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Hello good morning ladies and gentleman..let introduce my self. My name is Triesninda Pahlavi.

You can call me Ninda. I'm came from Surabaya. I want to presentation my article about web-
based learning media.

Covid 19 entered Indonesia at the beginning of 2020. The impact it felt was very large,
especially in the field of education. Teachers and students are required to master distance
learning media. While distance learning media is often associated with the development of
information technology. Initially it was very difficult for teachers and students to use this
medium. However, over time they finally get used to it and can adapt to technology.

Universities must also be able to adapt to changes in information technology through learning
media in particular. The use of appropriate and appropriate learning media makes the delivery of
material between lecturers and students take place appropriately and efficiently so as to improve
the competency skills of students. Learning media innovation is needed to support a pleasant
learning atmosphere so that the material presented by the teacher can be well received.

Based on the results of discussions with the head of the S1 study program, Office
Administration, Educational Personnel Education Institutions(LPTK) that in the future the need
for this virtual laboratory is very much needed to grow students' ICT skills. This virtual
laboratory concept is designed through learning media that can be accessed anywhere. So the
university no longer needs to provide a special room. One of the subjects that develop skills is
records management. So the purpose of this research is to develop a website-based archive
management learning media to analyze students' skills and responses.

Research methodology

The type of research used is research development or Research and Development (R&D).This
study uses a 4-D development model consisting of four stages, namely the definition stage, the
design stage, the develop stage and the dissemination stage.This learning media is validated by
material experts and media experts. After being validated and declared feasible, a limited trial
was carried out to students of the S1 Study Program of Office Administration Education, State
University of Surabaya. Limited trial aims to determine the skills and responses of students.

The test subjects were students of the Office Administration Education S1 Study Program. After
the trial was carried out, it was analyzed whether this learning media had an effect on student
skills, and analyzed student responses.

Archiving skills, tested through experimental research methods, namely the pre-experiment was
chosen because of the control variable and the sample was not chosen randomly. The type of pre-
experiment used is the One-Group Pretest-Posttest design with the hypothesis of this research
that there is an influence of archive management learning media on archive management skills.
Student responses were measured through research questionnaires. There are 5 indicators of
student response, namely (1) format; (2) relevance; (3) attention; (4) satisfaction; (5) confident.

Results and Discussion

1. Development of Website-Based Archives Management Learning Media
We use a 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, And Disseminate).
At the define stageidentification of the need for the development of archival learning media
innovations based on the results of group discussion forums with LPTKs, namely the need
for the development of a virtual learning laboratory for practical courses and the results of
stakeholder needs that currently have entered the era of digitalization where many changes
occur in offices.
At the design stage, the researchers designed first in the form of a prototype and then
developed a product innovation model for archival management learning media from a
literature review on archive management. The following are prototypes and products of
archive management learning media.
At the development stage
Before the archive management learning media innovation is limited to field trials, it needs
to be validated first by material experts and media experts. The presentation of the results of
the material experts by 86% was declared eligible, while the media experts of 85.1% were
declared eligible.
At the disseminate stage
After being declared eligible, this learning media is disseminated to the field. Disseminate is
limited to students of the UNESA Office Administration Education S1 Study Program.

2. Student Skills and Responses to Website-Based Archives Management Learning Media on

Student Skills
Archiveskills were tested through experimental research methods. The type of pre-
experiment used is One-Group Pretest-Posttest design. Student responses were measured
through research questionnaires. The limited trial was carried out at the State University of
Surabaya batch 2018 with a total of 20 students. The student response to using this learning
media was very positive because(1) this learning media has a very attractive format and
makes it easier for students to archive; (2) the relevance of the material is very up to date
with current digital office developments; (3) and students are interested in participating in
archive learning even though they are online. The results of the t-test test showed that the t-
test value was 0.00 < 0.05, then the hypothesis is accepted, namely that there is an influence
of archive management learning media on archive management skills. Meanwhile, the
results of the analysis using the t-test showed that the application of archival management
learning media had an effect on their archiving skills. The average pretest was 66, the lowest
score was 63 and the highest score was 69. While the posttest average was 79, with the
lowest score being 76 and the highest being 81.

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