Cause and Effect Relationship

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To show a cause and effect relationship we need some signal words which
are used to connect the cause to its effect.

a. Santi cannot go to school today. (= the effect)

She is sick / Being sick. (= the cause)
(Sentence) (NounPhrase)
> Santi cannot go to school today because she is sick.
(Santi cannot go to school today beause of being sick.)

b. They don’t go for a picnic today. (= the effect)

The heavy rain. (= the cause )
(Noun Phrase)
> They don’t go for a picnic today due to the heavy rain.

There are two groups of signal words to show a cause and effect
relationship, namely :
1. Signal words followed by a sentence ( S+V+O+Adv)
Because > + the cause
As a result > + the effect
Qonsequently e.g. a. -
Sinta doesn’t go to school today (the Effect)
- She is sick. (the Cause)
> Sinta doesn’t go to school today because/for/as/since she is

b. Sinta is sick (the Cause)

She doesn’t go to school today (the Effect)
> Sinta is sick therefore/so/as a result she doesn’t go to school

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2. Signal words followed by a noun phrase.

A Noun Phrase = The girl > beautiful = The beautiful girl

The car > expensive = The expensive car

Due to
Because of
Owing to
As a result of
Thanks to
Lead to

e.g. a. He doesn’t go to school today due to the heavy rain.

( He doesn’t go to school today .because/as/since/for.... It is

raining heavily.)

b. Sinta doesn’t go to school today because of being sick.(= she is

(Sinta doesn’t go to school today because she is sick)

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