Islamic Family Law

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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2022/ 2023






LEVEL: Undergraduate

PAPER STATUS: Compulsory


1. Dr. Kasozi Edriisi Sinani

2. Ms. Sharifah Bakka
3. Mr. Yusuf B


The course provides an overview on the following;

1. The administration of Muslim Personal Law in Uganda as enshrined in Article 129 (1) (d)
of the Constitution.
2. The Family System in law in Islam as compared to Common law System.
3. Formation and dissolution of marriage in Islamic law.
4. The concept of polygamy in Islam, the rationale and the misconceptions.
5. Children, custody, adoption and family property.
6. The course also introduces the students to the principles of Islamic inheritance and the
laws of succession.


1. To appreciate the Islamic teachings on marriage, divorce, guardianship and inheritance

of property.
2. To equip students with the modern methods of application and administration of Islamic
personal Law in a secular/ Common Law based judicial system.

3. To compare the secular/ Common and Islamic Law approaches towards Domestic
Relations Laws


The course will be conducted through lectures, discussions, moots and presentations. Each
student shall have an opportunity to make at least one presentation during the course and the
class will be expected to respond by critically evaluating the presentation made. During the
presentations, student contributions individually and collectively will be assessed by the tutor in
order to develop their individual and team skills in applying their knowledge to the problem in

* Class attendance should be 75%.

*This course outline is a guide to the reading materials but not exhaustive of the research work
expected of the students.


Class presentation, course work & test 30%.

The examination will consist of course work 30% and the final written examination of 70%.


Preamble: Introducing the course. Readings

1. Definition of Islamic Law A.B.K Kasozi (1996), The Development of a forward

2. The general and specific objectives of Islamic Looking Muslim Community in Uganda; Progressive
law Publishing House Ltd.
3. Primary and secondary sources of Islamic
Abdul Rahman Doi; Sharia: (1984), The Islamic Law,
law –i- Quran & Hadith.
Taha Publishers, London.
ii- Ijma- consensus of Muslim scholars,
Duri, A A, (1986), The Encyclopedia of Islam Leiden Brill.
Qiyas- analogical deductions, Istihsan-juristic
preference & Masalih al Mursalah- public Maria Nassali, (2017), The Politics of Putting Asunder:
interest. The Family, Law and Divorce in Uganda. Fountain
4. The reception and position of Islamic Law in
Uganda since 1844 Muhamud Sewaya (2003); The Domestic Relations Bill-
5. The 1995 C.O.U & the right to marry and A Legislator and a Practitioner’s Perspective: Is there
found a family. (Article 31) Haemont for Islam and Proposed Domestic Relations
6. The administration of Muslim Personal Law Bill?
in Uganda i.e. Laws applicable:
Muhamud Sewaya (2013); The Administration of
- The 1995 Constitution of Uganda
Muslim Personal Law 2008: What it means for the
- Article 29 (1) (c)-freedom to practice any
Uganda Muslims in Accessing Family Justice.
religion & Article 129 (1) (d)-establishment
of the Qadhi Courts. Muhamud Sewaya (2017); State of Muslim Family
- The Marriage and Divorce of Mohammedan Justice: A Critical Examination of the Law Governing
Act, Cap 252. Muslim Marriages and Divorce in Uganda in Maria
- The administration of Muslim Personal Law Nassali’s, “The Politics of Putting Asunder: The Family,
Bill 2008 Law and Divorce in Uganda.”
7. The nature of Qadhi courts.
8. Legal status of the Qadhi/ Sharia courts in
9. The jurisdiction/force of the Qadhi courts.

-Relevancy of Article 274 on the operation of the

Qadhi courts.

10. Relevant Case law on the court’s legal status;

-Sumaya Nabawanuka vs Med Makumbi (High

Court Kampala, Family Division Divorce Cause

No. 39 of 2011).

- Re Hamza Mohamed and Nashat Mohamed

(minors) (HC (Family) Misc App No. 89 of 2012).

Chapter One: An Overview of Family System in Readings

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Translation of the Holy Quran, Kutub
1. The definition and meaning of family. Q2:35, Rhana Ishsratul Islam, India 1996
Bromley’s Family Law (1981), Butterworth & Co.
2. Unique Characteristics of an Islamic family
Publishers Ltd.
Muhammad Iqbal Siddiq (1994). The Family Laws of
-Divinity Q30:21
Islam, Lahore; Kazi Publications.
M.I. Siddiq (1998), Family Laws of Islam. International
-practicability Islamic Publishers.

3. Forms of family in Islam

4. Significance of a family in Islam
5. Challenges of the contemporary family
6. The purpose of marriage in Islam

Chapter Two: Formation of Marriage Readings

1. Definition, meaning and perception of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Translation of the Holy Quran, Kutub
Marriage.Q- 30:21. Rhana Ishsratul Islam, India 1996.
2. Preliminaries to marriage in Islam.
Bukhari Sahih, especially Kittab Al Nikah’ (Book of
-Selection of a partner. Marraiage).

- The marriage proposal. C.M Shafqat (1986). The Muslim Marriage, Dowry &
Divorce, Lahore Shah Press.
3. Nikah, (Marriage contract) and its nature.
4. Essential Conditions of a Marriage contract. Usamah Umar Alshaqar (2000), Mustajidaat fil Qadhaya
Al Zawaj (Urdun); Dar AL Nafis
-the marriage partners, age and prohibited
degrees of marriage. Q-2:221, 4:23.

-offer & acceptance.

-Consent of the parties.

-The guardian & their consent.


- Mahr (bridal gift)/ Dower Q4:4

-publicity of marriage Q4:24

Chapter Three: Marital Rights, Duties and Readings

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Translation of the Holy Quran, Kutub
1. Quran 2:228, 2: 187, 7:189, 2: 223, 31: 21 Rhana Ishsratul Islam, India 1996.
2. Obligations of a husband / a wife’s rights
Bukhari Sahih, especially Kittab Al Nikah’ (Book of
-kind treatment Quran 4:19
-Family maintenance and protection Quran
4:34 C.M Shafqat (1986). The Muslim Marriage, Dowry &
3. Obligations of a wife/ a husband’s rights. Divorce, Lahore Shah Press.

-Obedience Quran 4:34 Usamah Umar Alshaqar (2000), Mustajidaat fil Qadhaya
Al Zawaj (Urdun); Dar AL Nafis.
-House management Q 4:34
Abdul Rahman Doi; Sharia: (1984), The Islamic Law,
4. Joint Rights.
Taha Publishers, London.
-Right to fidelity, chastity and self-respect
-Right to conjugal enjoyment Roshash (2013), A Glimpse on some issues in the Islamic
-Right to fair and kind treatment Law Viewpoint, Falah Publishing House, Mnazi Mmoja-
5. Maintenance of the wife Zanzibar.
6. Condition for maintenance
7. Loss of the right to maintenance

Chapter Four: Dissolution of Marriage Readings

1. Background and reason-ending of Abdul Rahman Doi; Sharia: (1984), The Islamic Law,
unsuccessful marriage to prevent future Taha Publishers, London.
trouble like domestic violence and harm to
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Translation of the Holy Quran, Kutub
either parties.
Rhana Ishsratul Islam, India 1996.
2. Definition of divorce
Bromley’s Family Law (1981), Butterworth & Co.

3. Quranic Authority on divorce Q 65:1 Publishers Ltd.
4. Grounds for divorce
Bukhari Sahih, especially Kittab Al Nikah’ (Book of
- Long absence of a spouse
- Failure to provide for the wife
- Chronicle disease C.M Shafqat (1986). The Muslim Marriage, Dowry &
- Mistreatment Divorce, Lahore Shah Press.
- Deceptive representative
Commission of Ottoman Jurists (1867-77), Majjalat Al
- Etc
Ahkam Al-adliyyah
5. Conditions of a valid divorce
- Capacity Jamal Nasir (1986), The Islamic Laws of Personal Status,
- Free consent London: Scorpions Publishers.
- Clear intentions
Muhammad Iqbal Siddiq (1994). The Family Laws of
6. Timing of divorce
Islam, Lahore; Kazi Publications.
7. Procedural steps to divorce
- Careful analysis of the marital problem Neil Baille (1965), Digest of Mohammed Law, Lahore
- Disciplinary action Q 4:33, 4: 34, 4: 35, Premier Book House.
- Kind counsel Usamah Umar Alshaqar (2000), Mustajidaat fil Qadhaya
- Temporary abandonment in bed Al Zawaj (Urdun); Dar AL Nafis.
- Symbolic beating
- Llaa Q 2:226
- Family arbitration and counsel
- Divorce
8. Kinds of Divorce
-According to attribute
- According to effect
9. According to attribute;
- Talaq Sunni
- Talaq Bidi’i

Case law: Shayara Bano v.Union of India &

Ors (Triple Talaq Judgment).

10. According to effect Q 2:229 &2:230.

- Revocable divorce
- Irrevocable divorce
11. A wife’s right to dissolve marriage Q2: 229.

-Khulu’u Q4: 128

- Fasakh

-Quranic authority 2:229
-Haidth of Thabit Ibn Qays
-Legal Consequences
Read the case of Mifumi v Attorney General
Constitutional Appeal No. 2 of 2014.
12. Lian Q: 24: 6-7.
- Definition and its implication.
13. Zihar, its implication and legality.
Q 58:1-4, the case of Khawla bint Thalabah.

Chapter Five: The waiting period (iddah) Readings

1. Definition and meaning. Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Translation of the Holy Quran, Kutub
2. Purpose Rhana Ishsratul Islam, India 1996.
3. Kinds;
C.M Shafqat (1986). The Muslim Marriage, Dowry &
- By course Q 2: 228
Divorce, Lahore Shah Press.
- By months Q 65:4, 2: 234
- BY delivery Q 65:4 Muhammad Iqbal Siddiq (1994). The Family Laws of
4. Rights and Obligations during the iddah Islam, Lahore; Kazi Publications.
Usamah Umar Alshaqar (2000), Mustajidaat fil Qadhaya
5. Provision after divorce (Alimony/ mataa’)
Al Zawaj (Urdun); Dar AL Nafis.
Quran 2: 241, 65:6, 33: 49, 2:236.
-the parting gift
-long maintenance for the wife until
-Nature of mataa/

Chapter Six: Polygamy Readings

1. Definition and meaning Joseph M.N. Kakooza, The Application of Customary

2. The background of polygamy Law in Uganda; The Uganda Living Law Journal (2003),
3. Polygamy in the holy texts Vol.1 No. 1.
-Quran 4:3 & the Sunna of the prophet.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Translation of the Holy Quran, Kutub
-Bible (Judges 8:30, 10:45, 12: 14), (Kings
Rhana Ishsratul Islam, India 1996.
9:16, 11: 3)
4. Procedures and requirements C.M Shafqat (1986). The Muslim Marriage, Dowry &
5. The rationale for polygamy Divorce, Lahore Shah Press.
6. Women’s rights safeguards and polygamy
Muhammad Iqbal Siddiq (1994). The Family Laws of
7. Polyandry

Case law. Islam, Lahore; Kazi Publications.

Uganda v John Eduku ([1975] HCB 359) Usamah Umar Alshaqar (2000), Mustajidaat fil Qadhaya
Al Zawaj (Urdun); Dar AL Nafis.
Alai v Uganda ([1967] EA 596)

Ayoob v Ayoob (Civil Appeal No. 34 of 1967)

Chapter Seven: Children, Paternity and Family Readings

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Translation of the Holy Quran, Kutub
1. Definition of a child Rhana Ishsratul Islam, India 1996.
2. Children’s rights
C.M Shafqat (1986). The Muslim Marriage, Dowry &
-Right to paternity
Divorce, Lahore Shah Press.
-Right to maintenance
-Right to custody and care Joseph M.N. Kakooza, The Application of Customary
-Right to inheritance Law in Uganda; The Uganda Living Law Journal (2003),
-Right to education/ religion. Etc Vol.1 No. 1.
3. Adoption in Islamic Law
Majisul Ulama of South Africa (Port Elizabeth), Kitaabul
-Background of adoption in Arabia
Meerath; The Book of Inheritance, Young Men’s Muslim
-Does Islam recognize adoption
Association, South Africa.
-Authorities, Quran 33:5, 33: 38
-Hadith Shafuah Moh’d Shariff, (1992), Maintenance of Married
4. The Rationale Women and Children, a Comparative Study of Civil Law
5. Islamic teachings on the care of and Islamic Law: Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM. Petaling Jaya.
orphans and the needy.
6. Family property in Islamic Law
- Entitlement to family property
- Matrimonial property
- Guardianship of property

Chapter Eight: Islamic Law of Inheritance Readings

1. Background Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Translation of the Holy Quran, Kutub

2. Islamic Position. Rhana Ishsratul Islam, India 1996.
- Blood and marriage relationship are the
Al Swabuuni, Al Mawaarith Fi Shariat Al- Islamiyyah
major grounds Q 33:4
Beirut, A’lam Al-Kutub, 1985.
- Ban of widow succession Q 4:22
- No monopoly of elder son succession Al-Fauzaan, S, Attahqiiqaat Al-Mardhiyyah Fil-

- Women’s right to inheritance Mabaahiith Al-Faradhiyyah, Madina Islamic University.
3. The Peculiarity of Islamic laws of inheritance
Coulson N.J (1971), Succession in the Muslim Family,
4. Liability on the deceased’s property
London: Cambridge University Press.
5. Conditions for inheritance
6. Grounds for inheritance Majisul Ulama of South Africa (Port Elizabeth), Kitaabul
7. Impediments to inheritance Meerath; The Book of Inheritance, Young Men’s Muslim
8. Legal heirs Association, South Africa.
9. The shares of heirs
Mohamed Mustafa Ali (1989), Islamic Law of
- Due to blood ties
Inheritance: A new Approach, New Delhi.
- Due to marital ties
10. The heirs Sowed Juma Mayanja (2012), The Islamic Law of
11. The shares of the heirs Successin, A Practical Guide: Falah Publishing House,
12. Distribution of estate to the eligible heirs. Mnazi Mmoja- Zanzibar.



For further reading, students are advised to access the internet for relevant and current legal
issues on the related topics.

*Websites like have a good number of cases of precedential value to Islamic Family law.
Other cases will be given in class as per topics.

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