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School Grade Level 9

Teacher Learning Area Biology

Date and Time Quarter 1st
 1. how the different structures of the circulatory and respiratory systems
work together to transport oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the
A. Content Standards
different parts of the body

 conduct an information dissemination activity on effective ways of taking

care of the respiratory and circulatory systems based on data gathered
B. Performance Standard
from the school or local health workers

 Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to

C. Learning Competencies transport nutrients, gases, and other molecules to and from the
(Code) MELCS different parts of the body

At the end of the lesson the learner will be able to…

 Identify the different components of blood

D. Objectives  State the functions of the different components of the blood
 Describe what takes place when incompatible blood types are mixed.
 Based on the given blood type chart show the possible compatibility of
donor and recipient.
II. Content Blood Components
III. Learning resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages  Science Links Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material Pages  Science Links 9, page 8
3. Text book Pages 
B. Other Learning Resources  Power point
Expected Response

Alright class, everybody stand and

arranged your chairs, remove all
unnecessary things and pick up the
pieces of trash around you.

Who can lead the prayer? Class mates, are you ready to pray?

Again, Good Morning Class!  You Good morning Sir!

may take your sit.

Class monitor, do we have any

absents? Who are they? I’m happy to tell you Sir that no one
is absent for today.
Very Good Class!
Last meeting we discussed about the
four chambers of the heart, can any
A. Engagement
one of you give at least one of the
chambers? Sir we have the Right Atrium.
What is the function of that chamber?
It receives the blood came from the
Very different part of the body.
What else? Sir it receives the deoxygenated

Alright! How about the second It is the Right Ventricle Sir, it

chamber? receives the deoxygenated blood
came from the right atrium.

Very Good Class! You really

understand the process on how heart
pumps the blood to our body.
So for today class, before we proceed
to our next topic, I have an activity
here that we need to play. Are you
ready? Yes Sir!
You can go to your respective groups.
Now class guess what is the possible
answer based on the picture.
Group #2, the answer is blood!

Very good Group #2.!

How about this one?

Group #4 Blood cross sir?

Nice try Group #4. Sir it’s the Red cross! Group #1.

Alright that’s correct!

Try this class.

Group #3. Ah sir! Its blood pressure!

That’s hard but nice one group #3!

Last one?

Group #5. Blood Typing Sir?

Are you sure? Alright that is correct

group #5.
Did you enjoy our game class? Yes Sir!!

Based on the game that we play

class, what do you think is our next
topic for today?
It’s all about blood sir?
B. Exploration Yes class, our topic for today is all
about The Components of the Blood.
Now class, since you are on your
respective groups. I have few
questions that you need to answer.
do you think you will see in the
equipment when we put blood in a (the students discussing about their
slide? answers, the students answer may
Second, Do you know your blood vary)
Third, What is the defend mechanism
our body?

Now class let us see if all your answer

is correct.
Our topic for today is all about the
components of the blood.
What do you think is the purpose of
the blood in our body? To deliver the nutrients in our body.

Good! To release the waste material that we
What else? ate sir.
Alright class, the purpose of the blood
First, deliver the nutrients in our body
in order for the different organs to
Second, is removing the waste
material. By doing that class we use
our kidneys and liver to remove the
toxic materials in or body, without
those organs it can cause fatality.
Did you get it class?
Yes sir!
Do we have any question?
So far so good sir.
Let’s proceed; the normal average of
amount in our blood is about 4-5 liter
for women and 5-6 liter for men. Sir why do we have different
amount of blood compare to the
other gender?
Class because the average men and
women have different body built. So
we have also different amount of
blood. Got it sir!
Now class the first component that we
can found in our blood is the…

Erythrocytes = RBC’s
biconcave disc shape, which is suited
for gas exchange. The shape is flexible
so that RBCs can pass though the (the student reads the definition)
smallest blood vessels.
The average life span of erythrocytes
is 120 days.

Class, what makes our blood red? Is because we still alive sir, not so
Probably yes, but what else? No
one? In our red blood cell class we
have this thing called hemoglobin,
when oxygen binds to that
hemoglobin it appears bright red. Ahhh! Got it sir.

C. Explanation
Next we have Leukocytes…
Leukocytes = WBC’s (the student reads the definition)
- Defend against infectious
agents (bacteria, viruses,
parasites, etc.)
- Have ability to move
across/through blood vessels
- several hours to several days for
the majority
Our White blood cells class will serve Sir these are the viruses and bacteria
as the army of our body; they will that can cause sickness to us.
defend us to the foreign materials.
What is the foreign materials class?
Maybe sir in order to attack any
Very Good! invader immediately.
Another, it says there that it has the
ability to across through our blood In order to kill the viruses sir.
vessels, what does it mean? Why or
white blood cells has the ability to
cross to our blood vessels?
I have a GIF here that show how WBC
attacks bacteria and viruses.

In our heart
Very good class that’s right! To the brain sir?
In your wild guess class, in what part To our bones Sir?
of the body that produces blood?

Yes class to our bones, specifically to

our long bones such us our Femur,
Fibula, Humerus. That process

Hematopoiesis (the student reads the definition)

refers to whole
blood cell

None sir!
Do we have any question class? Yes sir!
Do you understand?
Let us all continue, the next
component is Platelets. Do you have Sir it is for accidentally if we have
any idea what id platelets? wound, it clogged to our wound so
the blood won’t come out.
Very good! It’s for clotting purposes. I
have a picture here, if you
accidentally cut yourself these would
happen to your body.
For Clotting factors
- Irregular shape
- Initiate Clotting (the student reads the definition)
Cascade by clinging to broken vessel

Platelets will activate and send signal

to other plantlets to join and binds to
the open wound.
Platelets plug formation
Now class observes the process. Platelet will binds and forms a
What did you notice? clogged in order to stop the
bleeding. Because when you lose a
lot of blood it can be dangerous.

Blood clotting/ coagulation

Yes sir!

Do you understand the process

class? Another important material is
Plasma is the often forgotten part of
White blood cells, red blood cells, and
platelets are important to body
function. But plasma also plays a key
role. This fluid carries the blood
components throughout the body.

Are we clear class? Yes sir!

Did anyone of you class know
his/her blood type? Me sir, I am a blood type O.
If some of you already know his/her No sir, I don’t know my blood type.
blood type that’s good. Do you
have any idea about blood type (answer of the students may vary)
Our next thing to do understand
what is blood typing.
🠶 Blood typing is a method to tell
what type of blood you have.
Blood typing is done so you can
safely donate your blood or
receive a blood transfusion.
🠶 Your blood type is based on (the student reads the definition)
whether or not certain proteins are
on your red blood cells. These
proteins are called antigens. Your
blood type (or blood group)
depends on what types your
parents passed down to you.
🠶 If you’re given incompatible
blood, it can lead to blood
clumping, or agglutination, which
can be fatal.

(the student reads the definition)

🠶 Blood is often grouped according

to the ABO blood typing system.
The 4 major blood types are: Type
A, B, AB and O

To those individual, who has a blood Me sir!

type A, can donate their blood to the
people who has a blood type A, AB.
Who are the blood type A here?
Next blood type is B, who has a blood
type B, can donate their blood to the
people who has a blood type B, AB.

Next blood type is AB, this blood type Sir what makes that blood type
is quite different to other blood type, become rare?
because class it is the most rare blood
Example 1 in 50 donors is AB positive.
That is how rare the blood type AB is.

Because we can donate our blood to

If you have this blood type class you anyone sir.
are the life saver of everyone. What do
you think is the reason class?
Yes sir!
That’s right Class! You can donate to
anyone of you in the class.
Are we clear class? Sir we have the red blood cell. It
Alright! delivers oxygen to the different part
Can anyone of you class give at least of our body.
one components of the blood and give
their function? It appears color red because of the
Very good! What else?
We have the white blood cell; it
serves as the defender of our body.
That’s right! Another component?
The life span of white blood cell is
just few or several days.

Blood type O sir, that blood type can

donate to everyone.
Very good class! How about the blood
type? Sir we have blood type AB.
Consider the rarest blood type.
Aside from that blood type?
Sir is because there small numbers
Why we consider blood type AB is the of people who has that blood type.
rarest? So we have a minimal donor.

Very good Class!

D. Elaboration

Now class, since you have the

idea about the components of our
blood answer the following

1. If you are a Nurse, What would

happen when a person receives (answer of the students may vary)
a different blood type?
2. You are in a hospital and you
need to receive blood, if you have
the blood type AB, what blood
type you need?
3. If one of the components in our
blood becomes weak, what
would happen to the human
In a one whole sheet of paper,
Test I. Identify the following question.
1. What components of the blood that
makes you stop bleeding when you
accidentally cut yourself?
A. Platelets C. WBC
B. Plasma D. RBC
2. Which of the following is NOT
belong to the group?
A. Blood type A
B. Blood type B
C. Blood type AB
D. Blood type Rh
3. If you are blood type A, which of
the following blood type can
donate your blood?
A. Blood type A only.
B. Blood type B only.
C. Both Blood type A and B.
D. None of the above (the students doing their activity)
4. When a foreign material enters to
our body, what a component of the
blood activates?
A. Platelets C. WBC
E. Evaluation
B. Plasma D. RBC
5. What do you call the production of
the blood?
A. Hematoma
B. Hematopoiesis
C. Hermatoma
D. Hermes

Test II. Based on the given blood type

chart show the possible compatibility
of donor and recipient. Put ‘check’ if
donor can possibly donate his blood
and out ‘X’ if not.

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