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This book has been published in good faith by the Author.
Every effort is made to ensure accuracy of material, but the
publisher, printer and author will not be responsible for any
inadvertent error(s).
This book is dedicated to
My Parents

Mr. Ram Avtar Singh

Mrs. Sushila Devi
I would like to express my sincere thanks
to my teachers - . A a a a a
. a a . a a a
. a a a a

I am grateful to - & . a a for

their support.

I am thankful to my Friends - Winsome, o esh,

Katyayni, Dr.Nazia bano, Dr.Anupama, Dr.Shipra,
Dr.Rohan kumar, Dr. ijay kumar, riyanka a av,
Dr.Rajshree erma, Dr.Akash, Dr. Ajit, Nimishiya,
Shivam, e , seniors and colleagues of ACMS for
helping me.
I am eep y ob i e to the o this book
or his unstinte ooperation an har ork in
brin in out this book.

1) ENT
3) phthalmology


Distribution of Marks

Total = 100
Theory = 60 Practical = 40

 r ( 0)  r ( 0) 0)
( 0)
● aper 0 0 ● Long case- CSOM

 r - 1 10
● r case
 r - 10 10
● r

 r - 10 10

Abbreviations :

 D/b – Difference between

 Sx - Surgery

 E/N – Enumerate

 ∆ – Diagnosis

 C/f – Clinical features

 T/t – Treatment

 Hmg – Haemorrhage

 Pt – Patient

 D/D – Differential diagnosis


I) r
II) P r r
III) r


(i) Anatomy and Embryology:

 S/N 1) Triangle
2) P Nerve supply
3) ight T r iagram
4) wall of iddle ear iagram
5) of iddle ear
6) rgan of corti iagram

(ii) A m nt o ar ng:
 S/N 1) Tuning fork tests
2) (A) R test ( ) r test
(C) A A C test ( ) - inne s test
3) PTA ( ure tone Audiometry )
4) Audiometry (A) T r
( ) Acoustic refle
5) RA ( rainstem Evoked esponse Audiometry) A
6) A ( to acoustic Emissions )
7) eafness in neonates r T

(iii) ar ng lo :
 S/N 1) of earing loss
2) Pr
3) earing loss
4) r syndrome ( r disease is seen )
5) (A) r A Types ( ) A A (C) r implant

 L/Q 1) Conductive hearing loss ( ) a) of C

b) Clinical features and anagment
of r

2) r ( tospongiosis) a) r r notch
b) igns and ymptoms
c) anagment

3) r disease a) igns and ymptoms
b) anagment

(iv) t b lar y t m:
 S/N 1) (A) PP ( ) manoeuvre
2) Nystagmus
3) r test
4) test

(v) a o E t rnal ar:

 S/N 1) otitis e terna
2) tomycosis
3) r ear
4) uruncle
5) A r toileting

(vi) ord r o ddl ar:

 S/N 1) (ET) unctions ET fuction test
2) Otitic barotrauma
3) (A) yringo ( ) yringo

 L/Q 1) titis media with effusion ( ) a) hysiological of ET

R erous otitis media ( ) b) r

2) Acute uppurative otitis media a) E N uses of (Earache)

(A ) b) . of A
c) igns and ymptoms
d) anagment
e) of A

(vii) Chronic Suppurative otitis media or

 S/N 1) b C
2) Theories of
3) of C ( vareity)
( nt a-cranial & E t a-cranial)

4) (A) P r ( ) r r abscess
(C) r thrombosis ( ) titic r

5) Acute mastoiditis and

 L/Q 1) r through which infection can r r r

of t. with (A) rain ( ) Acute

2) nsafe CSOM a) What is holesteatoma?

b) . of Unsafe C
c) igns an ym toms of Unsafe CSOM
d) anagment
e) Name a s esses in relation to Atti o ant al CSOM

(viii) Facial nerve:

 S/N 1) r r course of th Cranial nerve.
2) T of Cranial nerve
3) anagment
4) r yndrome
5) R syndrome

 L/Q 1) acial nerve a) Anatomy in r bone

b) of acial nerve r
c) anagment of a pt. with

(ix) er :
 S/N 1) eferred otalgia
2) T -
3) A r r C f and nvestigations
4) tumor( r tumor )


(i) Anatomy and y ology:

 S/N 1) of Nose
2) P r r hinoscopy
3) - comple ( iddle meatus)

( i) ord r o E t rnal no :
 S/N 1) nose
2) R ( otato nose)
3) Nasal r

( i) nt :
 S/N 1) A r rhinitis -
2) A r rhinitis
3) rr
4) R

(i ) ord r o a al t m
 S/N 1) a) area b) ple us
2) a) eptal ) eptal A
3) eptal r r
4) test
5) ndications complications

 L/Q 1) Anatomy of
R eptoplasty - teps ndication Complications

( ) a al oly :
 S/N 1) Nasal
2) r apilloma
3) polyp
4) a) b) Nasal mass

 D/b 1) A r -
 L/Q 1) A r - - Etiopath C f anagment

( i) n t :
 S/N 1) P ( aranasal sinuses) a) unctions b) Complication of N nfection
2) Acute r sinusitis headache
3) Acute r sinusitis
4) r thrombosis
5) P tumor of r bone
6) a) b) operation

 L/Q 1) r r - Etiopath C f, Complication anagment.

2) Cf isk factor

( i) E ta :

 L/Q 1) of
of Epista is
of Epista is
rocedure of A r r

( i) ra ma to a :
 S/N 1) fracture
2) r - r fistula

(i ) ran lomato llan o diseases :

 S/N 1) a) hino r ( r ) b) hino r ( )
2) a) Nasal stones R )
3) Choanal r
4) C R rr


 S/N 1) r r
2) a) tonsil b) P tonsil supply
3) a) Chronic b) A
4) ) enker s r b) r
5) T r bursitis
6) a) hysiology b) Etiology
7) )P r- r abscess
b) Acute R r - r abscess
c) angina
d) E N eep
8) r

 L/Q 1) r a) b)

)A - ) tructue seen on P R
) of Adenoidectomy

)T - ) elation of
b) of Tonsillectomy
c) ost tonsillectomy r r mg
d) of

) Acute - )
) r on tonsils

) Naso pharyngeal r - ) ( )

)P r - r - ) Anatomy of P r - r
) -


 S/N 1) of aryn
2) r aryngoscopy iagram
3) a) m b) R
4) ) Acute b) A r -r r
5) tridor causes in r
6) a) ocal b) ocal
7) r
8) a) Juvenile m b) in laryn
9) a) / b) ysphonia r r
)P r
10) a) C f of r r n airway
) of Tr - r foreign body.
11) r tracheostomy
12) of of neck

 L/Q 1) a) -P r A laryn
b) r r in nfants.

) ) tructue seen on r aryngoscopy.

) r aryngoscopy -

) Tr - )
) of P P

) r - ) r r
) of T3 Ca aryn ( 3)

) - ) E N causes of r of voice in adult.

) T Ca aryn 1 r
( 1)


 S/N 1) Pr - lesions of ral cavity

2) -
3) a) b) r r
4) P r of arotid gland
5) P r syndrome P r r yndrome
6) ral - fibrosis
7) r yndrome

 L/Q 1) a) anagment of r .

) Etiopath, C f anagment

ENT (2016)


Q1. Write short notes on: (3+4+3= 10 marks)

a) Rinne's test
b) Rimma glottis
c) Meniere's disease

Q2. Describe blood supply of Nasal septum. Describe various causes of epistaxis &
its managment. (10 marks)


Q3. Write short notes on: (3+4+3= 10 marks)

a) Herpes zoster
b) Hearing aid
c) Lingual tonsil

Q4. Enumerate causes of Hoarseness of voice in adult. Write managment of a case

of Ca Larynx with involvement of one cord only.
(10 marks)

ENT (2017)


Q1. Adult male -- h/o scanty foul smelling ear discharge of 15 yrs duration --
on examination edema over mastoid & tenderness along Internal jugular vein.

What is the probable diagnosis? List Intra-cranial & Extra-cranial complications

of CSOM. How will you manage this case. (2+2+2 = 6 marks)

Q2.Write short notes on: (3x4= 12 marks)

a) D/b Ethmoidal & Antro-choanal Polyp
b) D/D of Bleeding Nasal mass
c) Atrophic Rhinitis
d) Middle ear - Impedence matching mechanism

Q3. Enumerate causes of Stridor in Infants & Childrens. D/b Pediatric & Adult Larynx.
(3+3 = 6 marks)

Q4. Write short notes on: (3x4= 12 marks)

a) Clinical features of - Chronic Adenoid hypertrophy
b) Peri-tonsillar abscess
c) Clinical features of - Tracheo-broncial Foreign body
d) Aetiology of Dysphagia

Q6. Write briefly on: (2x2= 4 marks)

a) Clinical features of - Acute mastoiditis
b) Draw a well labelled diagram showing - Structures seen on Indirect Laryngoscopy

ENT (2018)


Q1. Describe Intra-cranial course of 7th Cranial nerve. Discuss managment of Bell's
Palsy. ( 2+2+2 = 6 marks)

Q2.Write short notes on: (3x4= 12 marks)

a) Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
b) Faucial Diphtheria
c) Diagnosis of Ca Larynx
d) Canal wall UP v/s Canal wall DOWN mastoidectomy


Q3. Tracheostomy - Indications & Complications (3+3 = 6 marks)

Q4. Write short notes on: (3x4= 12 marks)

a) Orbital complications of Sinusitis
b) Pre-malignant lesions of Oro-pharynx
c) Clinical features of - Tracheo-broncial Foreign body
d) Oesophagial causes of Dysphagia

Q6. Write briefly on: (2x2= 4 marks)

a) "Danger area "of face
b) Oto-Acoustic Emissions


Distribution of Marks

Total = 150

Theory = 150 Practical = 50

 University Exam (120)  University Exam (30)

● Paper I – 60
● Paper II – 60 ● Spotting

 Grand viva – 10 ● Statistical problem

 Internals – 20 ● Index case

 Internals – 20

Abbreviations :

 – Behavioural change communication

 D/B – Difference between
 S/N – Short note
 Ex – Example
 ∆ – Diagnosis
 T/t – Treatment
 E/N - Enumerate
 m/c – Most common


(( ((1) Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs)

(2) Demography & Family planing
(3) Preventive medicine - OBG, Pediatrics, & Geriatrics
(*includes --> MCH Prog. - RCH + NRHM)

(4) Nutrition & Health ( Nutritional disorders )

(5) Social sciences
(6) Environment & health
(7) Hospital/Biomedical waste managment
(8) Disaster Managment
(9) Occupational Health
(10) Mental Health
(11) School Health
(12) Communication & Health Education
(13) Health Planning & Managment
(14) Health care delivery system
(15) Inter-national health i
(14) Health care delivery system n


 S/N 1) emographic
2) emographic indicators a) Age pyramid b) e ratio
3) ) r affecting fertility b) r r in ndia
4) ) P ( ral contraceptive ills) b)
5) r contraception
6) P r ( of contraceptive methods)
7) ) TP A 19 1 b) Pr - act
8) for amily planning
9) Assessment Approach

 D/b 1) emographic r emographic

2) 1 r s r

Pr P r r

 S/N 1) r r r
2) r hospital initiatives ( )
3) eterminants of r in ndia
4) Pr r to decrease r in ndia
5) r r to decrease nfant mortality
6) efine R. of in ndia
7) r nde
8) ndia r action plan
9) a) Essential r Care b) teps of neonatal care
10) r nde
12) uvenile ( r )

 D/b 1) r of child

 S/N 1) R R- and
2) Causes of r r . r under
R A to r
3) r r - Antenatal care

 L/Q 1) As at C , how will you to r R R
in your area
2) hat is r ( )
- under this scheme
- it is
2) Epidemiology of in females
- r for its r

 S/N 1) Pr of ealth problems in r ( riordial 1 3)

 / 1) r in aged people.
- undertaken by ovt. to r r r people
in ndia
2) 1 r s r

 L/Q 1) E N mportant r r in ndia.

anagment of r with r r as
at C.

2) escribe arious methods of r

- iscuss r r r eading to r for
its r r

3) - r diseases
- r for r r of food borne diseases.

) EN r
- r - Pr r

 D/b 1) r r r

2) ood r food A r

 S/N 1)
2) scheme
3) ) prog b) r in elhi.
4) A of r
5) -A disorders their r
6) r revention
7) hat is E ( E clusive reast feeding. escribe advantages of E .
E N components of

8) a) E N describe r r r in ndia.
b) rite briefly about arious r r r in ndia.

9) a) E N common r r of public health importance in ndia.

b) As of C, ow will you r P among yrs children.

10) anagment of
a) girl with P rade
b) Pr female ( 20wks) on 1st AN visit found to have
) - omiting, iarrhea ( ) r r of consuming
milk cake.

 S/N 1) ocial
2) ocial
3) A r

 L/Q 1) hat are the r

2) escribe its role in stress.

- hat is the r of in managing r


 S/N 1) ) anitary ) anitation rr r

2) r
3) r of rinking water uality
4) r r of drinking water
5) urification of water at household level
6) ntegrated r r R r approach for control
7) - ) ts b) Pr r
8) r air pollution its effect on ealth
9) r for Air pollution

 D/b 1) R sand filters

 L/Q 1) ist r diseases

- os uito r
- r Ar r r

 S/N 1) r
2) r
3) r Pr r
4) Tr

 L/Q 1) r 3 r
r Type of r aste r T

 S/N 1) / g of Health care waste

 S/N 1) T
2) Approaches for Pr r of r
3) ) Pr
) r Act

 S/N 1) ositive Negative

2) - rospective etrospective

 S/N 1) ( otivational model)

2) r r for reduction of r
3) r

 D/b 1) ealth ealth Pr

3) r discussion P discussion
) r method of communication

 L/Q 1) hat are the rinciples of ealth Education

- As at C plan ( N AT N E CAT N
C N CAT N) in a village addressing the
r r r

 S/N 1) ) r ) Ergonomic r in r
2) P
3) a) ilicosis b) Asbestosis c) ead poisoning d) agassosis
4) Absenteesim
5) re placement e amination
6) r r r in
7) r of r r r
8) r in
9) ccupational r to a) A r r workers
b) r workers
10) ) act ) r
11) ccupational r
12) Effects of r

 D/b 1) snosis ssosis

 L/Q 1) escribe r r that can be taken for r of


 S/N 1) ) )
2) R - nternational ealth r
3) - ustainable r r-
4) r r r A (Everyone Everywhere)

 S/N 1) P cycle
2) r
3) Network analysis in

 D/b 1) Cost Cost

) P P RT

 S/N 1) A A - R R
2) R - r r rr
3) P ( ndian ublic ealth tandards) for a) C b) C C c) ub centre
4) r r in R r ndia

 L/Q 1) efine Pr r r
- Pr rimary health care
- rimary health care
- escribe r that are included in Pr r r

D (201 )


Q1.Define & classify What measures you will take for

of food borne diseases. (1+3+6 = marks)

Q2.Write short notes on: (5x4= 2 marks)

a) H for Sub-centre
c) Effect of on Health
d) According to g
g / for BMW managment in a


Q3. a) D/ g&H (5x2 =10 marks)

b) Exclusive Breast feeding g of EBF. /
m H

Q4. Write short notes on: (5x4= 2 marks)

a) H
b) Rate
c) m g contraception
d) to improve by

D (201 )


Q1. What are the of m in India. Discuss taken

RMNCH+A to reduce MM. (3+7 = marks)

Q2.Write short notes on: (5x4= 2 marks)

a) D 2015-2030
b) D
c) m of contraception
d) Health impact, Prevention & control


Q3. D/ m (5x2 =10 marks)

b) & sand filters

Q4. Write short notes on: (5x4= 2 marks)

a) H
b) Intensified
c) National H 2017
d) H m in Rural India

D (201 )


Q1. What are the of m in India. Discuss taken

RMNCH+A to reduce IM. (3+7 = marks)

Q2.Write short notes on: (5x4= 2 marks)

a) Social g
c) Disaster managment cycle
d) of Primary health care (with Example)


Q3. D/ (5x4 =20 marks)

b) Cost & Cost analysis
c) & mosquito
d) & Health care delivery system

( marks)
Q4. As MO at PHC, how will you plan a on
m m g amongst mothers

– A E

(( ((1) History of Medicine

(2) Concept of Health & Disease
(3) Principles of Epidemiology
(*includes --> Fertility indicators)
(4) Screening of Disease
(5) Epidemiology of - Communicable & Non - communicable
(6) National Health Programmes
(7) Genetics
(8) Statistics
(14) Health care delivery system n

 S/N 1) ) ) eb of Causation of r r
2) r r of isease its role in r
3) a) r of ) r of disease
4) ) ) A
) r
5) ) evels of Pr b) Pr r prevention
6) a) odes of r ) ealth r )R
7) r - Types
8) r in ndia
9) isease r
10) r ndicators
11) rr r in counselling of pts. of T T

 D/b 1) a) b) P
) r r
3) r
) promotion romotion
) r
) r R - r diseases

 S/N 1) creening test

2) r screening
3) r r for creening

 D/b 1)

 L/Q 1) hat is r r ive

- escribe r in ndia.
Add a note on rr r r r .

 S/N 1) of Epidemiology
2) R mmunity
3) r study
4) ) RR (R r ) ) r
) r r
5) ) R T ( andomised controlled trail) b) in a CT
6) a) T fertility rate )A fertility rate
7) a) r r rate b) r r rate
8) nvestigation of teps
10) a) ( accine ial r) b) olicy (201 )
11) A - A) ) of a case of AE
12) r indicators

 D/b 1) r r study
) RR A r risk r ratio
3) Pr
) records P records
) period period or r interval

 L/Q 1) efine Types of

-T occurs in P
- Epidemic of r measures

2) escribe various .
E plain to conduct a r study using e ample.
r in A studies


 S/N 1) ) method )R sampling

2) a) r distribution curve b) r normal curve
3) Measures of
4) ) easures of r b) Test of
5) - r test
6) r nde

 D/b /
) r fertility rate

Pr r

(i) :
 S/N 1) T R test
2) T , measures for its Pr r
3) easons for r in R -T
4) NTC ( T T - Coordination etc)
5) b trategy T trategy
6) T notification A) A ) T -

(ii) C orn diseas :

 S/N 1) (A) for engue alaria ( ) measures for engue alaria
2) (A) T t of alaria
( ) T t of r r r
(C) r for r
( ) T t of r r in -
( ) rr T of alaria
3) A - r measures for os uito control.
4) R alaria
5) for measuring problem of A r in community.
6) r vaccination
7) ) revention Control b) revention control

 L/Q 1) alaria iphtheria

- taken to r in elhi.

2) r contributing to burden of in elhi

ention r r measures

(i ) D S A :
 S/N 1) m / gm of STD
2) r R - r diseases
3) of r
4) P r r of A
5) NAC P
6) ) r
) urveillance
7) ) T ( r T r )
) TCT (Pr of P r r of )

 L/Q 1) r approach adopted r r T

under A P.

(i ) epros E :
 S/N 1) P R isability prevention edical ehabilitation
2) r r
3) T r r

( ) on communica e diseases :

 S/N 1)R - Pr
2) RTA - r r
3) - a) A of
b) odifiable Non modifiable r r for T
) r r Pr of C
d) ule of

4) )T - Pr r
) r of
5) T r egislation
6) A R A) r r
) Ca r r
) r r in Cancer

 L/Q 1) r
- easures for its r r .
National Cancer r r Pr
) r of N C C

( i) o io :
 S/N 1) a) olio r strategies
b) r in olio eradication
2) olio
3) A P r r
4) (A) P ( ) P P

( i) tan ab :
 S/N 1) a) trategies for ) TT
b) T Elimination
2) A -r cell culture
3) of r 3
4) P r Pr for R

( i ) at t arr o a :
 S/N 1) a) -A - Pr r
b) ep Pr r
2) -
3) - of outbreak
Pr r measures
4) R

( i) or A:
 S/N 1) R nitiatives nfrastructure
2) - r
3) R
4) R A )A r provisions under R
)R A rA

5) Essential r care
6) Essential r r

 L/Q 1) r ( )
- of an child

( ) ot r
 S/N 1) ental ealth care Act
2) P
3) ) P r
) ( )
4) AP - r A P

D (201 )


Q1. / HD Discuss strategies for of CHD

(3+7 = marks)

Q2.Write short notes on: (5x4= 2 marks)

a) Sampling methods
b) g
c) Neonatal tetanus Elimination
d) in India


Q3. D/ (5x2 =10 marks)

b) & study

Q4. Write short notes on: (5x4= 2 marks)

a) g of disease
b) D in Leprosy
c) JE - Prevention & Control
d) Prevention & control

D (201 )


Q1. g in India. What is g m

Discuss g programme (3+3+4 = marks)

Q2.Write short notes on: (5x4= 2 marks)

a) World Health day theme 2017
b) m g g
c) Measures to control
d) g m g in Polio eradication


Q3. D/ (5x4 =20 marks)

b) m & of diseasedication

S/N : a) Normal distribution curve

b) vaccination

(1 marks)
Q4. Epidemiology of D g . Steps taken to g & an Epidemic
of Dengue in Delhi

D (201 )


Q1. Epidemiology of TB. Discuss under RNTCP Iin India

(3+7 = marks)

Q2.Write short notes on: (5x4= 2 marks)

b) g
c) Standard m
d) Standardised m ratio


Q3. D/ (5x4 =20 marks)

b) & study

S/N : a) m prevention of HTN

b) Surveilance

( marks)
Q4. Write current (National immunisation schedule).
How you manage mm of an infant who has got all the vaccines
till 6 wks of age only & now reported at m of age


Distribution of Marks

Total = 100

Theory = 60 Practical = 40

 University Exam (40)  University Exam (30)

● Paper I – 40
● Case (Cataract, Red
 Grand viva – 10 eye, etc)
● Drug & instrument viva
 Internals – 10

 Internals – 10

Abbreviations :

 D/b – Difference between

 Sx - Surgery

 E/N – Enumerate

 ∆ – Diagnosis

 C/f – Clinical features

 T/t – Treatment

 D/D – Differential Diagnosis

 OP – Operative

I) Anatomy & Physiology of eye
II) iseases of eye
III) ystemi Ophtalmology
IV) omm nity Ophtalmology

Anatomy & Physiology of eye

 S/N : 1) Rho o sin cycle

2) Re e eye
3) Binocular vision

iseases of eye

(i) Errors of e rac i n:

 S/N : 1) y met o ia
2) Simple myopia
3) Pathologi al myopia
4) Myopia anagment Re ent a an es in managment of sim le myopia)
5) P es yo ia - & t
6) Astigmatism
7) A ha ia
8) onta t lens

(ii) Diseases of n nc iva:

 S/N : 1) a homa a W O lassifi ation anagment
2) ing ata hh e nal erato-con ncti itis (Alle gi con ncti itis)
3) Pte ygi m a) C f ) tiopath c) Stages ) Managment
4) Phyle t n la erato-con ncti itis
5) hthalmia neonato m - C f & t

(iii) Diseases of rnea:

 S/N : 1) y oti ngal corneal lcer - a) C f ) tiopath c) ) Managment
2) i al corneal lcer - a) erpes im le eratitis
) erpes oste o hthalmi s
3) e es im le e atitis a) C f ) tiopath c) Managment
4) e ato on s - Managment
4) e ato lasty - ypes

 D/b 1) i al a te ial & ngal corneal lcer

 L/Q 1) a te ial corneal lcer a) f ) tiopath
c) & t ) Complications

2) i o ial eratitis a) Stages

b) igns and ymptoms
c) anagment
3) o neal ese ation a) Metho s
b) ole of ye an ing in pre ention of
lin ness

(iv) Diseases of veal rac :

 S/N : 1) loo s ly of U eal tract
2) nterior eitis i o y litis - Managment
4) e ati recipitate ( Ps)
4) En o hthalmitis Managment

 D/b 1) an lomato s & on g an lomato s U eitis

 L/Q 1) of a te e eye ( Ans n ry llergy piscleritis Contact lens

Con cti itis Corneal lcer C eitis )

2) A te ri ocyclitis (Ant U eitis) a) f ) & t

c) Complications

(v) Diseases of en :
 S/N : 1) ongenital cataract Pe iat i cataract ( ypes)
2) enile cataract ge relate cataract - f an anagment
3) om li ate cataract - f an a ses
4) Afte cataract ( fter cataract S )
5) om li ations of Cataract S ( re-O & post-O )
6) iag am t t e of lens in yrs A lt

 D/b 1) ario s ty es of ata a t

 L/Q 1) Con entional E E - te s ith iagram

2) a) ario s Anaesthesia se for this S

) te s ith iagram

3) Pha oem lsifi ation a) te s ith iagram

) A antage & isa antage o er CC
& S CS
4) lassify Cataract
- P e P e al ation efore cataract S
- ost - O en o hthalmitis anagment

(vi) la c a:
 S/N : 1) A eo s h mo - ro ction & rainage
2) natomy of Angle st t e ith reference to rainage of
eo s h mor
3) hthalmos
4) a e le tomy S - te s
5) Anti la oma gs - a P s eri ati es
a oni Anhy ase inhi itors

 L/Q 1) h oni im le la coma - a) tiopath & C f ) & t

( en angle ) c) iel efects ) ti is changes

2) A te ongesti e la coma a) f ) tiopath

( angle los e) c) & t

(vii) e r al l :
 S/N : 1) is al ath ay a Anatomy ( iag ) lesions at ario s le els
2) P illa y ath ay of light refle
3) ti ne itis a) C f ) tiopath c) Classification ) Managment
4) a s nn p pil
5) - Pa illoe ema
- of is e ema

(viii) Disor er of c lar ili :
 S/N : 1) Am lyo ia a y eye ( e elopment isor er of is al ac ity)
2) i lo ia
3) ystagm s
4) ino la ision
5) efine e ing s & he ington la
6) Pa alyti s int
7) E t a o la m scles
- tion & e sion mo t of eye

 D/b 1) Pa alyti & on Pa alyti s int

2) ommitant & on ommitant s int

(i ) Diseases of Ey l d :
 S/N : 1)
2) nternal ordeolum
3) a) r pion ) pion
4) P

( ) Diseases of rb t:
 S/N : 1) Pr
2) rbital cellulitis
3) Thyroid eye disease

 L/Q 1) r r r
- E N the common in different orbital space.

( ) lar n r :
 S/N : 1)
2) erlins edema
3) itreous rr
4) Causes of r
( i) iseases o a r mal a arat :
 S/N : 1) Anatomy of r r system ( iag.)
2) tucture of T r
3) r -
4) - r - anagment
5) r r
6) r

 L/Q 1) ongenital ( - r ) - anagment

2) Chronic acryocystitis anagment R

3) acryo ystorhinostomy ( R) ,R

( i) iseases o t na:
 S/N : 1) Anatomy of etina ( iag.)
2) R -
3) of r P -
4) R
5) ) R ) RA
6) R P(R r - r )

 L/Q 1) T etinopathy - a) b) Complications c) anagment

2) etinopathy ) ) )

3) etinal a) T ( ) their

o hthalmology

 S/N : 1) r ( it A deficiency) a)
) Tr
2) r

omm nity o hthalmology

 L/Q 1) - efine lin ness

- W O lassifi ation of is al impairment
- Main ca ses of lin ness in n ia

2) P a) Ma or o e ti es
) Role of N C in e ention of lin ness

3) ision a) lnf ast t e pyrami

) ain io ities a o te y n ia

H H (201 )


Q1. Write short note on : ( x5 = 0 Marks)

a) r
b) Pr - T
c) Congenital anagment
d) corneal ulcer C , Tt
e) Anatomy of at various levels


Q2. (5 = 0 Marks)
a) escribe P
b) r -
c) r -
d) r - T

H H (201 )


Q1. Write short note on : ( x = Marks)

a) P
b) Pr - T
c) Anatomy of iagram

( Marks)
Q2. rimary A r lucoma Etiopath, Classification, Tt


Q . ( = Marks)
a) -P - -
-A of haco emulsification r

d) R - T

. hort notes on
( x = Marks)
a) r
b) r - T

H H (201 )


Q1. Write short note on : ( x = Marks)

a) R P
b) A

( Marks)
Q2. A R eye

( = Marks)
Q .
a) r corneal ulcer ,C , , Tt

. hort notes on
( x = Marks)
a) r rr
b) A r r




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