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Submitted By:

Under the Guidance of:

Dr Gaganmeet Kaur
(Assistant Professor, USME-DTU)


Delhi Technological University
East Campus
December 2021


This is to certify that the Data Querying And Visualization Project titled as “A

Study on Pharmacy Management System” is an academic work done by Mr
Priyam Upreti and Ms Isha Thakur is an outcome of my independent and
original work. We have duly acknowledged all the sources from which the ideas and
extracts have been taken. The project has not been submitted elsewhere for

Dr Gaganmeet Kaur

Assistant Professor

The completion of this project was possible only with the support, guidance and
encouragement of our professor and the university. We are especially grateful to
Asst. Prof. Dr. Gaganmeet Kaur, who was supportive throughout the project and
provided us with useful insights whenever we needed them.

We sincerely thank every person who was involved in some way or the other and
helped me attain timely and successful completion of my project work.

Everyone provided us with highly professional guidance.

TABLE OF CONTENT Particular Page No

1 Certificate

2 Acknowledgement

3 Mini World

4 Requirements

5 Entities

6 Relations

7 Cardinality

8 ER Diagram

9 Er to relational schema mapping

10 Relational Schema

11 SQL Queries

12 Conclusion


1. Patient:
Patient will be the one who would be using the online portal for placing
appointments. Patient entities will store detail like Name, Address, Contact
Number etc

2. Doctor :
Doctors of different specialty and names would be consulting Patients.
A doctor may consult more than one patient.

3. Drug Manufacturer: They would be making the drugs that would be

prescribed by the doctors to the patients.
They have ongoing contracts with Pharmacies.

4. Drug : Different drugs have different trade names and would be sold to the
pharmacy according to the need.
Their prices may vary according to the need.

5. Pharmacy : There are different pharmacies with different addresses and fax
numbers who would offer drugs according to the feasibility of the patients
and ongoing contracts.

6. Employee : Employees have proper Employee Id’s and they work in the
pharmacy. Their main aim is to coordinate and sell the drugs according to the
doctor’s consultation

Sociological model tells about the lifestyle and factors associated
with life of the consumer in the society. According to this model, an
individual consumer is a member of an association called “society”, and
gets affected by it as he is doing professional and unprofessional job in a
society like family member, as an employee of the firm so such things
affects consumer buying behaviour.
Under this model, we can say that sociological model is divided into two
o Primary group: This group majorly compromise of friends,
relatives and family members more of an informal type of group.
o Secondary group: This group contains society, personality type,
and requirements based on the same.

● Contemporary Models
Contemporary models of consumer behaviour focuses on majorly on higher
cognitive process instead of emotions or unconscious wishes.
The Engel-Kollat-Blackwell model of consumer behaviour follows a five-
stage method that consumer always tends to go under it before buying
a product or service.

o Awareness – In this stage, consumer generates the awareness about the product
from advertisements & newspapers, magazine and all and become alert according
to his desire, or interest, to get what they have simply discovered. This awareness
can also be called as subset of learning model.
o Three types of awareness are generally been observed in consumer mind:
Majorly awareness includes following factors:
(A) environmental features that trigger an automatic process
(B) The automatic process itself

Information Processing - After gathering the required information about a particular

product or service, a consumer begins to think about how the product or service is
useful for needs and whether it will withstand with consumer needs. Consumer
Information Processing in decision-making model is the process of how consumer
react to a particular set of the information that is being identified by him during
gathering of information. Conclusion is finally based on some of the factors like
affective elements, which are thoughts and feelings. Consumer information
processing is derived from four components: exposure, attention, comprehension and

The next factor, which is responsible in consumer behavior decision making, is

attention. Attention is crucial in consumer behavior, as it is known to be a
central point in the buying behavior perception is not possible without
There are two types of attention generally in daily life and in consumer life:
Alerting Function
Attention here refer to degree of focused awareness with the following task.
For example when a TV ad is running generally consumer will skip and
avoid or won’t pay attention to it but when some offer or discount is there
the degree of attention towards it increase and consumer is now more
attentive and less distractive.
Selective Function
Selective attention can be described as when a consumer pay attention
towards specific part and cuts down unnecessary or less important part for
example consumer is doing shopping in a mall and suddenly if he hears his
name in the mike he would eliminate other distraction and attend that thing
first. Therefore, this model says we can cut down unnecessary thing and
attend selectively to an important thing.

● Comprehension:

When having a look at these two pictures below, if I ask you to make a decision
between one pack to choose out of the two. Which packet will you choose that
contains the word “Genuine” or “Lucky”, or would you select a pack with a
disturbing picture on it?

The choice looks straight forward, and this is often precisely what a buyer
Comprehension is all regarding. The buyer is being influenced by some of the
following categories:
o Image or main idea of the message on the pic.
o Functions of the Message Receiver
o Characteristics of the mind while choosing the one packet out of the two
While after going through these three things, the consumer is going through process
or thought process each psychological feature and emotion parts which have the
major impact on the consumer mind as the message gives the mind the order which
packet to choose or which to reject.

⮚ Evaluation - At this point, consumers will be almost ready to explore and
finalize the product they’ve discovered and by looking through other options
from competitors to see if there is a better option which can be considered in
fulfilling his or her needs or if the original product is the best fit. Consumer
analysis, conjointly known as consumer testing or marketing research, is that the
method of assessing the properties or performance of existing or new
merchandise or services as perceived by the consumer. Several ways are
currently running over the past decades with the expansion of the buyer goods’

⮚ Purchasing Decision - A consumer will be now in the final stage of decision
making followed through the purchase for the product that has been the best in
the eyes of the consumer for his needs . A consumer may also stop the process if
they change their mindwe can perceive this with a little example the purchase call
is the (4th) stage within the consumer behaviour model call method and once the
decision really takes place. throughout this point, the buyer might have some
associate intention to buy because he has evaluated all the alternatives and
known the worth that it'll bring him while using this product

Here we can see that consumer has made up his mind for purchase but still some of
the factors, which could come in his mind, can be illustrated below:
From whom they must get, that is influenced by value purpose, terms of sale, and
former expertise with or awareness of the vendor.

When to shop for, which might be influenced by the shop atmosphere or setting, time
pressures and constraints, the presence of a purchase, and therefore the looking
⮚ Post-Purchase Behaviour:
Post-purchase behaviour is the behaviour in the consumer decision making process
which simply underlines those factors which consumer feels after using the product
for some time these could be positive and negative both factors. This consumer
method once the client assesses whether or not he is glad or discontent with a
procurement. However, the client feels a few purchase can considerably influence
whether or not he can purchase the merchandise once more or think about alternative
merchandise when thinking to buy it again...

Overall, Consumer Behaviour Model says that consumers make decisions based on
influencing factors that they get through rational insight

● Black Box Model

Black Box model(Stimulus-Response model), tells that the buyer is only the thinker
who has to look for internal and external factors while making the decision for the
particular product.

Here is how the decision making looks like.

Buyers react to the external stimuli and factors with their current knowledge, past
experience, or ability to react to a change while making a decision


● Psychological Factors
● Social Factors
● Cultural Factors
● Personal Factors
● Economic Factors

Consumer behaviour is also affected by some factors.

These 5 major factors that impact customer behaviour: 

o Psychological Factors

The mind is a major factor of customer performance as it handles and does a;; of it.
These factors are tricky to calculate but are powerful enough to impact a purchasing
Some of the crucial psychological factors:

▪ Motivation
When a person is motivated, it influences the buying behaviour of the person. Plus
there are many needs likesocial needs, basic needs, security needs, esteem needs
and self-actualization needs.

Basic needs and security needs are the top most priority in all the needs. Therefore
they have the power to motivate the person.

▪ Perception

Buyer’s perceptionimpactsuserconduct. In this the buyer takes knowledge about a
particular product and then moves about making decision if he wants to buy it or not.
Commercials, Advertisements, YouTubeads and videos, etc. concerning to a product
gives some knowledge and picking options as to why to buy that product. Hence this
is a major factor.

▪ Learning
When a person buys a product, he/she gets to learn a little more about the product.
Learning comes over a period of time through experience. A user's learning depends
on talents and experience. While a skill can be gained through training, knowledge
can be acquired only through experience.
Learning is either conditional or cognitive.

▪ Attitudes and Beliefs

Everyone has a certain attitude or behaviour towards a particular thing.
Same is in the case of a buyer when he’s out to buy soe commodity or take a service,
they have a particular belief or attitude about what to look in product before buying.
Then the choice is made.
And this comes major in decision making as all the attitude is set after reading and
gaining knowledge about the product through ads or commercials.

o Social Factors

Humans are social beings and they live around many people who influence their
buying behaviour. Human try to imitate other humans and also wish to be socially
accepted in the culture. Hence their buying behaviour is inspired by other people
around them. These factors are considered as social factors.

Some of the social factors are:

▪ Family
A family where you have grown up with influences you with the buying decisions.
The buyer tend to buy the stuff he has seen his family buy and the attitude and belief
is set up accordingly only even when grown up.

▪ Reference Groups
This means the group a person usually hangs out with and goes out with when
buying some product.
Usually the group has a common or same buying behaviour and choice of product.

▪ Roles and status

A person is inspired by the role that he holds in the culture. If a person is in a high
situation, his buying behaviour will be inspired largely by his position. A person who
is a Chief Executive Officer in a firm will buy agreeing to his status while a staff or
an employee of the same company will have distinct buying form. 

o Cultural factors

A clan of people are related with a set of beliefs and principles that fit in to a special
community. When somebody comes from a distinctarea, his/her behaviour is highly
inspired by the civilization relating to that special community. Some of these factors

▪ Culture
Cultural Factors have strong effect on the buyersbehaviour.  Cultural Factors consist
of the basic principles, wants, desires, likings, views, and behaviours that are
witnessed and heard by a buyer from their near personalassociates and other crucial
people around them.

▪ Subculture

There are many subcultures, within a cultural group. The subcultural groups
communicate the same set of values and ideals. Subcultures can comprise of people
from distinctbelief, status, layouts and races. These divisions by itself form a
▪ Social Class
In each culture there are always social classes.It’s not just established by the salary or
income, but also other things such as the work, family background, education and
residence location. Social class is important to predict the buyer performance

o Personal Factors

These are the factors which are personal to the consumers and of course influence
their buying behaviour. These factors are different in person to person, thereby
makingvariousjudgments and buyerbehaviour.
Some of these factors are:
▪ Age
The age of a person influences most their buying behaviour or purchasing power.

Teenagers have a different perspective of seeing the products, middle aged look for
other features while picking up a product and old people have interest in their own
So everyone has different needs according to their age.

▪ Income
Higher disposable income lets the buyer to buy more products. It basically means the
money that is left after getting the basic needs all done.
The more the disposable income, higher the expenditure on various items. But when
the disposable income becomes low, spending capacity also decreases.

▪ Occupation
Occupation of a consumer influences the buying behaviour. A person tends to buy
things that are appropriate to this/her profession. For example, a doctor would buy
clothes according to this profession while a professor will have different buying

▪ Lifestyle
It is the way a person usually lives his life, the culture/tradition he follows.
It’s not compulsory that people in a family will have a same lifestyle.
The choices made to buy products and take services are influenced by the lifestyle

o Economic Factors

If the situations of a market or a country is economically positive or negative, then it

majorly affects the buying choice of a buyer during the decision making A positive
market means more purchasing power and vice versa.
Economic factors offer a very major role during the buying choice of buyer. Some
major factors are:
▪ Personal Income
Higher disposable income lets the buyer to buy more products. It basically means the
money that is left after getting the basic needs all done.
The more the disposable income, higher the expenditure on various items. But when
the disposable income becomes low, spending capacity also decreases.
▪ Family Income
The total income from all members of the family is Family Income.
So it’s clear that if more people are earning in the family they will generate more
income. More family income gives more liberty to buy expensive things apart from
the already satisfied basic needs.
▪ Consumer Credit
The more the credit offered, the higher it becomes easy to spend more and purchase
more goods. Buyers avail credit in the form of credit cards, bank loans, hire
purchase, and many such other credit options. Sellers make it easy for them. When
there is higher credit available to consumers, the purchase of comfort and luxury
items increases.

▪ Liquid Assets 
The consumers who have liquid assets tend to spend more on luxury and expensive
These can be turned to cash easily.If you have more liquid asset you’ll always spend
more and on useless things at times.
▪ Savings
The consumer is always motivated and pushed with the amount of money he saved
from income . If he decides to save more, his expenses reduces and on the other hand
if he wants to spend on more expenditure, then most of his income will go to the
expenses part.


Mobile phones in simple definition a small portable device which can be classified
under, as the first form of the electronic communication device in the year 1995, the
sales of the mobile phone in India has been very high. “Nowadays, mobile handsets
have become an integral part of human every day-to-day life and personal
communication across the globe. In the current highly competitive mobile phone
market, manufacturers constantly fight to find additional competitive edge and
differentiating elements to persuade consumers to select their brand instead of a
competitor’s”. With a subscriber base of more than 851 million, the Mobile
telecommunications system in India is the second largest in the world and it was
thrown open to private players in the 1990s.

According to a market survey company, mobile user base had increased to 407
million users by 2011 and interestingly it claims that there has been higher increase
in penetration and tele-density in the rural mobile connections compared to urban


● A smartphone is a small device used for social Media and communication.
While some of the most commonly used applications on smartphones is to
send message make phone calls.
● It allows the user to access e-mails, set calendars, browse web and use many
other applications.
● The front screen of the smart phones, which are different as per various
model support viewing of documents, reading e-mails and browsing the Web.
Their battery life is usually quite high but depends model to model there
configuration and daily usage by the consumer.
● Most of them have high-resolution cameras and added features like, games
and eBook reading facility are inbuilt along with the hardware inclusions
such as GPS receivers that makes it an all-in-one operational tool.

Worldwide Top 5 Smartphone Company Unit Market Share (%)

Current Scenario of the Indian Smartphone Market

The global smartphone market climbed 28.1% year on year to reach total shipments

of 351.1 million units in the first quarter of 2021, according to preliminary data
from Informa owned Omdia. That gain consolidates the smartphone market’s recent
recovery after it posted its first annual growth since Q3 2019 in the final quarter of
2020.  However, Omdia said 2021 is set to be a year of transition with Huawei’s role
continuing to change, LG exiting the market and a severe semiconductor shortage
affecting sales.

Samsung took over the top spot from Apple in the first 3 months of 2021, shipping
76.1 million units, up 29.2 percent year on year, to reach 22 percent of the market.
The company was able to increase shipments by 22.8 percent from Q4 2020 thanks
in part to an early update to the Galaxy S line as well as the launch of its latest range
of devices in the A series.

Apple followed its blockbuster Q4 2020 with another significant year on year growth
of 46.5% to reach 56.4 million units shipped in the quarter, equivalent to 16% of the
market, followed in third place by Xiaomi with 14% after shipping 49.5 million
units, up 78.3% year on year.

Two more Chinese smartphone brands – Oppo and Vivo – continue to battle for
fourth and fifth place in the global rankings and remain tied on 11 percent of the
market. Vivo shipped 38.2 million units, just above the 37.8 million units Oppo
shipped in Q1.

Year on year, Vivo grew shipments by 95.9 percent and Oppo by 85.3 percent, as
they overtook Huawei, which slipped out of the top 5 global smartphone OEM
ranking after shipping 14.7 million units, some 70 percent less than in Q1 2020, not
including the 3.6 million units shipped by its sub-brand Honor, which is now an
independent entity.

Major Smartphones dealers in the country now are:

● Online Stores
● Offline Stores
o Croma
o Sargam Electronics
o Vijay Sales

Some of the main and core objectives of this research are mentioned below:

● Study of consumer behaviour towards buying a smartphone

● Study the various external and internal primary factors that determine the
buying process of the consumer.
● Study the perception of the consumer regarding various smartphone brands
● Study the entire model behind of the consumer decision making process
● Analysis of consumer behaviour data which is being collected towards
buying behaviour.


Buyers Buying Behaviour

BuyerBehaviour is the type of behaviour the buyer shows when he is looking to buy
a product or while comparing two product or maybe when surveying for a particular
product or service.The behaviour and the wanting is set such that it satisfies the
buyers needs. Buyerbehaviour also revolve on how the person spends his money on
the needs but also keeping in mind the money and resources available for the need to
be fulfilled. Therefore, the choicemaking method is crucial to the buyerbehaviour.

Pre-Purchase Behaviour

A buyer searches for the product/services when his needs arrive. The main priority
while choosing a product is that he makes a right choice. He looks out for the
following things −

● Product Brands

● Products Variations

● Product Quality

● Product Alternatives.

The customer picks the things according to his age, gender, risk involved, sudden
need, importance, cost, maintenance etc.

There are various types of Search Activities

The information search activity can be classified into various types such as the
following −

Specific Ongoing Incidental

Service Encounter

Service encounter is generally defined as a buyer's direct contact with

a service provider, including both face-to-face interaction and experience. Voorhees
et al. defines service encounter as “any discrete interaction between the customer and
the service provider relevant to a core service offering”.

When the customer is face o face buying the product or taking the service or over
phone doing the same thing, service encounter occurs then.They are of three types:-

● Remote encounters

● Phone encounters

● Face-to-face encounters

Post-Purchase Behaviour

The emotions felt or maybe the post experience after buying the product coes under
Post-Purchase Behaviour.It’s not always that the customer is happy about the
purchase made. It usually happens that after the purchase is done, the buyer is
disappointed or unhappy with the services got received. The buyer may regret his

When a product is bought, the salesman at times need to reassure the buyer about
the right purchase he made. This can be done by highlighting the various features of
the product/services offered or maybe by telling the advantages of the same so that
the buyer is also not concerned and goes home happily and fully satisfied.

When you buy a product and you find it faulty or maybe it’s not the way you
thought, then the satisfaction of buying the product declines. To reduce this
dissatisfaction, the buyer may return or exchange his product Post-purchase.

There are many factors which undergo while choosing a smartphone by a
student in particular.

A review of India’s Smartphone consuming trend is presented below.

So here we can see why people usually buy a Smartphone: -

● 48% people want to stick with the trend i.e., they want to have the latest
smartphone and want to stay modern and top in class.

So, whenever a new phone is out, they usually go for it as it is the latest in
segment and more efficient and better than their current one
● 32% people usually switch to the newer one because their current phone is not
working how it used to i.e., more lagging and hanging, less space available or
maybe battery issues.
● 13% people switch and buy new mobile because maybe they are getting a
better deal and price of the same.
A handsome exchange offers or maybe getting an expensive phone in sale or
at a very affordable price.
● 7% people have random and other reasons for their buying of new phone.

Price structure vary from person to person: -

o 55% tend to buy a phone between a range of Rs10,000 and Rs20,000.

o 19% tend to buy a phone under Rs10,000.
o 13% people buy a phone between the range Rs20,000 and Rs30,000.
o 13% tend to buy the phone for more than Rs30,000.


We together conducted a test to assess the consumers behaviour towards purchasing

of the smartphone. The survey was conducted with a sample of 108 responds from
India. Questionnaires were completed and returned either via google form or via
email. From the sample 44 responds were of female that is 40.7% and the remaining
64 responds were of male that is 59.3%.


Male 64 59.3
Female 44 40.7

The form was divided into 5 parts, in the 1 st responds were asked to provide
information about their demographic network. 2nd part was to understand the pre
purchase behaviour of the consumer, 3rd part was to understand the service encounter
behaviour of the consumer, 4th part consists of post purchase behaviour of the
consumer and the last part consists of the questions which shows the opinion of the
consumers about the brand.

These are the 3 phases in which we have divided our consumer behaviour




We have prepared 5 questions to collect responds for pre purchase behaviour of the

We have prepared 2 questions to collect responds for the service encounter of the

We have prepared 2 questions to collect responds for the post purchase behaviour
of the consumer.

And prepared 2 questions more for the respondents to understand their preferences
towards a brand.


Which range of price are you willing to spend on a smartphone?

This graph shows the that only 5 people says that they would buy phone below
5000rs that is 4.7% and 4 people says for 5000rs to 10000rs that is 3.7%, 29 people
says that they would purchase phone between 10001rs to 15000rs that is 27.1%, 24
people says for 15001rs to 20000rs 22.4%, 10 people says that they would prefer to
purchase between 20001rs to 25000rs that is 9.3% and 35 people says that they
would prefer to purchase smartphone above 25000rs range that is 32.7%.


BELOW 5000 5
5000-10000 4
10001-15000 29
15001-20000 24
20001-25000 10
ABOVE 25000 35

Which brand of smartphone do you want to buy?

No. Of people that would prefer apple is 26 that is 24.3%, people preferring
Samsung are 25 that is 23.4%, people preferring google are 4 that is 3.7%, people
preferring one+ are 26 that is 24.3%, people proffering oppo or vivo are only 1 that
is only 0.9%, people preferring Nokia are also 1 and the percentage is 0.9%, people
preferring Redmi or real me are 21 that is 19.6% and people who have other brand as
their choice are 3 people that is 2.8%.


Apple 26
Samsung 25
Google 4
One+ 26
Oppo or Vivo 1
Nokia 1
Redmi or Real me 21
Others 3

Which feature is influencing more to buy a smartphone?

People preferring internet browsing as their influencing feature are 5 that is 4.7%,
people influenced because of entertainment purpose are 8 that is 7.5%, people who
get attracted towers the camera are 22 that is 20.6%, people who want better storage
and processor are 43 that is 40.2%, people looking for better version are 6 that is
5.6%, people who want long lasting battery are 18 that is 16.8% and people who
want smartphone as their status symbol are 5 that is 4.7%.


Internet Browsing 5
Entertainment 8
Camera 22
Storage and Processor 43
Version 6
Long Lasting Battery 18
Status Symbol 5

Where do you choose information for buying a smartphone?

People who take information from stores are 24 that is 22.4%, people who take
information from online marketing are 26 that is 24.3%, who take information
from friends and relatives are 20 that is 18.7%, who take information from you tube
are 26 that is 24.3% and people who have other sources for taking information are
11 that is 10.3%.


In Store 24
Online Marketing 26
Friends and Relatives 20
You Tube 26
Others 11

For which purpose do you buy a smartphone?

People who purchase smartphones to do work are 20 that is 18.7%, people who
purchase smartphone as their status symbol are 3 that is 2.8%, people who purchase
smartphone for fulfilling their needs are 26 that is 24.3%, people who purchase
smartphone for general sort of work are 58 people which comes out to be 54.2%.


Work 20
Status 3
Need 26
General Purpose 58


Why you like the above brand which you have chosen?

People who would like the brand for its promotional activities are 0 that is 0% only,
people who would like the brand for its price are 6 that is 5.6%, people who would
like the brand for its brand image are 15 that is 14%, people liking the smartphone
for its quality are 43 that is 40.2%, people who would like the smartphone for its
functions and features are 42 that is 39.3% and people who would like the brand for
its style are only 1 that is 0.9%.


Promotion 0
Price 6
Brand Image 15
Quality 43
Functions and Features 42
Style 1

If the brand is important than up to which level?

(105 people have responded to this question, as it was optional)

People who think that the brand is less important are 3 that is 2.9%, people who think
that the brand is medium important are 35 that is 33.3%, people who think brand
has high importance are 50 people that is 47.6% and people who think that the
brand is extremely important are 17 people that is 16.2%.


Low 3
Medium 35
High 50
Extremely high 17


The purchase of smartphone is benefit for daily life?

People who strongly agree that the smartphone is beneficial for daily life are 46
people that is 43%, people who agree that the smartphone is important is important
for daily life is 42 people that is 39.3%, people who do not agree and do not disagree
for the smartphone is important for daily life is 17 people that is 15.9% and people
who disagree are only 2 that is 1.9%.


Strongly Agree 46
Agree 42
Neutral 17
Disagree 2

What is the reason to switch to other smartphone?

People who would switch to other brand due to the income level are 17 that is 15.9%,
people who would switch because of innovative level are 45 that is 42.1%, people
who would switch to other smartphone because their previous smartphone lacks
some features are 37 people that is 34.6% and people who switched to other brand
because their previous smartphone has limited-service offer are 8 people that is


Income level 17
Innovative level 45
Lack of function 37
Limited service 8


What is the most important factor for choosing a specific brand of smartphone?

55 people said that brand loyalty is the most important factor for choosing a
specific brand of smartphone that is 51.4%, 35 said that trust in brand is the most
important factor that is 32.7%, 13 people said that guarantee and warranty are the
important factor that is 12.1%, 0 people said for EMI that is 0%, 1 person said for
discount that is 0.9% and 3 people said for the offers that is 2.8%.


Brand Loyalty 55
Trust 35
Guarantee/Warranty 13
Discount 1
Offer 3

Whether the brand is important for buying a smartphone or not?

100 people are saying that the brand is important that is 93.5% and only 7
people are saying that the brand is not important that is 6.5%.


Yes 100
No 7

● Sample size of the study was only 105 was collected
which is not a clear picture of the broader view and can’t
be generalized to a large extent.

● Due to sudden rise of covid-19 online data collection

was done through google form which can itself biased

● As in our study majority, responses were from Delhi

NCR so there would be definitely demographic bias.
Therefore, future studies are recommended to consider a
larger sample across the India.

● Face-to-Face interview would definitely have provided

much clarity in responses.


The principal outcomes of this research paper help us to get clarity on consumer
behavior their perception there thought process the consumer behavior model also
help us to predict why consumer tends to change his thought process while buying a
product that could be good for him and can be helpful in his daily life.

After studying this model, we conducted our own study and generated few responses
through google form on Buying behavior of consumer towards smart phone and
concluded some of the observations were as follows which were mostly highlighted
in the responses
Whenever consumer go out in the market for smartphone, he or she is mostly likely
to get himself limited to some factors like:

1 Budget and insights

2 First preference most likely to be his final product
3 Brand
4 specifications

As in our case we selected few top brands like apple, vivo, one plus, oppo, nokia and
other analysis part shows that although vivo, oppo, One plus are from same parent
One plus has been the top priority of consumers, oppo and vivo being least may be
the brand factor, and specifications of smartphone help to win the race and kick out
other competitors.

Through Ms-Excel software, we did deep analysis of all factors influencing the
buying behavior of consumer towards smartphones and budget and specifications
turn out to be a major contributing factor in buying a smartphone.


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