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TouchIT Limited

Kenyatta Ave, Nakuru, Kenya.

Tel:(+254)719 619 092


Mo�at Onduko
Quotation Quotation No#: TIT-QUO-9
0727724651 Date: Oct 9, 2022

1 Lab web management portal 1 KSH 58,449.00 KSH 58,449.00

- Authentication Module with Role based permissions @KSH 5,000.00
- External services integration (M-Pesa) for Patient self payment @KSH 23,449.00
- UI/UX Dashboard Design @KSH 5,000.00
- Backend business logic for lab services pricing, users
and general system management @KSH 8,000.00
- Implementing secure consumable Restfull Apis for
lab management portal and android app communication @KSH 10,000.00
- Data schema building using relational database @KSH 7,000.00

2 Patient Android App 1 KSH 35,000.00 KSH 35,000.00

- Authentication functionality @KSH 5,000.00
- General app UI/UX design @KSH 10,000.00
- Display list of Lab Services real-time, ability to pay via the app
and show history of lab services and results @KSH 15,000

3 System General Training 1 KSH 5,000.00 KSH 5,000.00

- Training of users

4 Cloud Hosting and Domain Name 1 KSH 5,000.00 KSH 5,000.00

- Hosting plan using digital ocean as our cloud provider - 1 year plan for 2022-2023
NB: Subsequent recurring years to be billed to client.

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