The Improvement of The Quality of Polluted Irrigation Water Through A Phytoremediation Process in A Hydroponic Batch Culture System

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The improvement of the quality of polluted

irrigation water through a phytoremediation

process in a hydroponic batch culture
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1908, 030003 (2017);
Published Online: 29 November 2017

Catur Retnaningdyah


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AIP Conference Proceedings 1908, 030003 (2017); 1908, 030003

© 2017 Author(s).
The Improvement of the Quality of Polluted Irrigation
Water through a Phytoremediation Process in a Hydroponic
Batch Culture System
Catur Retnaningdyah1a)
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Brawijaya, Veteran Street,
Malang, East Java, Indonesia 65145
Corresponding author:

Abstract. The objective of this research was to determine the effectiveness of a phytoremediation process using some
local hydro macrophytes to reduce fertilizer residue in irrigation water in order to support healthy agriculture and to
prevent eutrophication and algae bloom in water. A phytoremediation process was carried out in a hydroponic floating
system by using transparent plastic bags of 1 m in diameter and 1 m in height that were placed in collecting ponds before
they were used for agricultural activities. Paddy soils were used as substrates in this system. The irrigation water was
treated with nutrient enrichment (Urea and SP-36 fertilizers). Then, the system was planted with remediation actors
(Azolla sp., Ipomoea aquatica, Limnocharis flava, Marsilea crenata, polyculture of those hydro macrophytes and
control). The improvement of the water quality as a result of the phytoremediation process was characterized by a decline
in the concentration of some physicochemical parameters, which were measured at 7 days after incubation, as well as an
increase in the plankton diversity index value. The results showed that all of the hydro macrophytes used in this research,
which was grown in the hydroponic batch culture system for a period of 7 days, were able to significantly improve the
irrigation water quality, which was enriched by the synthetic fertilizers Urea and SP36. This was reflected by a
significant decrease in the concentration of water TSS, nitrate, BOD, COD and total phosphate and an increase in the
value of water DO at 7 days after incubation. Improvement of the water quality is also reflected in the increasing
plankton diversity index value as a bioindicator of water pollution indicating a change in the pollution status from
moderately polluted to slightly polluted at 7 days after incubation.

The increasing human population has led to an increasing food demand. To meet this demand, the Indonesian
government’s policy is to intensify agriculture, which is achieved, among other things, by water regulation through
irrigation and the intensive use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Irrigation is the providing, arranging and
disposing of irrigation water to support agricultural activity. In Indonesia today, there is approximately 5 million ha
of irrigated rice fields.1 The irrigation water is distributed to farm plots, with the quantity and quality of water being
adapted to the needs of the cultivated crops, and excess water being diverted to other places so as not to damage the
plants. Irrigation water in Indonesia still relies mostly on surface water sources such as rivers, springs, waterfalls,
reservoirs, and lakes.2 The results of previous studies show that surface water sources in Indonesia, in general, have
been polluted due to industrial activities as well as settlement.1,3,4,5 In line with the Healthy Indonesia 2015 program
and obstacles, problems, and complaints related to the intensification of agriculture, switching farming back to
traditional organic farming was the target of the government in 2010. Unfortunately, this has not been achieved. One
of the constraints in organic farming is that water used for general irrigation is generally contaminated with pesticide
residues and synthetic fertilizers.
Farmers generally use synthetic fertilizers mainly containing major nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and
phosphorus (P), which have been known to have a negative impact on the environment, especially in triggering
eutrophication in rivers, which in turn can trigger algae bloom in the waters.6, 7, 8, 9 Two fertilizers often used by

8th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation (ICGRC 2017)

AIP Conf. Proc. 1908, 030003-1–030003-9;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1600-0/$30.00

farmers in Indonesia are Urea and SP36. Synthetic fertilizer residues can increase the concentration of N and P in
irrigation water. Thus this is a major obstacle in terms of fulfilling the requirements of organic agriculture. Synthetic
fertilizer residues can be controlled in various ways, one of which is the use of plant hydromacrophytes.10
The phytoremediation process using hydro macrophyte plants is the right choice. This is due to it being relatively
cheap and because the diversity of hydro macrophyte plants in Indonesia is high. In addition, phytoremediation
technology with local hydro macrophytes can be applied by organic farmers themselves in order to improve water
quality for agriculture. The phytoremediation process can be carried out by organic farmers in ponds through a
hydroponic batch culture system using local hydro macrophytes.
The objective of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the phytoremediation process performed in a
hydroponic batch culture system using some local hydro macrophytes (Azolla sp., Ipomoea aquatica, Limnocharis
flava, Marsilea crenata and polyculture of those hydro macrophytes) to reduce fertilizer residue (Urea and SP36) in
irrigation water in order to support healthy agriculture and prevent eutrophication and algae bloom in the water. As a
result of the phytoremediation process, the water can be further used as a source of organic agriculture irrigation
water which exists in the surrounding areas.
The success of the phytoremediation process is known, from some physicochemical parameters of water and
phytoplankton diversity, as a bioindicator of water pollution. Phytoplankton or algae are an ecologically important
group in most aquatic ecosystems and have been an important component of biological monitoring programs.
Phytoplankton are ideal for assessing water quality because they belong to primary producers and are the basis of
the food web in the aquatic ecosystem, have a short life cycle and rapid reproduction, and respond quickly to water
quality changes, so they can be used as a bioindicator of water pollution.11, 12


Research Design
This is a quasi-experimental research with the completely randomized design. The independent variables in this
experiment were some local hydro macrophyte species as remediation actors, included Azolla sp., Ipomoea
aquatica, Limnocharis flava, Marsilea crenata, polyculture of those hydro macrophytes and control (no plant). The
dependent variables in this experiment were water quality and plankton diversity as a bioindicator of water quality.
This research was conducted in a phytoremediation pond belonging to an organic farmer located in the Kepanjen
district of Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Physicochemical analyses of water quality and identificat ion and counting
of plankton were performed in Laboratorium of Ecology and Animal Diversity at Brawijaya University.
Twelve hydroponic floating systems were assembled by using transparent plastic bags. Each system had a
diameter of 1 m and a height of 1 m and they were all placed in collecting ponds before being used for agricultural
activities (FIG 1). This is a batch culture system. Five kilograms of paddy soil was used as a substrate in this
system. The irrigation water (200 L) was treated by nutrient enrichment (Urea 100 ppm and SP36 fertilizer 50 ppm).
Then, the systems were planted with remediation actors (Azolla sp., Ipomoea aquatica, Limnocharis flava, Marsilea
crenata, polyculture of those hydro macrophytes and control).

a b

c d e

f g h

FIGURE 1. Preparation and planting hydro macrophytes (a,b); plant after two weeks incubation (c. No plant (control), d.
Polyculture, e. Ipomoea aquatica, f. Limnocharis flava, g. Azolla sp., h. Marsilea crenata).

Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Phytoremediation Model

Monitoring of the water quality was carried out immediately after planting the remediation actors and 7 days
after planting. Improvement of the water quality as a result of the phytoremediation process was characterized by a
decline in the concentration of some physicochemical parameters, which were measured at 7 days after incubation,
as well as the increasing plankton diversity index value.
The physicochemical parameters measured in this research included DO, pH, TSS, nitrate, total P, BOD, and
COD, which were determined based on standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.13 Plankton
sampling was done by filtering 1 liter of sample water using a plankton net with a mesh size of 406 pores per inch
and a diameter of 12 cm. The filtered plankton sample was 15 mL, which was inserted into a flacon bottle, then
preserved with 4% formalin. To maintain the chlorophyll in the phytoplankton, five drops of saturated CuSO4
solution were added to each sample.
The plankton could then be identified and the amount of each species per liter calculated using a Sedgewick
Rafter Counting Chamber and a microscope. Plankton identification was based on the identification guidebook.14, 15
16, 17

Data Analysis
Plankton data (composition and density) was then used to determine the Important Value Index (IVI), taxa
richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity index as bioindicators of water quality in the hydroponic floating system
after the phytoremediation process.12 The difference in water quality between treatments was determined by
ANOVA and this was followed by Tukey’s HSD test at the 0.05 level, which was done with the package SPSS for
Windows, Release 16. The grouping of general water quality among the systems was determined using cluster
analysis and a biplot from principal component analysis (PCA).


The Effectiveness of a Phytoremediation Model in a Hydroponic Floating Batch Culture

System Using Some Local Hydromacrophytes to Improve the Physicochemical Quality of
Polluted Irrigation Water
Some local hydro macrophytes such as Azolla sp., Ipomoea aquatica, Limnocharis flava, Marsilea crenata and
polyculture from those hydro macrophytes that were grown in the hydroponic batch culture system for 7 days were
able to significantly reduce the levels of TSS, nitrate, total phosphate, BOD and COD and increase the concentration
of water dissolved oxygen (DO) due to residues from the synthetic fertilizers Urea and SP36 (FIG 2).
All of the hydro macrophytes used in this experimental treatment and control without plants were capable of
reducing total suspended solids (TSS) from 60.00–159.07 ppm to 47.00–56.75 ppm. The Indonesian government
regulation No. 82/2001 requires that the maximum limit for TSS for agriculture (class II) is 50 ppm. This meant that
further effort was needed to fulfill this requirement. Hydro macrophytes play a role in precipitating and filtering the
sediment in water.18 A control treatment without plants in the hydroponic system was also capable of decreasing the
levels of TSS. Paddy soil is a substrate capable of precipitating suspended solids in the water. This is because of the
batch culture used in this system. Therefore the absence of flow can result in the occurrence of solid precipitation in
the paddy soil as a substrate in this treatment.
The residue of synthetic fertilizers present in irrigation water can be reflected from phosphate and nitrogen
content in water either in the form of soluble phosphate, total phosphate (TP), nitrate, ammonium or total nitrogen
(TKN). Nitrates and total phosphate are water quality characteristics of irrigation enriched by Urea and SP36
fertilizers. Enrichment of the water irrigation with 100 ppm Urea synthetic fertilizer did not increase the nitrate
content enough to exceed the Indonesian government’s standard quality of water No. 82/2001, which requires a
maximum of 10 ppm. The concentration of nitrate in this experiment decreased from 5.49–7.97 ppm immediately
after planting to 2.54–4.31 ppm after incubation for 7 days. The phytoremediation process is able to reduce the
nitrate level to less than 5 ppm, which is a good quality category and may be used for any crop 19, while this
phytoremediation is capable of decreasing the total phosphate from 2.10–2.21 ppm to 1.57–1.83 ppm. Enrichment of
the irrigation water with 50 ppm SP36 synthetic fertilizer resulted in an increase of TP levels in the water, thereby
exceeding the predetermined standards. The maximum limit of total phosphate Class II for agriculture is 0.2 ppm,
whereas it is 1 ppm for Class III. However, TP levels greater than 0.1 ppm belong to the category of hypertrophic
waters.20 This suggests that agricultural activity may be the main cause of eutrophication in downstream river
waters, including waters from reservoirs. Planting of some local hydro macrophytes in a hydroponic batch culture
system for 7 days was able to reduce the level of nitrates in the water but was still not able to reduce the TP to meet
the levels set by the Indonesian government. Hydro macrophytes from the species Azolla sp. has also been proven to
reduce dissolved N and P in the greenhouse through a batch culture system as well as inhibiting the blooming of
Microcystis sp.21
All treatments in this study were able to increase the levels of DO and pH in the water. The concentrations of
dissolved oxygen levels and pH at the beginning of the study ranged between 2.93–3.17 ppm and 7.53–8.02,
whereas after 7 days’ incubation the value of pH ranged between 9.11 and 9.61 and DO increase to 5.34–5.71 ppm,
which met the government standard quality Class II that requires a minimum DO of 4 ppm.

7 250 a a
6 b b b b b b

TSS (mg/L)
DO (mg/L)

5 a
4 a a a a a a 150 a a
3 100 a
2 a a a a a a
1 50
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7
Treatment Treatment

14 a 25
a cd d abcd d d
Nitrate (mg/L)

20 bcd

BOD (mg/L)
10 a a a 15
8 abc
6 a a a a 10 a a ab ab a
a a
2 5
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7
Treatment Treatment

b b b 2.5 bc bc c bc bc bc abc
b b b abc
50 2 ab ab ab
COD (mg/L)

TP (mg/L)

30 a a a a a
a 1
10 0.5
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7
Treatment Treatment

FIGURE 2. The average value of DO, TSS, nitrates, BOD, COD and total phosphates water in hydroponics batch culture system
at a moment after planting some local hydro macrophytes (day 0) and seven days after incubation (day 7). (Note: Treatment: 1.
Control (no plant), 2. Limnocharis flava, 3. Azolla sp., 4. Marsilea crenata, 5. Polyculture, 6. Ipomoea aquatica. The same
notation on each parameter showed no significant difference by ANOVA test followed by Tukey HSD α 0.05)

The existence of organic matter in the waters can be known from the parameter values of BOD and COD. BOD
and COD levels are the levels of oxygen needed to degrade organic materials biologically (BOD) and chemically

(COD). Enrichment of the irrigation water with 100 ppm and 50 ppm Urea and SP36 synthetic fertilizer,
respectively, resulted in an increase of COD and BOD concentration in the water of between 42.61–50.41ppm and
14.42–12.67, respectively. This concentration exceeded the Indonesian government standards. The maximum limits
of BOD and COD Class II for agriculture are 3 ppm and 25 ppm, respectively. Planting of some local hydro
macrophytes in the hydroponic batch culture system for 7 days in this research was able to significantly reduce the
levels of BOD and COD to 7.53–9.23 ppm and 18.90–24.74 ppm, respectively. Therefore, this phytoremediation
model has succeeded in reducing the COD level to meet the standards, although the BOD content still exceeds the
established standard. Thus the phytoremediation model still requires improvement.

The Effectiveness of a Phytoremediation Model in a Hydroponic Floating Batch Culture

System Using Some Local Hydromacrophytes to Improve the Quality of Polluted Irrigation
Water Based on the Plankton Diversity Index as a Bioindicator
The improvement of the water quality in this research treatment is also reflected in the increasing plankton
diversity index value. The results of identification and counting of each plankton species abundance in the system
immediately after planting and 7 days after incubation were then used for calculating the important value index, taxa
richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity index (FIG 3). A total of 13 taxa of phytoplankton found in the culture
system was used in this research. There was no significant difference in the composition and abundance of the
plankton after 7 days of incubation. However, the results of IVI calculations (FIG 3) showed that on the 7th day of
incubation, in general, there were decreases in the value of Chroococcus as an indicator of moderate organic
pollution and Microcystis as an indicator of high organic pollution22.

Important Value Index (%)

Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7
1 2 3 4 5 6

Chroococcus Pediastrum Cyclotella Actinastrum Pandornia

Scenedesmus Tabelaria Microcystis Ankistrodesmus Spirulina
Closterium Hyaloteca Merismopedia


14 2.5 Slightly

Diversity Index of Shannon Wiener

Taxa Richness 12 2.0
10 Moderately
1.5 polluted
6 1.0
0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Day 0 Day 7 Day 0 Day 7

Treatment Treatment

(b) (c)
FIGURE 3. Important Value Index/ IVI (a), taxa richness (b) and Shannon Wiener diversity index (c) of plankton in
hydroponics batch culture system at a moment after planting some local hydro macrophytes (day 0) and seven days after
incubation (day 7) (Note: Treatment: 1. Control (no plant), 2. Limnocharis flava, 3. Azolla sp., 4. Marsilea crenata, 5.
Polyculture, 6. Ipomoea aquatica.

Taxa richness at the beginning of all treatments with the phytoremediation model ranged from 7 to 12 species.
This value tended to be almost the same 7 days after planting hydro macrophytes with the number of plankton taxa
being 9–11. This was in contrast to the results of Shannon-Wiener’s diversity index calculation, which showed an
increase in value from 0.97–1.71 to 1.88–2.22. This value indicated an increase in water quality from moderately
polluted to slightly polluted12 except for the treatment with Limnocharis flava. Therefore, it can be concluded that all
treatments with the phytoremediation model (except for Limnocharis flava) in this study were effectively able to
improve water quality from moderately polluted to slightly polluted after incubation for 7 days.
The effectiveness of the phytoremediation process in a hydroponic batch culture system using some local hydro
macrophytes can be seen from the improvement of water quality on the 7th day of incubation compared with day 0,
which was shortly after planting. If the phytoremediation process can effectively improve water quality, there will
be significant physicochemical differences reflected by the decreasing value of pollutant parameters and plankton
diversity index as bioindicators of water quality after 7 days of incubation. Water quality differences can generally
be seen from the results of water quality data analysis based on cluster and biplot analysis as seen in FIG 4. Based
on cluster analysis, it can be seen that there were significant differences in the water quality between day 0 and day
7. Therefore it can be concluded that the phytoremediation process in this research treatment was able to improve
water quality based on physical, chemical and biological parameters of plankton diversity as a bioindicator of water
quality. Based on biplot analysis, it can be seen that water quality shortly after treatment with enrichment of Urea
and SP36 fertilizer is characterized by high values of nitrate, BOD, COD and TP, and low values of DO, pH, and
plankton Shannon-Wiener diversity index. The 7-day phytoremediation process using several local
hydromacrophytic species and also treatment without hydro macrophytes are considered highly effective for
improving water quality as reflected by decreased levels of nitrate, BOD, COD and TP and increased DO, pH and
Shannon-Wiener’s plankton diversity index. Hydromacrophytes contribute to increased infiltration of water into the
soil and are also expected to be utilized in the phytoremediation process to degrade toxic contaminants such as
fertilizer and toxic pesticide residues where applied to agricultural land.23 Thus the results of the phytoremediation
process using a model such as in this study in the future can be used to irrigate surrounding organic rice fields.
However, it is still necessary to improve the phytoremediation process by reducing the BOD and TP levels to meet
the standards that have been set by the government.

FIGURE 4. Group of water quality in hydroponics batch culture system at a moment after planting some local
hydro macrophytes (day 0) and seven days after incubation (day 7) based on some physics chemical parameters and
plankton diversity using cluster analyses and biplot from Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

The phytoremediation process of enriching irrigation water with 100 ppm and 50 ppm Urea and SP36 synthetic
fertilizers, respectively, in a hydroponic batch culture system planted with various kinds of local hydro macrophytes,
such as Azolla sp., Ipomoea aquatica, Limnocharis flava, Marsilea crenata and polyculture from those hydro
macrophytes, for a period of 7 days can significantly improve water quality. This was reflected by decreasing the
concentration of water TSS, nitrate, BOD, COD and total phosphate significantly and increasing the value of water
DO after 7 days of incubation. The improvement of water quality is also reflected in the increasing plankton
diversity index as a bioindicator of water pollution indicating the change in the pollution status from moderately
polluted to slightly polluted after 7 days of incubation.

I thank family of Mr. Pudji Raharjo for permitted to use the pond. This research is a part of Institutional
Research Grant that is funded by Directorate General of Higher Education of Indonesia through the University of
Brawijaya, so I would like to say thank you very much to National Education Ministry of Indonesia and Rector of
Brawijaya University.

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