Tutorial 3

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Module Code & Module Title

CC5004NI Security in Computing

Assessment Weightage & Type

10% Weekly Assignment

Year and Semester

2021-22 autumn / 2021-22 spring

Student Name: Nischita Paudel

London Met ID: 20049186
College ID: NP01NT4S210092
Assignment Due Date: 17th November
Assignment Submission Date: 17th November

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the
relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am
fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a marks of zero will be awarded.
Tutorial 03 – Security in Computing (Introduction to Cryptography)

Question 01. In your own words, describe the importance of cryptography in the
domain information security.
ANS: The process of sending and transmitting data in a particular from so that
only the destined person can see read or process it. Cryptography may be used
for user authentication as well as protecting information from unauthorised or
modification. This process uses mathematical principles as well as a collection of
rule-based calculations known as algorithms to change information in in such a
way that a tasks can be performed.
One of the most challenging problems for businesses competing in today's
competitive environment is information security. Cryptography can help us
protect our copyrights by preventing it from detecting and responding to cyber-
attacks and malicious attack when used correctly. It helps in maintaining CIA
triangle i.e. (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability/Accessibility). When it
comes to cryptography, confidentiality is a top priority. It implies that only those
with the appropriate permissions have access to the data sent, and that the data
is secured from unauthorized access. The term "integrity" refers to the accuracy
of information systems and related data. When a system is said to be
"integrated," it indicates that the data in it is moved and analysed in particular
ways. The data remains unchanged even after it has been processed. Encrypting
algorithms and message dissolves are used in cryptography to maintain data
integrity. The receiver is ensured that the data received has not been tampered
with during transmission by giving codes and digital keys to confirm that what is
received is authentic and from the authorized sender. Maintaining the privacy of
persons whose personal information is maintained in corporate systems requires
confidentiality. As a result, encryption is the only way to assure that our data is
kept safe while being stored and sent. It uses encryption methods and message
absorbs to assure data integrity. The receiver is ensured that the data received
has not been manipulated with during transmission by giving codes and digital
keys to confirm that what is received is authentic and from the original sender. So
in this way cryptography has played a great role in the field of information

Question 02. Elaborate what are Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption systems
ANS: It is the simple method of encryption, using only one secret key to cipher
and decipher data. Symmetric encryption is a well-known and well-established
method. It uses a secret key, which can be a number, a word, or a random string
of characters. It's a type of message that's mixed in with the plain text to
transform the content in a certain way. The secret key used to encrypt and
decode all communications should be known by both the sender and the
receiver. Symmetric encryption includes AES, RC4, DES, RC5, and RC6. AES-
128, AES-192, and AES-256 are the most commonly used symmetric algorithms
(Daniel, 2021).
Despite symmetric encryption that uses the same secret key to encrypt and
decode confidential data and information, asymmetric encryption, also known as
public-key cryptography or public-key encryption, encrypts and decrypts sensitive
data using mathematically linked public- and private-key pairs.
Plaintext is turned into cipher text and vice versa during encryption and
decryption, it is the same with symmetric encryption. Unique key pairs are used
to encrypt data. Its example are: Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) and the Digital
Signature Algorithm (DSA) (Daniel, 2021).

Question 03. Elaborate when a cryptographic algorithm is considered to be

unconditionally secured?
ANS: Regardless of how much cipher text is provided, an encryption technique is
unconditionally safe if the cipher text created by the system does not include
enough information to determine uniquely the corresponding plaintext. That is, no
matter how much time an opponent has, he or she will be unable to decipher the
cipher text since the necessary information is missing. No matter how much
cipher text is available, the cipher text created by the system does not include
enough information to correctly identify the matching plaintext.

Question 04. Discuss the two criteria when a cryptographic system is considered
to be computationally secured.
ANS: A cipher is "computationally secure" if the amount of computer power
required to crack it is so huge that no one can collect the necessary computing
power. If a cipher cannot be broken in reasonable time, it is considered to be
computationally secure. This is a word that refers to how long a computer will
take to complete a task. So, basically two criteria when a cryptographic system is
considered to be computationally secured is when there is time and cost.

Question 05. Describe the working methodology of Caesar Cipher by providing a

suitable example.
ANS: The simplest use of substitution was by Julius Caesar. The Caesar Cipher
involves replacing each letter of the alphabet with the letter standing 3 places
further down the alphabet.
More thoroughly,
Suppose we need to crypt a Name i.e. SURU then,
A1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9 J10
K11 L12 M13 N14 O15 P16 Q17 R18 S19 T20
U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26

Plain text- SURU
Let’s suppose key = 9
Cipher text= plaintext + key mod26
N= 18+9 mod26
=21 mod26
U=20+9 mod26
=29 mod26
= 3=D
R=17+9 mod 26
=26 mod 26

U=20+9 mod26
=29 mod26
So, ciphered text of SURU is BDAD

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