Student Example of Guess The Place

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The Gym

1)What was your reaction to the poem?

It’s quite boring in my opinion but the whole thing is his safe place and it’s got a lot of nature
elements in it.

2)Compare and contrast your personal description to Wordsworth's description in Tintern


His will be a lot more quiet and my place is very loud and sometimes obnoxious. Also his safe
place is outside in nature mine in inside with lots of unnatural elements.

3)Why did you choose this place?

The gym is my place to release a lot of stress and it makes me feel good.

4)How does this place make you feel?

It releases stress and makes me feel better about myself.

5) How does this place influence your view on life?

Entirely because my whole mindset is that people should be happy and healthy in their body
and most people aren’t happy if they aren’t healthy.

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