Telling Story

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Why hello everyone, my name is Nicholas Rafael Susanto from 8D

number 29. Today I am going to be storytelling about a story that takes place in
the year 5022 that’ll remind you to keep defending and protecting the Earth and
what is right. Let’s get on with my story called “The Dream”.
This world is no longer safe. There were too many wars going on, but
what would happen if this world no longer existed. Where should I live? Where
should my relatives live?
An alarm woke me from my so-called dream. My dream is always the
same and always repeats. Until I asked my parents why this keeps happening,
but my parents can't answer that.
Today is Heroes Day. At my school there will be a ceremony. Heroes Day
is not about national heroes, but heroes around the world. A thousand years ago
the world was threatened with destruction by many wars. But there is one
person who saved the world, which Mr. Frans Dhasin. He is a soldier who
managed to stop the war by communicating and depicting the world in the
future with a gadget called Viitor. A little weird isn't it, but that's history.
The ceremony at the school is over and my school is going to visit the
history museum to learn more about the war that took place. There I saw many
paintings, photographs and weapons used at that time. But there is one thing that
is interesting, namely a photo containing a line of soldiers. There I saw
something strange, one of the soldiers there seemed to move and even stared at
me. I tried to ignore it, but unfortunately the photo beckoned me to come closer.
Finally I tried to get closer and suddenly….
(shocked; hurt) “Ahhhhh…… where am I?” I felt my butt hurt from
I tried to look around me. And then I realized that I was in the year 4022,
100 years ago where the war took place. I saw a man wearing army outfits
approach me.
(normal) "Hey Dash. How are you, kid?" asked the man
(shocked; confused) "I'm fine, but who are you? How do you know my
name?” I asked. Instead of answering, the man just smiled and took me
(normal) "Do you know this tool?" the man asked. I tried to look at the
device and I was reminded of something similar to that thing.
(amazed) “Wait, is that a Viitor?” I answered. The man smiled happily.
He invited me to sit in a chair that was there. He asked me about my dream
which is always the same. He can even describe the story in my dream in detail.
I was confused as to why he could know the contents of my dream and asked.
(shocked) "How did you know?"
(normal) “There are a lot of things that are possible and there are a lot of
things that are definitely confusing. Just so you know I made this Viitor based
on my dream. There I met a small child who wanted to have a tool to detect the
future. Accidentally made me have the idea to make Viitor and how to make it.”
The man put down the helmet that was beside the projector while saying
that there was something to show. I'm a little scared, but what can I do? When
the helmet was placed over my head. I saw the life story of Frans Dashin from
childhood until he became a soldier. His childhood events are similar to my
childhood, from events in the family, in my friendhood, at school and so on. I
also see the spirit of Frans Dashin who wants to make this world recover, as
well as myself who wants to make the environment recover and be full of
greenery. Frans Dashin is a person who never gives up, he always tries and
struggles even though there are many problems that occur.
Over time my head became aching like there was a lost memory trying to
come back and the memories were so numerous that my vision went black. I
fell, I think I fainted. It wasn't long before I woke up in a not-so-comfortable
bed. I saw that man again while giving me a drink. Now I remember everything
about how Frans Dashin created the Viitor machine and saved the world down
to details that many scientists haven’t discovered or simply don't know. After I
concluded what happened I became doubtful about the conclusion until I had to
ask the man.
(confused) “Am I Frans Dashin?”
(normal) "Yes. Hello I'm from the future" said the man.
It was with shock that I realized that the man was Frans Dashin and I was
also Frans Dashin. Mr. Frans Dashin explained the purpose of my dream so far,
which is to make me realize who I really am and to continue to be passionate
about defending a good world. After a while I talked and told stories to him, Mr.
Frans Dashin looked at the clock with a rather sad face.
(proud) "Looks like it's time for you to go home, little Frans. Be the
Frans Dashin that others know is the spirit of defending the world, for a better
life. I put my hope in you Dash," said Mr Frans Dashin.
(proud) "Thank you, for restoring my identity, hopefully we can meet
again," I said, not long after I vanished from that place and returned to the
museum. Things in the museum are still the same as before I left. I looked at the
photo again and said goodbye before I circled the museum again.
(proud) "I'll still and always be Dash Forbras"
Well I think my time has come to end this story. I thank you all for being
a good sport and listening. I am genuinely sorry if I had made any pronunciation
or spelling errors that might have offended you. Well once again, thank you so

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