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Title: Danger of Air Pollution

Danger, danger everywhere,

Pure air is now getting rare,
So much pollution in the air,
Sad attack on people welfare,
Lungs &
even brain,
Sadly feel all the pain.

Fossil fuel is being burnt

Forest cover is getting lost
Vehicle smoke is adding dust
Factory fume is doing worst

Human health is on attack

Acid rain cant be taken slack
Global warming is not a joke
Climate change is a visible poke

Please stop air pollution,

There is a better solution.
Plant many trees as possible,
Reuse, Reduce, Recycle,
Until human saves me fast ,
Mankind can live safely not.

Title: LOOK OUTSIDE !!!!

Look outside, see the trees.

Watch the flowers in the breeze.

Things won't be like this in a year or two

If polluting is all we do.

Seize the night,

Seize the day.

Things won't always be this way.

Thousands of people are dying.

In the night, you hear children crying.

Let's stop the war.

Our people are sore.

The world can't help itself.

Who cares about your wealth?

Help me to help you.

Show the world what you can do.

Title: Be Responsible
Instead of polluting:
Pick up your trash.

Take old tires to the dump.

Compost your lawn clippings.

Prevent run-off from your farm.

Use cloth grocery bags instead of paper or plastic.

Have your old muffler replaced.

Recycle used motor oil and old paint.

Use a refillable water bottle.

Collect rain water for your garden.

Reuse and recycle everything you possibly can.

Be responsible for yourself, the planet, and the future

Title: Solution for Pollution..

Is it too much to ask for a pollution free world?

The condition of the environment leaves us appalled.
Can we call this progress if life comes to a halt?
We are responsible for pollution; it is our fault.

Oceans are poisoned by spilling of oil,

Pesticides are contaminating Earth's soil.

It's a pity not to see a clear blue sky

As air pollution is alarmingly high,

Global temperature is rising, glaciers are melting down.

Inaction by us will let cities drown.

It is not that we don't have any solution

To tackle and control this ongoing pollution -

Reduce plastic use, stop deforestation,

Plant trees for clean air and soil restoration,

Factories should stop draining waste to the sea,

Then marine life will improve naturally,

Composting can make the soil fertile

And we should not let debris pile,

And by the process of recycling and reuse,

We can stop our Earth's further abuse.

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