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Kaalinsabay Rd., Manggahan, Pasig City


Marlo M. Ganeda, Ferdinand Pena, Cedrickaeron Bordeos, Raymond Rapsing, Joed San Andres, Ruslie Jonson, Ahya M.
Songcuan, Angeline Guevarra, Faye Claire Gadian, Chriscel Orano

Keywords: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Introduction The study would concentrate on students' awareness of

Many people are unaware of their rights, and most of them people's basic human rights in social, political, and economic
simply accept the unfair treatment from others without decision-making, especially their rights in education and on
realizing that they have the right to sue or complain if their the impact of their rights to education. Their perception of
human rights were violated in any way. And always how these rights are being implemented and their effects on
remember that you have the right to speak up. As Tony the education system based on perceived causes of students
Fernandes stated it, "Human rights means that each not being able to complete their education.
individual should be treated with respect, dignity, and
equality." Just like students have the right to study and This study examines the students' awareness of their rights
finish their education in order to help their family and in and to education based on UN CRC in order to ascertain
country. Malcolm X said that "Education is the passport to how aware they are. Specifically, it seeks to answer the
the future, because tomorrow belongs to those who prepare following questions:
for it now."
The goal of this study is to determine whether students are 1. What is the student's profile in terms of:
aware of their rights, in terms of rights to education and 1.1 Gender;
rights in education. Including the accessibility for both public 1.2 Grade level; and
and private student loans and scholarships, the right to a free
1.3 Strand?
elementary and secondary education. Equal educational
chances in schools for both indigenous and non-indigenous
2. How aware are the students with their rights on education
students. Governments must guarantee equal access to high-
based on UN CRC in terms of:
quality education for all students without discrimination.
Students should be aware of their rights for a better fairness, 2.1 Rights to education; and
dignity, equality, and respect. Education is regarded as a life- 2.2 Rights in education?
changing force, and most parents' major goal is to ensure
their children's educational success (Alampay, L. P., &
Garcia, A. S., 2019). Every student's goal is to struggle for the INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT
best education he or she can acquire. However, human rights How aware are the The research will To have the
groups allege that not all children are given the opportunity students with their be conducted awareness of the
to attend even primary education. Advocates believe that rights on education through students in terms
elementary education is a basic human right and that based on UN CRC distribution a of their rights in
children should have the essential social and life skills in terms of: Google form to the education and
needed to get a job, be an active member of a peaceful participants in their rights to
2.1 Rights to order to gather education.
community, and have a satisfying life. Given that the
education; and information and to
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) recognizes
2.2 Rights in be determined by
the right to education; many children continue to miss out on the researcher.
even basic primary education; and the Philippine education?
Constitution contains specific provisions that acknowledge
this mandate and work to fulfil it, the researchers discover a
gap between the positive acceptance and implementation of The Focused Concept of the Study How aware the students
government rules or programs and the sad reality that not all of SLRSHS GR12 in terms of their Rights in and Rights to
children are able to comply (Timbal, M. A., 2019). This is the education.
problem that the researchers want to solve.

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Kaalinsabay Rd., Manggahan, Pasig City

The Figure shows Relationship of variable Input contains the References

Questions of how aware the students in terms of their
awareness Rights in and to education, in the process variable, Timbal, M. A. (2019). Analysis of Student-at-Risk of
it can be seen that we used a physical interview and Google Dropping out (SARDO) Using decision tree: An
Forms Messenger to collect data to be used in the study. Intelligent predictive model for reduction. International
While in the Output, While the Output Contains the Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 9(3), 273-
perceived awareness of the SLRSHS students to their rights 278 _Computing, 9(3), 273-278.
in and to education.
This study is focused on rights in and to education based on =show&catid=85&id=925
the UN CRC. The researcher will use DepEd ORDER No.
031, s. 2022 for the awareness of students about their rights Alampay, L. P., & Garcia, A. S. (2019). Education and
in and to education. The Grade 12 students of SLRSH will be parenting in the Philippines. In School systems, parent
the participants. The study's participants were two (2) Grade behavior, and academic achievement (pp. 79-94).
12 students from SLRSHS. The respondents are chosen at Springer, Cham.
random to guarantee that each strand of grade 12 pupils has
two respondents. The respondents would be given questions 282776_7
from the researchers about their knowledge of the subjects
selected in DepEd ORDER No. 031, s. 2022s. The collected
data is handled with the utmost confidentiality. This study
will not assess the full DepEd ORDER No. 031, s. 2022.
This research aims to determine how Grade 12 students at ____________________________________________________
San Lorenzo Senior High School are aware of their rights in
and to education based on the UN CRC. The aim of this study
was to provide additional information about the rights in and
to education that benefit the following individuals:
This research benefits the students. Through this study, the
students will gain knowledge about their rights in and to
education. It help them to have more awareness when it
comes to their rights to education, such as; their rights to
access education and quality of education. They can be also
aware to their rights in education, such as, their rights to
express their views freely in all matters, rights to have
assistance and protection, and last right to freedom of
thought, conscience and religion. In order to avoid
disinformation and exploitation, it is more effective for them
to be more aware of every right they possess.
Moreover, this study also benefits our future researchers.
They can use this to refer to their own research so they have
the data about the awareness of grade 12 students to rights
in and to education.


Results & Discussion



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