users from metaverse. Firstly as metaverse has received
black-lash for not protecting users privacy. For all individuals protecting their privacy is
important. Similar to the founder Zuckerberg his privacy is important to him hence he bought
the houses around his house-to protect his privacy. Similarly the the threat to user privacy
which should be taken care of is not being done properly which is a big threat.The world moving
to a virtual platform will not only reduce human interaction in person but also make people
loose their jobs where human interaction is the only way to earn a living. Eg vegetable
vendors.The world moving online to shopping or doing business has affected the life of these
people.Online learning has got students access to study material 24/7 but has also increased the
students to loose confidence in real life. People are more comfortable giving presentations
online rather than in person.The VR availability does not allow parents to keep a watch on the
children to monitor if they are doing something wrong. Today, to draw in with, connects by
informing, friending, or generally attempting to reach us on stages like Instagram, Facebook, and
so forth their capacity to contact is for the most part restricted to broadening message based
messages, photographs, emoticons, and so on.Notwithstanding, envision an undesirable
individual having the option to come into somebody's virtual space and "get very close" with
that individual in the metaverse. Without strong systems to report, forestall, and follow up on
this progressively, this could prompt undesirable lead. With haptic innovation, the dangers that
damages in the metaverse will feel more "genuine" are not unrealistic given that many
organizations are attempting to consolidate contact as an extra sensation in a vivid reality.

8. (Please answer this question in long maximum 300 words)

What are the positive and negative attributes (of Meta’s metaverse) in fun and image? What are
the reasons for your answer?


Positive: A good aspect concerning the metaverse is that it will permit individuals to encounter
an interminable virtual world, where they can do things they just longed for utilizing a
symbol.Similarly for instance, you will actually want to make your #1 loosening up spot in
nature, yet this nature will be virtual. You will actually want to change the landscape similarly as
you would change the backdrop on your PC. It resembles the web on a totally new level, 3D and
completely vivid.A more simple variant of the metaverse idea should be visible in the game
Decentraland, an open existence where you can pick a symbol, mess around, go to shows, meet
individuals, mine, make NFT wearables, investigate, and so forth.Meta verse also gives people
fashion advice and help them increase their fashion sense also gives people a free way to exhibit
their ideas and get comments about the same from others.

Negative: The online concerts will make everything comfortable but people might not be able to
enjoy and feel of physically being there. Metaverse will help people show their opinions and
share theirs ideas but s the audience is global people from all over the world will given their
views which might be good or bad and hence this might affects the mental well being of people
who experience blacklash.

9. (Please answer this question in long maximum 200 words)

What are the positive and/or negative attributes (of Meta’s metaverse) in environmental
friendliness? What are the reasons for your answer?


Digital currencies such as Bitcoin reached new highs in the last 12 months. But even more so,
there has been a veritable NFT hype. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are now ubiquitous, in the
form of pixel images, real estate, entire studio albums and other digital extensions of reality.
After Bitcoin, NFTs have become the second most valuable cryptocurrency. Especially for young
and unknown artists, they serve as a new distribution channel. Most NFTs are stored in the
Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum has established itself the standard marketplace for NFTs.Unlike
Bitcoin, Ethereum is not a pure cryptocurrency, but a platform for creating, managing and
running decentralized programmes such as crowdfunding or online voting. All these processes
consume a lot of energy, so the CO₂ balance is an environmental problem. This doubt was
already raised in 2018, when Digiconomist author Alex de Vries estimated in a study that
Bitcoin's annual electricity consumption is equivalent to Ireland's total annual consumption. This
is particularly problematic for the environment, as this energy is mainly derived from fossil fuels.
But solutions are on the horizon.

10. (Please answer this question in long maximum 250 words)

From your analysis of questions 4 to 9,

10.1 Please use the Byer Utility Map, identify blocks to utilities across the buyer experience cycle
of a social media app, and which blocks to utilities that Meta will be able to clear?

10.2 Is Meta’s Metaverse a blue ocean strategy?

10.3 What are the reasons for your answer?



Buyer utility of a social media

The Buyer Experience Cycle

Purchase Delivery Use Supplements Maintenance Disposal
Customer V V
The Utility Levers

Simplicity V V
Convenience V X X
Risk X
Fun and Image V
Environmental X
V: currently offered utility X: blocked utility

Buyer utility of Meta

The Buyer Experience Cycle

Purchase Delivery Use Supplements Maintenance Disposal

Customer V V X
Simplicity V
Convenience VV V
Risk X VV
Fun and Image VV
Environmental V

V: currently offered utility VV: Utility Unlocked by Meta X: blocked utility

10.2 Yes meta verse is a blue ocean strategy.

10.3 Meta verse is providing users technologies at a low cost that is fulfilling all the consumers
demands and joining the real world to technologies to make things easy with the help of
introduction of new tenchologies.Because of meta versepeople can connect all Over the world
and make professional connection and carry out business. It give online platform to students to
reach out to studymaterial 24/7.

11 (Please answer this question in long maximum 100 words)

11.1 If you were CEO of Meta. Would you create Meta to be a platform linking all metaverses
together or just an individual metaverse?

11.2 What are the reasons for your answer?


11.1 If I was the CEO I would create a meta connecting all platform linking to all metaverse.

11.2 This was I can enjoy the monopoly in the business. Whoever joins any metaverse will-come
under same metaverse which is globally connected hence increase the user base.As the user
base will increase the more the revenue the more additions can be done by investing more in
the existing meta verse.Linking all metaverse together will also make it easy for people to
access information.
12. (Please answer this question in long maximum 200 words)

Matthew Ball argues that it is developers who will control the metaverse, the digital creators
who will build what Meta hopes to be a blue ocean, a new market space that is a win for society
and customers.

12.1 Do you agree?

12.2 What are the reasons for your answers?

12.3 What are the potential revenue for the developers to build apps for the Meta’s metaverse?


12.1 Yes I do agree.


12.3 The potential revenue for the developers to build apps for meta verse according to stated
by Mark Zuckerberg is $10 billion for the first year.

13. (Please answer this question in long maximum 400 words)

If you were CEO of Meta.

13.1. If Meta is committed to using less data for targeted advertising, as it claims, what might be
its business model? What will be the main sources of revenue in this new business model?

13.2 How do you convince people that Meta will be willing to abandon granular invasive data
collection and the high-margin revenue it generates?




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