Literature Poetry

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Literature is as necessary to the mind as oxygen to the body,

Reading helps the brain develop and imagination soar.

Ranging from an ironic drama to a jocular comedy,

Literature has several shapes, sizes and form.

Literature leads to the pondering of ideas like how an achievement leads to a celebration,

Drinking excites and stirs up the gears of unprecedented thoughts.

The ideas shape up bringing new life and motivation,

Allowing the creator to strive for success previously only dreamt of.

Skills and creativity,

requires to make a literary.

doesn't need to be perfect,

just to create content.

Think twice

just to be precise.

You must learn the basics,

have a correct basis.

Literature is a set of parallel lives that go along with our life.

We get to live many lives in one life and the lessons learnt in each life that can be applied to other
strands of life.

It is an answer to questions.

It is like alum that clears up the muddy water i.e. a therapy that soothes confused mind.

A relaxation, a break.

It is a wonderful way of communicating with unknown and unseen.

Analogical way of understanding history.

An opportunity to live in past and future i.e. an escape.

A platform for being heard and to express.

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