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Theories of Learning and Instruction


Submitted in partial satisfaction of requirements of the degree of


Instructional Science and Technology

Ferlynn Lauren Yankiling

February 22, 2022

Capstone Approvals: (At least one advisor and capstone instructor should approve)

___________________________ _____________
Advisor Name Signature Date

___________________________ _____________
Capstone Instructor Name Signature Date

Table of Contents



Background on Project......................................................................................................5

Problem Description (Gap Analysis)...............................................................................5

Target Audience and Context...........................................................................................6

Literature Review......................................................................................................................6

Implications of Behaviorism.............................................................................................7

Implications of Cognitivism..............................................................................................7

Implications of Constructivism........................................................................................8

Solution Description...................................................................................................................9

Goals of the Project...........................................................................................................9

Learning Objectives...........................................................................................................9

Proposed Solution to Fill the Gap..................................................................................10

Learning Theories, Instructional Principles..........................................................................10




Learning Strategies and Justification....................................................................................12


Cognitive Learning Theory.............................................................................................12

Collaborative Learning Theory......................................................................................12

Connectivism Learning Theory......................................................................................12

Media Components..................................................................................................................13

Anticipated Challenges............................................................................................................13


Design/Development Narrative.......................................................................................14

Steps to Complete Project...............................................................................................15


Technical Skills Required...............................................................................................17

Timeline/Progress Report........................................................................................................17

Milestone Checklist..........................................................................................................17

Evaluation/Testing Plan..........................................................................................................18

Formative Evaluation Plan.............................................................................................18

Summative Evaluation Plan............................................................................................19


Appendix A...............................................................................................................................21

With various teaching pedagogy methods in higher education such as: behaviorism,

cognitivism, constructivism, and connectivism, it’s the fundamental skills used in instruction

technology and learning practice. With incoming graduate students attending the Masters of

Instructional Science and Technology program online at California State University, Monterey

Bay, about 31 percent of students prefer exclusively online learning when obtaining their

master’s degree. This self-directed learning supported by connectivism is a new look into online

learning in the 21st century. During the first semester, MIST students attending CSUMB are

going to be enrolled in the IST 524, Instructional Technology course.

Theories of Learning and Instruction in the learning content will provide online MIST

students three different learning approaches. That includes: behaviorism, cognitivism, and

constructivism. Students will navigate on how to approach the pros and cons between three

learning theory perspectives. MIST students will apply the three learning approaches

appropriately in the learning module and contents. The goal of this Capstone is to allow MIST

students enrolled in IST 524 course to provide three learning theories in the discussion forum in

regards to the different ideas, pros and cons, and provide feedback to their peers to understand

the perspectives of how learning is applied in different environmental settings.

MIST students will participate through a Learning Management System (LMS) in Canvas

that is accessible by CSUMB. A draft of the IST 524 course, will be offered in one module with

sets of learning content based primarily on Theories of Learning and Instruction. Once MIST

students have enrolled in the course, they will provide feedback through Google Forums or

Articulate 360 in order to decide the efficacy of the materials given.



Background on Project
Graduate students enrolled online in the Instructional Science and Technology program at

California State University, Monterey Bay will take their first course in IST 524, Instructional

Technology. It will be provided through a Learning Management System (LMS) offered in

Canvas. MIST students will engage in the module with different learning contents based on the

topic of Theories of Learning and Instruction. The goal is to provide incoming MIST students the

perspectives on Theories of Learning and Instruction as there are various learning pedagogy

styles. For the learning outcomes, MIST students will be able to articulate the pros and cons of

behaviorist, cognitive, and constructive perspectives. Secondly, the learners will apply relevant

behaviorist, cognitive, and constructivist approaches in the discussion forum.

Problem Description (Gap Analysis)

MIST students enrolled during their first semester in IST 524, Instructional Technology

may not be familiar with different learning theories in instructional science and technology.

Learners may not know how each theory is applied in different work setting environments. In

order to overcome this learning gap, students will engage through an LMS in Canvas in the

module. In that module, there will be: materials and readings, discussion forums, Articulate 360,

and Google Forums in order to get learners feedback on the overall module whether they found

learning theories was effective or inefficient.

In order to observe whether learning has been achieved, there needs to be an

understanding on the individual learner and their personality. How can this gap be fulfilled in

order for this issue to not reoccur? This gap is due to new learners. Assessing learners, feedback

will be provided in the last column of the learning content using Google Forms. Data will show

based on the learner’s responses. By reviewing responses from the individual learners, subject

matter expert will determine what needs to improve in order for learning to occur in the module.

Target Audience and Context

My target audience of this Capstone proposal will involve Masters of Instructional

Science and Technology (MIST) graduate students and Subject Matter Expert. MIST students

come into the program for various reasons in relation to furthering their career or starting a new

career path. Learners will use a Learning Management System (LMS) in Canvas to access IST

524, Instructional Technology to complete the Theories of Learning and Instruction learning

module. MIST students enrolled in IST 524, Instructional Technology come from a range of

educational backgrounds. For example, some are in k-12 teachers, computer engineers, medical,

and in corporate settings.

Literature Review
In learning, there are various pedagogy styles that instructors have in order to teach their

students. When it comes to designing instruction, it’s not feasible that all students will

comprehend the same learning materials. Educators need to perceive strategies on how they want

their students to learn and succeed in the classroom. “Therefore, an educator or instructional

designer needs to recognize the principles, concepts, and applications of various learning theories

when implementing technology into the instructional setting” (Hartsell, 2006). For that reason,

the literature review will share three different learning theories that can be applied such as:

behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism that can be apprehensive to the learners.


Implications of Behaviorism
For learning, behaviorism depicts a behavior in a given situation. Behaviorism (Google

Forums) Articulate 360 gives credence that learning takes place in essence of external stimuli

exhibited in the environment of the learner and alters their behavior. The stimulus that reinforces

positive behavior is the repercussion that can result in a positive or negative way. Instructors

utilizes the behaviorist approach in order to escort the students “desired behavior, and using

consequences to reinforce the desired behavior” (Pedroni, 2004).

In instructional technology, behaviorism elicits desired feedback. In order for the learner

to know they have obtained understanding and ability is to offer comprehensible instructions that

learners will meet their goals. In brief, the implication for instructional technology is to acquire a

response that are foreseeable and therefore dependable. It’s understood that behaviorism is a

stimulus in order to get the learners reaction. However, in instructional technology, it is

“dependent on the workplace or classroom having and maintaining the appropriate stimuli to

continue the intended behavior” (McLeod, 2003). On condition that a specific motivation is not

exhibited, or does not happen, desired performance will not exist. The article based on

behaviorism theory delve into ways learning is used in the classroom and workplace setting. Its

focal points are directed to the instructor and how to make learning effective for the student or


Implications of Cognitivism
In contrast to the behaviorism which focuses on the external environment, the cognitivist

perspective centers around the internal environment. Cognitivist focal point is based on the

internal memory processes of the learner. This learning approach processes how information and

learning will occur. In the cognitivist approach, it involves three processes which are: attention,

encoding, and retrieval (Newby et al., 2000). From this view, the instructor will generate

conditions that will support students to take part in, encode, and salvage information.

Comparably to taking part in, encoding, and retrieving information, cognitivist theory in

instructional technology allows a repetitive process that utilizes information based on the

learners and their environment to search progress in developing instructional result. Newby et al.

(2013) article, Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism: Comparing Critical Features From an

Instructional Design Perspective focuses on the memory and how it transfers to obtain learning.

In relevance to instructional technology, cognitivists examine the learner on their susceptibility

to what motivates their learning. On the contrary, Newby et al. (2013) explains in this article that

learners will determine how to build instruction on structuring, organizing, and sequencing

information to enable quintessential processing for cognitive strategies. Additionally, cognitive

theory determines the prior knowledge from the learner on how they can implement their

existing knowledge to new learning situations.

Implications of Constructivism
Through prior knowledge, learners are active based on learning experiences. Learners

who are new that enters a classroom or workplace have preexisting experiences of knowledge

they can apply. Thereby, learners will apply their previous learning into the classroom or

workplace. In this research article based on eLearning technology in the constructivist approach,

it’s understood that there are varieties of eLearning that is offered to students. A beneficial

component to eLearning is that it allows learners to go at their own pace to reach the learning

outcomes. In that sense, learning can be accessed numerous times to review certain complex

materials to construct preexisting knowledge. Lam et al. (2005) conveys eLearning supports the

learners in the process which fosters enriching opportunities to have a stake in varied pedagogies

to genuine practices. This research article analyzes the different constructivist pedagogical views

for eLearning technology that can be applied into educational environments so learning can be


To summarize the three various pedagogies for theories of learning in these research

articles, it’s understood not all learners will comprehend the learning materials correspondingly.

Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism offers our learners different perspectives as is the

case not all instructors and learners will agree with the learning approaches. To summarize this

literature review, theories of learning in instructional technology serve different frameworks to

create instruction and improve learning solutions.

Solution Description

Goals of the Project

The goal of this project is to support new Master of Instructional Science and Technology

graduate students enrolled in the course IST 524, Instructional Technology. Providing learning

through asynchronous Learning Management System (LMS) through Canvas where the module

is based on Theories of Learning and Instruction, MIST students will interact with other learners

and familiarize themselves with three learning theories on: behaviorism, cognitivism, and

constructivism. This will have to be specific as to what you will design for the module

Learning Objectives
 MIST students will review the materials and readings in order to acknowledge the topic

on Learning Theories of Instruction.

 MIST students will task themselves with the three learning theories: Behaviorism,

Cognitivism, and Constructivism.


 Once familiarizing themselves with the three learning theories, MIST students will begin

to engage in the discussion forum in their teams.

 MIST students will explain the advantages and disadvantages of behaviorist, cognitivist,

and constructivist point of view.

 MIST students will implement appropriate behaviorist, cognitivist, and constructivist

approaches in a given scenario.

 MIST students will provide feedback to other teams in the discussion forum to facilitate


 MIST students in a team will represent what they have learned and how this team

assignment was used in synthesizing ideas of each team member as an entity. These will

all have to be specified

Proposed Solution to Fill the Gap

Learning materials and readings will be provided through an eLearning course using an

LMS in Canvas. MIST students will acquire comprehensible Theories of Learning and

Instruction in order to do the group assignment constructively.

Learning Theories, Instructional Principles

MIST students will access the Learning Management System (LMS) Canvas to review

the learning module contents based on Theories of Leaning and Instruction. Learners will review

the overview agenda for the assignment, materials, readings, engage with their peers by

providing feedback that will line up with behaviorism.


 MIST students will get in their team and collaborate their thoughts and perspectives on

behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism.

 MIST students will provide feedback to another team in the discussion forum discussing

how the group approached their perspectives on behaviorism, cognitivism, and


 By MIST students completing this team activity, they will receive a grade of 50/50 if they

have met the questions asked in the discussion forum.

In the learning module contents, cognitivism will be applied in the lectures.

 Learning contents will facilitate learners by comprehending with the given materials and


 From what MIST students already know about behaviorist, cognitivist, and constructivist

theory, they will apply their knowledge in the discussion forum.

 The materials and readings will be chunked in order for MIST students to comprehend.

 In example, MIST students will watch videos and read about behaviorism, cognitivism,

and constructivism. They will then synthesize ideas based on those three learning theories

and post their team assignment.

 Teams will provide feedback to other teams based on their discussion. This feedback will

provide new knowledge.

In the constructivist approach, instructors believe MIST students will construct their own

comprehending and knowledge of the world, and contemplate those experiences.


 For example, MIST students have jobs where they are k-12 teachers. They will reflect

their experiences in the classroom (their teaching styles) and apply what they know in the

team discussion forum. They will approach their perspectives on behaviorism,

cognitivism, and constructivism.

 There will be collaboration with the MIST students getting in their teams. MIST students

will work together to discuss the topic of the assignment and conduct the project.

Learning Strategies and Justification

Cognitive Learning Theory

MIST students in the online interactive learning module and contents are non-learner

control. Instructors will create an agenda of the following materials, readings, and discussion

forum in order to facilitate learners to learn by doing. Knowledge is delivered to the learner by

the instructor (Harasim, 2017).

Collaborative Learning Theory

Online collaborative learning (OCL) will facilitate group discussions on Canvas by

having teams provide feedback in order to process and synthesize information and concepts.

MIST students are assigned in their teams to collaborate ideas being presented to see different

standpoints. This will generate understandings as a team when learners synthesize ideas.

Connectivism Learning Theory

In this online interactive learning module in Canvas, it will follow applicable components

of connectivism. As part of the Capstone project, MIST students will be presented by networking

on discussion forums and providing feedback in order to learn from other teams. Being able to

see the links between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill (Siemens, 2004), (Harasim, p. 83).

Google Forums will assess learners to see if knowledge was obtainable.

Media Components
This overall content of the course will be developed using a Learning Management

System (LMS) offered through Canvas. The delivery of this format will be offered

asynchronously and online towards MIST graduate students. Most MIST students that are

enrolled in the IST 524, Instructional Technology course reside from other areas of the world

which is why this course is provided at the learner’s convenience.

 MIST students have access to a laptop or computer and working internet.

 Materials and readings will be offered in the learning contents of the module.

 Step-by-step instructions on how to perform the team assignments.

 Google Forms – This will assess the overall data if students have obtained learning or did

not comprehend.

 Articulate 360 storyline

Anticipated Challenges
Obstacles that may appear during the schedule of my project is the time it might take to

revise and develop by the preferred given timelines. To take the edge off this concern, I will

create a specific deliverable timeline for SME. That way we are both on the same page during

the various phases of development. In addition, this will give me enough time and for the SME

to provide feedback without challenging schedules.



Design/Development Narrative
In this Capstone project, MIST students will take the online course asynchronously. The

overall course will have one learning module with 8-10 contents that will overview the topic of

Theories of Learning and Instruction. The module will be created in Canvas for students to see

the materials and readings for the following team assignments in the discussion forum. This will

involve collaboration with other MIST students where they will provide feedback to other teams.

The learners have the capability to access Canvas at their time convenience and study at their


1. Introduction (5 minutes)

2. Overview – What are Theories of Learning and Instruction? (10 minutes)

3. Overview – The three learning theories introduced in materials and readings (understand

behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism) (5 minutes)

4. Brief video on behaviorism and cognitivism (10 minutes)

5. Steps on how to start the discussion forum in teams (5 minutes)

6. Summary of Theories of Learning and Instruction (8 minutes)

7. Google Forms – Assessment (3 minutes)

Steps to Complete Project

Agenda Item Topic Description



MIST student Theories of MIST students will be able to understand the


Learning and theories of learning and instruction that involves

Instruction three learning theories: behaviorism,

cognitivism, and constructivism in the course of

IST 524, Instructional Technology.

Three learning Three learning MIST students will open Canvas on their

theories for MIST theories laptops or computer and review materials and

students readings in the learning module.

MIST students will Op-Ed discussion After reviewing the materials and readings,

participate in forum team MIST students will engage and collaborate with

discussion forum activity their teams in the discussion forum.

Questions and Provide other MIST students will have one person in the team

responses from each teams feedback to reply and answer the questions to another

team on their team. – They will provide what they have

discussion of the learned and if synthesized ideas of each team

three learning were present.


Must complete by Final Op-Ed MIST students will apply what they’ve obtained

Sunday 11:59pm discussion from the overall online interactive learning

completion module to be assessed.

MIST students will Google Forms MIST students will participate in feedback on

complete Google survey to assess the overall learning module whether they found

Forms survey once learning learning theories was effective or inefficient.

team assignment is


I will create a course using a Learning Management System (LMS) on Canvas. There

will be one learning module with 8-10 learning contents. MIST students will need reliable

internet access to laptops or computers in able to access the Canvas. Learners will log onto

Canvas using their school login username and password. Since learning will be asynchronously

online, learners are responsible at managing their time and expected deadlines. There is no cost

for this capstone project. Resources for project are listed below:

 LMS, Canvas

 Materials and readings, supplemental links, resources, and assessment forms for


 8-10 learning contents in one module based on Theories of Learning and


 Discussion Forums for MIST students to collaborate in their team

 Google Forms in order to assess learners’ knowledge

 Articulate 360

Technical Skills Required

Skills required for developing this course will include and require:

 Using a Learning Management System (LMS), and create a learning module based on

Theories of Learning and Instruction.

 Create 8-10 learning contents with materials and readings.


 Including team discussion forums based on the perspectives of three learning theories in:

behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism.

 Create a Google Forms in order to assess MIST students taking the course.

Timeline/Progress Report

Milestone Checklist
Deliverable Schedule Status

Course content online Estimated time: Not yet TBD


SME review of Learning Estimated time: Not yet In process

Theories and Instruction finalized

Learning Management Estimated time: Tuesday, In process

System (LMS), Canvas November 30, 2021.


Learning Management Estimated time: March 2022 TBD

System (LMS) Draft

Learning modules and Estimated time: April – May TBD

content 2022

SME overall review of Estimated time: May - June TBD

module one

Finalized LMS Estimated time: June - July TBD


Evaluation/Testing Plan

Formative Evaluation Plan

Formative evaluation of the learning will transpire through numerous

development processes. This will comprise by checking with SME during the development,

drafting the deliverables, and any materials approved by SME prior additional development.

Every single one of the online interactive learning modules will be refined by SME immensely in

order for precision and to prevent any alteration throughout the development.

Formative evaluation tests and developmental tests will be in control by SME and MIST

students. They will be able to test out the drafted version of the online interactive learning

module followed by taking a survey when completed. By taking the survey, it will evaluate if the

information was comprehendible, malfunction-free, and straightforward to navigate. Conducting

evaluations will support while making revisions to the online interactive learning modules before

finalization. From there, this will reinforce development by overviewing what areas need to be

improved or adjusted.

Summative Evaluation Plan

 Level 1 evaluation will be captured by managing the user survey following the

development and delivery from the learning module.

 Level 2 will assess information that will be captured by examining the statistical

data learning activities, discussion forum and online survey in the online

interactive learning module after the learner has completed.

 For Level 3, I would be interested in trying to complete the finished development

and delivery of the training course early enough by November of 2022 to ensure

the learners and subject matter expert have noticed transfer of information,

behavioral change taking into account the course.

 For Level 4, I would be interested in touching base with subject matter expert to

ensure that the online interactive learning module was successful, or any gaps

taking into account the development and implementation of the learning solution.

 For Level 5, there is no certain determination whether to consider the Return on

Investment (ROI).


Harasim, L. (2017). Learning Theory and Online Technologies (2nd edition). Routledge. An

imprint of Taylor and Francis.

Hartsell, T. (2006). Learning Theories and Technology: Practical Applications. International

Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 2(1), 53-64. Doi:


Lam, P.L., Ng, H.K., Tse, A.H., & Wong, Bernardo Y.W. (2021). eLearning Technology and the

Advancement of Practical Constructivist Pedagogies: Illustrations from classroom

observations. SpringerLink, 26, 89-101.

McLeod, G. (2003). Learning Theory and Instructional Design. Semantic Scholar, 2(3), 35-43.

Newby, T.J. & Ertmer A.P. (2013). Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism: Comparing

Critical Features From an Instructional Design Perspective. Wiley Online Library. 26(2),

43-71. Doi: 10.1002/piq.21143

Newby, T.J., Stepich, D.A., Lehman, J.D., & Russell, J.D. (2000). Instructional Technology for

Teaching and Learning: Designing instruction, integrating computers, and using media.

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 2nd edition

Pedroni, L. (2004). Instructional Development Timeline Behaviorism: What kind of questions do

the behaviorists ask? Why? Instructional Development Timeline Web.

Appendix A

This is an example of what Google Forms will have. Questions will be asked similarly to MIST students

enrolled in the course of IST 524, Instructional Technology.

Knowledge obtained? If not, how can we improve?

Materials and readings were effective in order Yes or No / How can we improve this course?
to do the group discussion forum.
Able to identify three learning theories for Yes or No / How can we improve this course?
behaviorism, cognitivism, and
Collaboration If not, how can we improve?
Able to work effectively as a team and Yes or No / How can we improve this course?
considerately with diverse teams
Each individual from the team represented Yes or No / How can we improve this course?
their own responsibility of collaborative work

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