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100MW 2-STROKE DIESEL POWER BARGE MOUNTED ON THE ISLAND OF MINDANAO SUPPLEMENT 100 MW BARGE POWER PLANT Plant owner: National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR) Agham Road Corner Quezon Avenue, QUEZON CITY, Republic of the Philippines. Consortium: Financial leader, Mitsui & Co. Ltd 2-1 Ohtemachi 1-chome Chiyoda-ku TOKYO 100, Japan. Telephone: (+813) 3285 4091 Telefax: (+813) 3285 9978 Technical consortium leader, plant design and system engineering, and some electrical equipment: Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S P.O.Box 235, 35 Gydevang DK-3450 ALLER@D. Denmark. Telephone: (+45) 48 14.00.22 Telefax: (+45) 48 14.01 50 Diesel engine builder and generator supply, for Barge 1, auxiliary mechanical and electrical equipment supply design and construction of both barges: Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Go. Ltd 6-4 Tsukiji5-chome, Chuo-ku, TOKYO 104, Japan, Telephone: (+813) 3544 3625 Telefax: (+813) 3544 3063 Diesel engine builder, supplier of engines and generators for Barge 2: Astilleros Espafoles, S.A, Padilla 17 28006 MADRID, Spain Telephone: (+34) 1436 78 40 Telefax: (+34) 1 576 29 56 Modern Power Systems, July 1994 Bwsc—— Mf) ASTILLEROS ESPANOLES CC SSS ee DIESEL DEVELOPMENTS Tabled, Storage tank capacities Heavy fest oi 7500 Diesd ot 78 Luprcating ol 1937 Gy lubricating of 104 Frosh water 212 Wester ballast 2395 Seweemnolding tanks air TOTAL 12 068 Aft is the sechianteal annene with three decks of which the second deck level is a ley deck aloug the starbvard side oF the hanics) snnexe, eatrsing the boiler Sisuecnrs aed eRaNst saghS 06 the top, The electrical annexe AL iain deck level he armese is vided © (ninly toon With sewuge uni, ster Galritier, bot water civalaing. pump atl SW pressure tank for the SW sprinkle © Thigh voliage woo wit IK RY sited board. 4.16 LY switchboard. generate excitation panel, relay piel and geroracor hnoutal eating panel Tye wanetoner rooms for unkt sully Table ynnieal data for MAN B&W 12KOMC-S diesel engines No vi cylinders 2 Bore (rm) 300 Steck (rn) 2200 Fated spood (rnin) 402.9 MCR at ted spac (kW) 5) 240 Lona rn) 23.997 Heh (rm) 47985 at rm) 10410 Weight-ary (te) | 4793 Tiaustormners 9 Tve0 trancfiepier rims, reaching throagh deck level EL, tor stepmap iranstormets, ALE deck level the annexe is livid into (© Bavery room for 24 VDC aug 129 V DC power supply {© Low vollsge root swith ain and aay winch aut anes © Two trensformer soams for station susiliry tanstorness f¢ Twa mooms (extending Fa level] to cunt the step-p Ganson AV F2 dk level the ineke is divided ena Iwelve won © Contest root wii onteal MARKS, or main dels tore, primar and petgtanniniay equine f Electronic Rosy sth metsving patel aed PPC panels #©.CO; room with CO, fre fighting unit Cimon office ual ri # Ge oer rou @ Hist volmse switchsew tom, exientins level in the annexe is, ope rate from the high vollage switchgear moors extending fron dock level E2, reserved Foe accommodation wih « alley, mess room, saloon, fest sd room, duny- mess. handy provision stores and Sleepang uauters Phe living quavters are designed and ‘quspped to accommo: dave 38 persons, Main enclosure At the main deck level the space hetweew Frames 12 inl 26 ws eccuped by he alemnnes and the natn diesel engines. 19 the space hers Frames 20 axl 29 che nai lubviesting oi) ppnips ad the aan lubricating off eoplers te ‘eck level ML the port sea fully oaqinped work shop is heated, and on. the starboand side between Frames 12 and 24 there fh Norage ron! For yphre pars ete The vpace between Frans 24 and 2 ecupied byw chemycal labvratery."Ti-the all betwoon Frames 27 and 20 the min Tubricating oil Flere wpe cated Deck level M2. part ard starboard, is reverted for diesel engine spare parts Just holaw) deck level MB, Wyn aver erenes each with a lilting espacity 0” 13 him SWL on mutin hoist and a iting eapaccty a 6 lon SWI. on the auxiliary heist are installed, etving suffisieae hifing height to ensure siicoth overhaul ae maintenance of Ihe equipment, especially the diesel engines, Mechanical annexe Atmain deck level. the thie sea wae puntps, lubricating oil separator unit, beavy Tel ofl ssparainr unit, four Feed water punyys, four central coolers, Fresh water Fhextmon plans aad sea chest elsaring deviee are stalled CAL dack level, strtiyg and contiol sys- cen alk Compressors abd receivers, tree Juchet water pumps. ro fue) oil supply Table & Technical data (oreo Ha generators Figure 7. Sea transportation o the power barge Units, 70 vacuum pAMpS, an sustliey’ gem sor, an wil fired ausiliany boiler aod oanher of smaitey auslary sige ens se insalled, At A2 deck level's nutter of ssivice lank are instaod, and at A seek level the ive wats heat bale ‘ses rns, fu esbtast gus da two silencers, wa Dpoes aid Ivarexiut yar stacos are aesoromodktee The dst fon the hott of the binge Tpontoen to the top of the extiaust stacks is 50m, which means that the fop of th Gxhatie staoks ate 4S above ania dock les hey ‘osappweinately 38 yy dave the wate ‘stl Til Gel Links, Generating plant Hiesel cngives. Diesel ebsines type MAN: BAe W LKOOME-S awe asad as the prime © The 12 indicates the rsmber of eplunder ©The K indicates its 2 “shor robe" © The 90 indicates diameter of piston in em The MC indicates engine progranine © The S indicates that the engine Is foe @ stationary plant The 12K90MC-§ diesel engine is the largest diese} engine ever hall) the world For saonary use iw diesel engines fx the fist barge wes built by Miusut ia Taman, lupan, atu che diesel engines 10) the second hasge were tilt by Manlitacturer —Weidencha Com, ABE Generecién Astle Espuinies mn Nanisce Tye TICBAF — WSSMNIOTD iy Vatensin. Spain, brit waler Fated output (va) 59.018 §8@2 Licance fiom MAN DB & W Fated voltae) 49.600 13800 Diesel AIS. Copenhagen, Fates current (A) 2469 2H Derik Preceiey 2y 0) 50) ‘After transport of the dose! No sass “ J engines 10-S8K, Japan the diesel Falec Speed (inn) 1028 Faz eer te SSK. lym he die! coe ue EE Vis basges under ba responsibil Insutation cass F ee jor eign All diesel engines are enc Stator) 150 je cauinpel with three hish-el i Beier 0 ata 7 ceney ABB torboclargers The Bearings koadestals(e) 12 26 _\irhochargers far the diesel Vantten ee) 8 engines on barge na, | are TOTAL “92 a4 hranufneturet under license by) [shikawashima Heavy MODERN POWER SYSTEMS SSS DIESEL DEVELOPMENTS =" ae q iigrio Kno? Mai a TE Heo ster. 1K 02 Figure §. Layout ofthe barge pontoon Ihurge lor a thovougk pre-testing and com Iuissioaing of ine ener power plant ap 10 sind including no-load losing oF the power plan, Whils insiallation of equipment Cabling and elesiieal termination proceeded fon the sean barge Pre-testiig and eoummissiowing ofthe fest Jayige was completed on 20 December, 1993 0 porns Figur 4 Barge cupersirustue (1) Two-stroke diesel engines (2)Etiaust manifold (3) Exhaust sips (i) Silencer (2) Exhausl heat recovery boler (6) Exhaust stack (7) Generator @) Overhead crane (9| 20 fon gib crane (10) Contiol room {11} Takeoff tower 12) Nair enclosure (13) Elecical enclosure | eet | HrO stor. TK no. te barge 10 the Pinliprinss by’ the heavy Tit sesiel "Mitty Servant 2° leaving fap | June. 1995; 12 Fue, 1994. ibe Napoent ange No. ‘shereattecprcparstions were mule for trans porting the barge to: the Philippines by the Thou lft Vessel Mighty Servane 3 leaving Japun 6 anoney, 1994 ‘Ont 16 Tanirys 1994, the Napocow harps No. 117 was safely moored to the mooring faerlitos st Nasipit Leal testing and perfor rine test of Napocer No. 117 bare was ‘completed on if Mare, 1994, ara of the same dave the barge was taken over by Napier On 22 Mae, 1964, consietion of the seeand barge was completed and vss take ‘over bs the fest and commissioning team for pee-sestng and commissioning in the same ane as far the fist bare Pro-iesing are comissineing oF the see ‘ond barge Was complet cn 15) May, 1994, ‘shreler prepurstions were made lr trans JULY 1994 Figures. Accommodation velin sfectrical enclosure 1 sts saiely mowed to the weving faeili- ties a) Maco. Load testing snd pertorsmnce tes of Napnenr Bape No. 18 is sete For completion dariag July, 1998, The basis for the turnkey contract Is & BTO (Built-Traaster-Operate| ssheme, hence upon the respective dates for corp tion of Lhe loa testing and performance test she operation and waintenanee of the power plas barges was token ever by an O-& M Consortium amler a contract with Nappeor For operating and maintaining the na pnvee plant barges for 13 years om the date of SGiupetineliedinn mal eoeantshry The O.& M Consortium conssts of Mitsu and Co, Lid) (MK), Mitsu Engineering ‘und Shiphuildling Co,. 14d (MES) anc Burmeister and Wain Seunidinay ian Commetor A/S (WSC), wih BWSC being ihe aly pera The barge The barge pontoon, ih » lens 095 mi {wih of 10 man a eigh oF 6.5 4 hos ‘she fasnotians fo the diesel engier and the akesnite. some aamilinry equipment std a numberof tanks integreseel nthe pon: toon structure, Some of these tanks. are ser vicerstorage tanks: for such services ts rsine, waste oil, bilge sind siudue Other storage tks are a Hse i Table On the ponteon deck, hare min deck level isthe supe since The barne super sinuetire canssts of three separate buileigs, each one “trame” space apart trom each flee Forward is the electrical annexe with four deck levels and earrsing the “Take-oll” tower an the top fer deck) fev Toye mde 36 the machine hall with Inee docks. oh which the first awl sect dock levels ane ech 4 my wide wallery uecks along thee port and sarbourd sides of the machine hall, and carrying a 20) ton SWI [safe working load) jib crane on the top lubied lock evel ———S_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_————E———— Es DIESEL DEVELOPMENTS Figure 3. tists impression of the power barge Table Projected ad growth Mindanao Period Energy sales Peak demand ‘growin ‘rom ce o> te00- 909 105 198 156 186 44908 - 2005 Table 2 Power sales and peak demand Year Eneray Poak sales demand co) MN) 898 9100 1510 2008 25.000 4300 ‘sith a sion lead forecast for the Minds anal giving aryery high yrojeeted growl rate ‘as shown Tae L “Tube. 2shiowss the systen load frmeenst fir the Mindanio eral. he table shows Jimesasie energy ses anc peak esa For tle yeas 1988 and 2101, Wy comecting the Wen barge mounted tesa power pms «100 MAW exch 0 the Mindange grid duping the year 1994, the poner veneration expacli pretuce ¥il) be Fimproved ay sess in abe 3 ‘This gives a connfonae margin ja the ph power dentaad over the next couple of eats, hayeser, it shall he wore. that ou of ihe existing diese] power plant capacity totaling 32 MW" 63 MAW comes From tine barge mounted power plants. Tou smal slicsel passer nib oe gas Inebine power iige were removed fro. the Mindanao grid on arrival uf the Wo 10) MW power hares Plant design ‘De privet phi sas such Is gererslly sini ler wo previous power plants wilh [0 stspke low spsed diesel engines as prime movers {sr thvoe-plase senatoss sad all the nsec ste sliaries nd ayatemss, The eonespt af barge minted povves plant i by nos quite ‘well knots and used fmaby pies hep: font she wer "Wht ks le Minding Prjec nique je tint it uses toe oF the farges! sation ry diesel engines sver built Together with Irersators ane all saiigwies, the plant is leested on at area of 95 Xl) m 800 m2) stacked on sveral docks 10 apgrosimsately 30 pr height (23 a1 including staeks) aud includes: (© Storaze tanks for fresh Water, lubniestine oil esfier Iubvieating oi, diese vil © Bunker Cel oil far 15 days comtineay ‘operalion al 100 yer cent hoa 19 Various service and dram tanks plas alley ind secomedatinn for operatiig personnel 38 passonst 9 Work stopyand spars art tors tsking te power plant harge almost completely sell conttined only depending on delivery of Tiel oil, lubricating 01} and precision frome outside FEacl) 14 MAW power plant 1s in principle nod. as evo separate 5 MW power ayy Ass Wi) MesTocked Gs oon ection so thal, ar earls. an gusiitey “Table 3. Powsr plants connected fo the Mindanao grid Power Number Insta genoration of capacity systems plants am transianmer should Fall, bot power generat ing unis can continue fll operation ‘Aiso iF one of the 501 MW power gener ting wains is sh-down for scheduled nace andthe 13.8!138 EY step-up trans Ferner on the rubaing 50) MW power gener ating Irn slnwid fa, the power ear be rot ted Jivoush the step-up transformer in the Shutdown tain dhs maintaining 50 NV power presuctin Construction Te contimact between Napacor ane the ‘eonsontyum was signed 9713 February 1092. cae nto elfect on 30 Sepresnber: 992, and called for detivery oF the fast .¢ mounted dese) power plane on 2) March, 1994, [8 mons fom the kaye oF effective contrac, and of she second barge mounted diese} power plant on 31 July. 1994, 22 inomths Hrom the dite ab efletive The barges are built hy Sasebo Heavy Industvies Co.. Ltd, at the shipyard Sasebo, Nagasaki Pro Ihave heen built unser survey af the uasifieation soeiety Nippon Kiajy Kyokai being ceified for service in the coastal alors oF the Phslispines The hinge generally consis a potion sina superstructire, which consists of a feagine hall, an elsctrieal anaese and a rnechanical annexe Prefubrivation of modules For the bueee Fomoons ad the haze superstivctres pro ceeded in @ gee-planned sequence com nigoced shoetiy alter the corteyet bet cligetive, During the prefabrization excl odie was Gtted with its piping. cable rays. equipment foundations. ikebiing tx lute Supports, all suppocts Tar switches, “Trame” mounted lec panels ete ‘Keel-living. plhewng the first mate tee such of The 180 Bagge pontoons ike same Liry-dack, look plice 16 Febqusey 1893, Dring the next Wwelue weeks the weonsiains snuaduls Hor the pontoons ere placed whe uryatosk and welded 1 Alst sovie of he supersiractire rudales wets placed cu the pono and -welled The diese! engines tor the fist barge were als paced on the engine tisaloion #8 the por ta while the porto were he dey dock Toth postoons were lauinelisl € Mag, 1993 and tossed io the Fitting ‘out quay sith the sand During the following 21 weeks the remaining weture Japan, and Percent of total Bolore adding 2 x 100 MW’ owe! bargos: Hyaoponer ‘ond Dieselpowve: 02 Gactwbing 3 TOTAL 6 ‘309 Afteradding 2 # 100 MW power barges: Hydtopower 8 4 Diesel power ath Gas turbine . 2 TOTAL 5 480 PAPACY guperstruciare madiiles were pace! onthe: nor Inons, and! comin ine sea ‘equipment as installed 23) fy the Gist harge, Isa ae all cabling and all elect ro00 lemmination work om Tinst-harge Way Gu sdout iin he sme 65:1 period sor Qn | Hcraber, 193, 22 lest ard eonmnissioning 000) leant Wook over the ist MODERN POWER SYSTEMS DIESEL DEVELOPMENTS Barge mounted diesels add 200 MWe to Mindanao grid Bent 0. Christensen. Project Manager. BHSC Aerat Two barge mounted diesel powered generator sets generating 100 MWe apiece, with additional power generaied by steam turbines supplied by waste heat recavery boilers, have been installed by Napocor on the coast of Mindanao in the Philippines. The four SO MW diesel units are reckoned to be the largest stationary diesel units ever built. Running on heavy residual oil, the new units supplement hydropower of variable availability and gas turbine plants to improve fuel mix and increase security of supply: o meet the demand for elec power T leith « projected annval growth of 13.5 per cent Front the Mindanso arid, the Nutional Power Corporation of ihe Philippines (MMAPOCOR) devidest 19 deploy wc 100 MW" bage mounted diac! power ‘ants oo he island of Mindan, Napsear awarded the contret for desi, proctirsment, cansruction ane test and cam missioning of the two 11D MW bar mounted diese) power plants oa tine ‘pass lo an Intemational eensortian consist ing of Mitsu & Ca, Lid. of Japan (MBK. Financial leader), Mussui Eogineering & Shigbuihling Co. Lic. of Japan (MES), Asllezos Espaiioles SA, of Spain (AESA) and Burmeister & Wain Scundinavian Conrractor AVS of Denar (BWSC, tech cal consoatiun leader) Tie first of the bar 1 plants, Naposor barge No. 117.35 Tested einse to the etry of Nasipat in the province Agusin del Norte snd the sevond, apocer harge No. 11%, 18 Tueuied close to the city oF Maen in he province Pavao el one nounted diese] Power supply ‘Av the ern of the year 1993 a toa power generation capacity of 1309 MW as cin nected ta the Mindansay Grids This power gsneration capacity denver from [6 power Planks with these different iypes of prime overs sin Table 3 For 1044 the projected peas demand sas 810 MW, leaving an apparenily comfortable power rouerie, However, with hydrogower representing 72.1 percent of the power gen erahon capicity, nower supply is very Hependien: on the climate providing suf tient water to the reservoirs for the bydre power plants ‘This was recently demonstrated daring 1993, when low rainfall eansed a lower fo water levels in the reservoirs with corse: ‘quential brown-auis ad lack-outs, net oly ‘on Mins but througout the Philippines. “This situation sbould also be seen toxetner JULY 1994 Figure 1. Pawet barge No. 1 The Philippi The Philippines archipelago comprises arousid 7100 tstals With a total ares of 00-440 kan? (116000 sq miles) scattered vet aivares obaliout 148.000 ks (320 700 sq miles), Only approximately 1006 of the idands are infabited ang cnly beat 46) of the islends have an arca-o! 21.6 kim? (1 se mile) 6s larger, and the Joxsl population & apprnsimately 67 100 o0pEsple ‘The Philippines istnvely divide! inte three sland groups: The Luzon grou the northery Philippines, the Visayas grasp in the eentral Philippines and the Mindanao srhup in the southorr Philippines, “The island of Minderss ithe sseond Jarvest land in the Philippines with an ares 0F 95 (0) kab? 6 900 sq es) anc 2 population of approximately 15 700 (WO) people. The landscape is dominated Dy juouniain chains running north-south ‘having the highest mountain within the Pailippines, Mount Apo, 2654 my ines archipelago Suu bal a) acl al i eel ue hse tothe city of Davao. Mindanao fs ne of the sickest iskandle in the Philipines with » great potenlial fer indisirial development, however at presenl most of the island's income comes rom garculture Industries, Japan, sel the aibo chargers tur the liese/ engine’ ok anal Na. 2 are mane facured by ABB, Switzertan, The diesel engines, with essoeiaesd aux tilaries sueh as pre-heaters, purifiers and booster puraps, are designed to operate on traditional low wade Bunker C heavy fuel cil, Guaranteed specitic fuel ol sorsump> tion (SPOCt at fly wheel under ISO condi ians using Bunker C tus) oif with a calorifie Value of 43 70) Lifkg ts 176.2 kWh at 100 pereent load Thhe Coasortiny hts guaraatocd an avail ability of ROOH hours per year or 913 pet cent over the THSt seven yeurs “of upesation Nrermarors Kor hare No. | the Aticrnajors were delivered by the Meidenshy Corporation, Japan. aad fr barge No. 2 the ultentators were ely by ABB Geucmacion, Spain The alternators for barge no. | were ‘assembled and shop tested in the woskstop With MES, Tomone, end delivered fully assembled on u baage in Tamano, tens pled io SSK and installed om heard bares ho fy 2 600 or oan rane The altemaiors for barge No. 2 wees seinbled and tested at ABRs workshor in Galindo (Bilbao) ancl transgene! ily issemihled by roud transpost lo Santire Iorhonr (Bilbao) and Fron Ulere by special heavy cargo vessel tn Sache, Steans tarbioe and xonerator, The exhaust was trom the diesel engines is fed to waste ‘sat belles ocated an top of ihe mechanveal As well as producing steam fo heating the seavy Bunker C fuel olf and wil shade these ean generitors also’ produce superested ‘ean 0 drive asteary turbine generator so The steam turbine-generator set is deliv by Shinke ladusines Lid, Hiroshima, 35 MW electrical Tapan, acd product, power when bath diese! Fg a (00 per een load Electrical system and euxiliaries A single line electrical diagrain of the barge mouned power plan is shown it Figures. “Tae main dicsel power uaits wut he sas Uurbine-gerenitor generate power at 13.8 kW ‘whiel stad Vie generator siren breakers «9 the to GF MVA, FE8/ IS/IR8 KY stopp traneformers feoding the busbar system of ts eer with power at 115/138 usbar system TIS/138 RW powers tnsterred via the "tike-off ave find delivered 10 shore by. san overhead Hines Syncheonizing of the power generating tunity is dowe at the 13.8 kV Tevel with ‘check-syochroniziug with the 138 EV level Power for the power plant's owa elveticiy consumpiion is taken from the 138 6 swiccirds vin tea 7 MA, (3.846,16 RV unit ausilary transformers feeling power to the 416 KY suizehioas Main lubnealing nil pangs, cold water pomps and sea water pumps are powered ireelly from the 4.16 KY swatehboa, JULY 1994 DIESEL DEVELOPMENTS iit Figure 8, Single lie electrical diagram Av -suviiagy black star diesel generator ‘ithe eapaeity of (57 MW iy comected to the 16 kV switchhoaud 1 cater for saa. without dopendence ei an external power Control system The contiol is mainly hased on e ceneral= ‘xed mictoprovessor system. AUT vital run ning parameters are continuously supervised ang automatically conirolleg, 1 consists ut programmable process eentiollers (PPC), a Irausient recorder (TR), 4 ssquertial event fecorder (SER) and video display unis IVDLI witha control desk Seven similar micreprocessees delivered by Alla Laval Automanion (SaeContal) Forme PPC system which 3s engineeted sul programmed by WSC The setecied PPC is a mechan size mise processor tor analogue and digital eon rol Beside the bina'y logic and eaewai facilites, warm systems, Lniters, timers, oniollersy cnginvering waits ete are nicl fal Each afte PPC lakes care of a specific sonarol aca, The total numbsr of signals sormested to the PPC is more thaw S00 aralowie and 5000 digital siginals, The signals eonnsctes inohido oll alan and contol signals for the desel-wenerator sete, ausiliares, bigh and lew voltage nesters, Seonning and exset iow time 1 wat 10 a, ‘Thecontial moile for each euntralied item, can he solected lor autontatic. manus ce cemergeney: control, Operation of the items cathe done eesrally oF locally The PPC contr system handles the aut: alie stetfstoy sequence of ausiliares and engines, uokunatie syrehronizing and sub sequeat automate or manyal speedloal contsel ané vnltagespf control, and cor teollers for viscosity, temperatures exe. The governor continligr is also unplemnented Lt awe f ze 6) i | sol Nt tore the PPC syscon far the engines ami steamy ovine, The parameters ae eonsrol road is selectable. The povernor cecurss a stable snl opting! operating condition even airing extreme Inad vemand or grid frequency Supensial ovens resenoe: Somme 256 signals cca he selecied Tot a more aectirite Line stamp, The scanning nme is 1 ms, The signals connected consist of all breaker {rip signals and position indication sig~ nals. In case of ¢ major trip involving "more breakers a ist af events 38 produced making it possible 10 analyze the exact sequictice of events Transient recorder: The transient weorcer accepls 28 analogue and 42 digital sig nals. The resolution is up i 608) sam plesisee. In order to detest disturbances fle. on the outgoing Janes the relevant dats a be stored dl analyzed on a PC Man-naiciine interjace: The operators Inierface consist oF conisol desks and vous Data is eollested by a VA® 4000-90 computer (DEC! aud presented on 3 per ator work stations. The system suflware is delivered by Alfa Laval Automation (SuConrab) The hicrarchical contol system enables the operator io move deeper into the sy ten, displaying more details st sah level Buile ints the sysiem object control facilities, share and lene term fistory, trend curxes, alarm and even fst, ran time superviston for all equipment, fre Format report genecatnr ete AC the work station it Is possible 1a Slit/stop equipment and change se points, controller parameters ew, in etdet to tusé-io the process, Ail dat are logged and ean be printed aut. Production and otber Figures ate printed out dauly, monthly as yearly a [Mm ER POWER AND ENERGY PLANTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD AT THE FOREFRONT OF TECHNOLOGY IN DIESEL ENGINED POWER PLANTS etn Berets cu cane ese ease cere pues ect cuca nau Dae =e lace aa NTU Neha) CUM ees semen ke AML eM hue eM ee tlate neo kere) aera cea Mauro aenssiacel aed Se eer Ines Soehe ue oot Peer aie Mu tl us RC CR oa * Power plants effectively meeting the challenge of TaN once (eee re Len Ca Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. Ct ere eee ra ee Ne Tey Cen Ee EL Ey eT Cm a CUS tr a IU Reo Ces elma te) Ronee eee er con ee Meru eect acetal eee aC mace eres MPS Advanced Energy Systems Series: BARGE MOUNTED 100 MW DIESEL POWER PLANTS ON MINDANAO Two 50 ‘MWe slow-speed two. stroke engines per unit

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