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DELTA Cal i bration Certificate A PAFT OT

Title Calibration sfthe coeffieicnl of retroreflected luminance R¡ of a white IHToGT

calibration standard in LTL-X reflectometer geometry
eeftifhate no. 120'323-082-1665 Object LTL-X ILTL-X MarkII Objeet ID #1665 DELTA a part of
efient DELTA Roadsensor F0RCE Technology
Venlighdsvej 4, 297 0 Horsholrn, Denmark
3M Guatemala, S.A. Venlighedsvej 4
On the behalf of
Guatemala 2970 Hsrsholm


Tel. (+45) 72 19 40 00
§peeifications DELTA DQI-706K040 "ealibraüsn ofthe soeffieient of retrorefleeted
Fax (+45) 72 19 40 01
luminanee RL of a reflcstanse standard in LTL geometry"
D§/EN 1436+Al:2008 "R¡ad marking malerials - Road marking perfurmance
for rgad users"

Results Thc eoeffieient of retroreflccted luminance of the calibration standard:

Parameter Value Units ealibration Date

RL 145 +5 med/(m2*1x1 2020-09-10

Note: Expanded uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measuement

multiplied by the coverage factor k = 2, (corresponds for a normal distribution to a coverage
probability ofapproximately 95 %). The standard uncertainty ofmeasurement has been
determined in accordance wirh EA4l02.

Equipmcnt uscd
Deseription Type ID
Luminous intensity standard 0§RAM Wi/4lG 943 PTB
Voltmeter Keysight 997 NPL
§hunr Tinsley 836 NPL
Photoeurrent meter LM"rr1000 932 NPL
Photsdeteotor LMT 852 PTB
Luminanee meter LMTlOO9 961 PTB
Reflectanee sta¡daxd BCR 910 PTB
Ihermometer 3BH 865 RI§O


Released by:
l0 Septemter

Áfans Henfk Kristiansen, Develdpment Technician

DELTA apart of FORCE Teehnology

§A¡" §!{,Ér.

units, Sl. DANAK is managing the Danish accreditation scheme in compliance with EU regulation No. 765/2008.

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