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NAME: _______________ AIR AROUND US (Ques/Ans) Date:

 Answer the given questions:

Q1) What is air ?

Ans. Air is a mixture of many gases , dust particles , smoke and water vapour.

Q2) What is atmosphere ?

Ans. The layer of air that surrounds the earth is called atmosphere.

Q3) Write some properties of air .

Ans. Properties of air are :
a. Air is present everywhere .We cannot see air but we can feel it.
b. Moving air is called wind.
c. Air occupies space and has weight.
d. Air exerts pressure.

Q4) List some activities that are possible due to presence of air.
Ans. Activities are:
a. Respiration in living beings
b. Photosynthesis in plants
c. Pollination in flowers
d. Dispersal of seeds
e. Burning of objects( Oxygen supports burning)
f. Sailing of ships/boats
g. Flying of birds , kites and aeroplanes
h. Rotation of windmill( energy produced by windmill is used to generate electricity , to draw water from
tubewell and to run flour mill.)

Q5) How will you show that the air is dissolved in water ?
Ans. Take some water in a beaker and heat it. Tiny bubbles start coming and indicate the presence of
dissolved air , which escapes when water is heated.

Q6) Why does a lump of cotton shrink in water ?

Ans. A lump of cotton shrink in water because water fills up the empty space that air has occupied.The layers
of cotton stick together and hence lump shrinks.

Q7) How will you prove that air supports burning ?

Ans. Take a burning candle which is fixed in a tumbler containing water.The candle is covered by an inverted
glass.After sometime , the covered candle gets extinguished and water rises upto one fifth of glass.It
shows that air supports burning.

Q8) How do plants and animals help each other in exchange of gases in atmosphere ?
Ans. Plants and animals help each other in exchange of gases in atmosphere . Plants take carbon di oxide to
prepare food and release oxygen during day time . This oxygen is taken in by animals and carbon di oxide
is released .Thus , plants and animals help in maintaining balance of oxygen and carbon di oxide.
Q9)Why during an incident of fire , one is advised to wrap a woollen blanket over the burning object ?
Ans. Because when the burning clothes of a person are covered with a woollen blanket , then the supply of
fresh air (OR OXYGEN) to the burning clothes is cut off and hence the clothes stops burning( or the fire gets

Q9) Write the composition of air.

Nitrogen = 78 %
Oxygen = 21 %
Other gases = 1 % Carbon di oxide , water vapour,
Dust particles and other gases
NAME: _______________ GARBAGE IN AND GARBAGE OUT(Ques/Ans) Date:

 Answer the given questions:

Q1) What is - GARBAGE ?

Ans. Waste materials that are not of any use and are disposed off – forms garbage.

Q2) What is a landfill ?

Ans. Landfill is an area where the garbage collected from a city/town is dumped . The area is later converted
into parks and gardens.

Q3) What is vermicomposting ?

Ans. The method of making compost with the help of redworms is called vermicomposting.

Q4) Write any four harmful effects of plastic on environment .

Ans. The effects are:
a. Plastic is non bio- degradable and causes land pollution.
b. It gives out harmful gases .When burnt may cause diseases like cancer , asthama , and other health
c. Polythene bags , if thrown around may block the drains , leading to flood like situations in monsoon.
d. Animals may die if they swallow the plastic bags as it can block their food pipes.

Q5) We should not burn dry leaves. Why ?

Ans. We should not burn dry leaves because smoke , fumes and harmful gases are produced on burning of
dry leaves which can cause cough and breathing problems for people living in nearby area.( We should use
an environment friendly way to dispose off the dry leaves like to convert them into manure.)

Q6) Write any three advantages of waste recycling.

Ans. The advantages are :
a. Reduces environment impacts arisinf from waste treatment and disposal.
b. Makes the surroundings cleaner and healthier.
c. Saves our landfill space and saves money also.

Q7) Differentiate between-

1. They are the materials that can be broken down by They are the materials that cannot be broken
the micro organisms present in the soil. down by the micro organisms present in the soil.

2. Example: Vegetable peel , left over food , paper , Example: Plastic , Polythene etc.
leaves etc.

Q8) Write the 3 R ‘ s formula.

Ans. Reduce , Reuse and Recycle
Q9) Give one suitable term that express the meaning of each of the given statement:

a. Greeting cards made from the newspaper : Ans. Recycling

b. Contents of waste bin : Ans. Garbage

c. Worms converting certain kind of waste into manure: Ans. Vermicomposting

d. An area where a lot of garbage is collected , spread out and covered with soil: Ans. Landfill

Q10) Draw the two types of bins used in disposal of waste.

GREEN BIN – For the disposal of bio-degradable waste BLUE BIN- For the disposal of non-biodegradable
( vegetable peels , fruit skin , used tea leaves etc.) waste (like plastic , broken glass etc.)

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