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Glossary of Terms

1. LEX FORI – The law of the place where the court sits; the law of the forum

2. LEX CAUSEA - the law which applies to resolve a given case.

3. LEX SITUS – the law of the place where the thing in question is situated.

4. LEX REI SITAE – The law of the place where the real property is situated.

5. MOBILIA SEQUUNTUR PERSONAM- the movable property follows the


6. LEX DOMICILII – the law of the place where a person is domiciled.

7. LEX PATRIAE (OR LEX LIGEANTIAE) – The law of the country of which a

person is a national.

8. LEX PERSONALIS. Personal Law; The law which governs the status or

legal condition of a person in society. It applies either as lex patriae.

9. LEX LOCI ACTUS. The law of the place where an act or transaction takes


10. LEX LOCI CONTRACTUS. The law of the place where the contract was

made. The proper law applicable in deciding the rights and liabilities of the

contracting parties

11. LEX LOCI CELEBRATIONIS. The law of the place where the marriage is

celebrated. The law of the place where the contract is entered into (form and


12. LEX LOCI INTENTIONIS. The law intended or provided by the contracting

parties to apply.

13. LEX LOCI DELICTI COMMISSI. The law of the place where a wrong or

tortious act is committed.

14. LEX LOCI SOLUTIONIS. The law of the place where the contract is to be

performed or where the debt is to be paid.

15. FORUM NON CONVENIENS. The principle by which the court declines to

exercise jurisdiction over a case by reason of its discretion that the action can

be appropriately and justly tried elsewhere.

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