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Name: Lea Sanjoaquin

Course/Year/Sec: BEED 3

Date: August 21, 2021

Competency # 2 Activity Sheet

Historical Development of Arts

SAQ #1: Describe the focus and the development of arts in three distinct periods of stone age. (3 points)

The Paleolithic period sor old stone Age ( 30,000 BCE - 10,000 BLE ) it is the era that characterized bythe
emergency of basic stone tools aand stone and in the archaeological record. In this period we can see
those small sculpture and large sculpture, the gravings on cave walls. Paleolithic small small sculpture
are made of clay, bone, ivory, or stone and consist of simple figures decipting animals and human.

Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age ( 10,000- BCE - 8,000 BCE ) In this age you can see cave paintings and
portable art such as figurines, statuettes, and beads predominated with decorative figured workings also
seen on utilitarian objects.

Neolithic or New Stone Age ( 8,000 BCE - 3,000 BCE ) In this Age was a period in human development
from around 10, 000 BCE until 3, 000 BCE that considered the kast part zzzof the stone Age. It is the
period that signified by a progression in behavioral and cultural characteristics including the cultivation
of wild and domestic crops.

SAQ # 2: What was the main subject matter of art in the Middle Ages? (3 points)

In this Age was a period in human development from around 10, 000 BCE until 3, 000 BCE that
considered the kast part zzzof the stone Age. It is the period that signified by a progression in behavioral
and cultural characteristics including the cultivation of wild and domestic crops. In short it focuses more
on human development.
SAQ # 3: Give at least two Filipino artists who also used the realist style. Explain how they applied this
style in their works. (3 points)

1. Gustave Courbet- A dislike for the grand opulrnce of Romanticism led courbet to focus his large- scale
works on laborers and other working class people, and in turn, help established the ground work for
realism movement. His painting " The Stone Breakers (1849-50) featured laborers with faces turned
away from the viewer, toiling in dirty clothes to create gravel for a road.

2. Edward Hopper- Arguably tje most famous figure in American realism, Hopper's pauntings emphasize
stillness, detachement and distance. His 1942 painting nighthwalks,which spies on the patrons and stafd
at a late-night diner, is among the most recognized American art paintings.

SAQ #4: What characteristics distinguished impressionism from the art movements of ealier centuries?
Cite and briefly describe at least three of these characteristics. (3 points)

The art movements that the Impressionist use at the eraly centuries are most likely like the art
movement that realist uses. The sought to capture a specific moment in time.


1. Small but visible brush stroke - The Impressionist uses the small but detailed strokes for it to appear

2. Open Composition - Shows how the arts is open through any visible critique.

3. Real-life subject Matter - The Impressionist uses real life subject ( constantly happening in daily life) to
show its relevance on people.
SAQ #5: How did the cubists give a sense of dynamism and energy to their works? (3 points)

Cubists give sense to dynamism through rejecting the realistic and naturalistic deciption 9f movements.
And it gives of brand neew energy on the artpiece, that makes the piece one of a kind.

SAQ #6: Written below are the different features of arts in different periods of time. Identify what period
of time it is. (1 point each: a total of 5 points).

EXPRESSIONISM 1980 AD to 1935 AD 6.1. focused more on the emotion of color rather than the reality
of it

ROMANTICISM 1780 AD to 1850 AD 6.2. appealed to the emotions of trepidation and awe

CUBISM 1905 AD to 1920 AD6.3. focused on breaking down forms into simple geometric shapes,

RENAISSANCE (Late 1300's t0 1600 AD) 6.4. open composition and real life subject matter

BAROQUE & ROCOCO 17th CENTURY TO THE 18th CENTURY 6.5. characterized by rich color, Christian
themes, intense

shadowing, and highly dramatic scenes that are heavily foreshortened


Activity 2


Create durable products of self-

expression that served no function
for survival
two main forms: small sculptures
and large paintings and engravings
on cave walls
indicating another art form utilized
by prehistoric humans.
made of clay, bone, ivory, or stone
Paleolithic era and consist of simple figurines
depicting animals and humans.
highly stylized depictions of women
with exaggerated female parts
representing fertility and sexuality
cave paintings and portable art
such as figurines, statuettes, and
beads predominated, with
decorative figured
Mesolithic carved from soft stone (such as
steatite, calcite, or limestone), bone
or ivory, or formed of clay and fired
personal accessories and
adornments were made from shell
and bone.
under the category of portable art:
small for easy transport
saw the transformation of nomad
human settlements into agrarian
evidence of early pottery, as well as
Neolithic sculpture, architecture, and the
construction of megaliths

Early rock art also first appeared in this


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