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WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ENLIGTENMEMT Who are the enlightened masters in this World Today?

Who are the enlightened masters in this World Today? Basic understanding and advise for those seeking to understanding Enlightenment, or Liberation from your Karma, or no more rebirths, or your last life on earth, to be in Nirvana, and wanting to attain the same . What after life is and what happen after death. Where you go after you are enlightened after you physical die, and where you go even if you dont try to do a spiritual path or who try and fail in attaining enlightenment in this life. Can you also try to come back to earth to attain enlightenment. Can you attain Enlightenment after death states? Tibetan Book of the Dead why use it??? Discussion on rehearsal for after life, Robert Monroes Journeys, the new religious leader planning a world religion movement Ryuho Okawa of Japan and his book LAWS OF THE SUN and his experience as Lord Buddha and others past and after life experience to help person on the path towards enlightenment. Teachings on Siddha yoga, Oneness Movement, Synchronicity Foundation, Advaita Vedenta, J. Krishnamurti and other masters on paths to enlightenment The teachings of Ramtha school of Enlightenment, of What the BLEEP DO YOU KNOW?? fame. The Oneness University teaching on experience of Oneness terms they use instead of Enlightenment a world spiritual awakening movement that Tony Robbins joined David Hawkins scale of Levels of Consciousness all will be covered And the Advance state of being Beyond Enlightenment the most people are not aware of. Q&A time for all those present, on the subjects. Yoga Sadhanas spiritual practices /techniques will be taught: - Chakra meditation / chakra dhyana // 30 minutes - Kundalini and divine energy pranayama ratio 8-16-8-16 with mudras

- Silent meditation - Mantra meditation - Kundalini meditation Om Namah Shivaya - Raja yoga pranayama / kundalini meditation the 9 mudras// 30 minutes - Kundalini breathe ratio 1:0:2:0, ujjayi kriya Explanation on: Who gives it and what purpose? - Diksha / deeksha - Shaktipati - Kundalini activation - Energy dynamic of enlightened masters CALL JOHN Book your seats now! Call Lightworks at 03-21432966 or email: Who is Sri Jnanadev Yogi? Sri Jnanadev Yogi is a meditation teacher, spiritual intuitive counselor, metaphysics teacher, and lecturer, Shamballah Ascension Meditation, Initiator of Cosmic / Agni Yoga, who has been offering a variety of services to the public since 1992. A 50+ years old American, experience teacher of Esoteric Spiritual Science Yoga, and Eastern and Western Philosophies 32 years Experience in Meditation. Intuitive Guidance on Your Spiritual Path Teacher of Advanced Meditation Disciplines of most Western and Eastern Traditions Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, Esoteric Christianity. Esoteric Zahra/ Kabala Training Ancient Hawaiian Huna, Hooponopono basic course, and most Theosophy, the Ascended Masters teaching and others Sri Jnanadevs Meditation Teaching Experience Developed and taught Meditation Teacher TRAINING. Raja Yoga Pranayama/ Chakra Dhyana Workshop, 2002 to present .Level I and Level II, Living in Joy of Satya Loka Golden Age Movement, workshops .Opening the Third Eye and Kundalini Workshop,

1995 revised 2002 to present .Shamballah Cosmic fire Meditation/ Agni Yoga and Empowerment Meditation Workshop, 1992 to 1997 .Trained since 1983 in Kriya Yoga of Lahiri Mahasaya, Calcutta , India have now since 1996 Kriya Yoga training workshop to present ,Shamballah Cosmic Fire Meditation 1997 to present level 1, 2, 3, and new level 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 to present. Vijja Dhammakaya Theravada Buddhist Meditation, 1989 to present. present .Superconscious Meditation workshops, 1989 to present , Basic Kabballah Workshop, Basic Understanding/ Teachings of Hooponopono Workshop, Shamballah Past Life Reading and Divine Healing with the Ascended Masters, private, Shamballah Past Life Reading and Healing Workshop ENLIGHTENMENT WORKSHOP WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT?

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