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Senior High School

Second Quarter
AY 2022-2023, First Semester
Grade 11- Oral Communication in Context

Name: ______________________________ Date: ___________________________

Teacher: ____________________________ Year and Section: __________________

Activity Title: Principles of Speech Writing

Learning Target: To write the final draft of persuasive speech applying the
different principles of speech writing
Reference Title: Oral Communication for Senior High School
Authors: Fernandez, J., Masong, A. & Samillano, R.
Page No: 66-76
Concept Notes: There are six (6) principles to consider in writing an effective
speech: (I) Analyzing the Audience (II) Choosing the topic (III)
Getting Information about the Topic (IV) Outlining and Organizing
the Speech (V) Preparing to write (VI) Writing the Speech

DIRECTION: Write the final draft of your persuasive speech

TITLE: Recycling Should be Required in the Philippines

Hello everyone! This is Maphy from HAU and Grade 11 from ST Celestine. Today we need
to talk about recycling and why recycling is needed in our county. And what is the effect of
recycling on our country and the earth? Did you know how impactful it is to our earth and
country if we do not have a recycling policy? Because we do not, that is why we need to talk
about this today and make a change to our world and country to help Mother Nature and the
living things like animals, plants, and the ocean on our planet so we will be able to see it after
how many years and by the next generation of people and preserve the beauty of the nature
and earth and help the living things.
The reason why we need a recycling policy in our country is because there is a lot of trash
in our country because we don't have a recycling policy, and there's a lot of trash in our way
and ocean, and this can be a cause of death for other animals if they swallow the plastic and
the trans fat, which can be bad for their health and can cause death, and it can be toxic not
only to animals but to other things like corals and water in the oceans. That's why we need the
recycling policy; it is very important to know this, and we can change the world and our
country. Philippines and make the plastic good for our country and not bad by doing some
recycling, and we can make other decorations for any occasion or event. And even more, there
are a lot of benefits that recycling has, like how we can reduce pollution like water and air
pollution, which can be good for human health. and we can reduce green house gases less
conserving natural resources and reduced lanfill by 35%
I hope I can encourage all of you to participate in our recycling policy in the Philippines,
which can help our country and not just our country but the whole earth. We can save many
lives in the future, and we can do this by starting to recycle today and teaching the kids how to
recycle and how to take care of Mother Nature and save the earth, and I hope you all guys
participate. This is not just for me, but for everyone. I hope I can encourage you all today.

*Note: Remove the labels Introduction, Body and Conclusion in the final draft.
Scoring Rubric *This will be used to evaluate your approved and final copy of your speech

Component 10 9 8 5 Score
Audience and Provides arguments, Provides arguments, Provides some Shows little
Purpose illustrations, and illustrations, and support that appeals attention to the
words that forcefully words that appeal to to the audience and audience or
appeal to the the audience and serves the persuasive
audience and serve the persuasive persuasive purpose purpose.
effectively serve purpose
persuasive purpose

Organization Uses clear, consistent Uses clear Uses inconsistent Shows lack of
organizational organizational organizational organizational
strategy strategy with strategy strategy; writing is
occasional confusing

Elaboration Provides specific, well Provides some Provides some Lacks support
elaborated support for elaborated support support, but with
the writer’s position for the writer’s little elaboration

Use of
Language Errors in grammar, Errors in grammar, More frequent errors Errors in grammar,
spelling, and spelling, and in grammar, spelling, spelling, and
punctuations are few punctuation do not and punctuation, but punctuation
& and do not interfere interfere with they do not interfere interfere with
Conventions with understanding. understanding. with understanding. understanding.

Total Points / 40

Initial Draft (Content): ______ /10 (Excellent: 10 Very Satisfactory: 8 Satisfactory: 6 Fair: 4)

Final Draft: _ /40

Grand Total points ______ /50

Teacher’s Signature: ______________________________

Student’s Acknowledgment: ________________________ Date signed: _________________

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