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Exclusive: German economy ministry reviews measures to curb China business

1. raft (noun):
1.1. raft of something (informal) a large number or amount of something

 a whole raft of new proposals

1.2. a flat structure made of pieces of wood tied together and used as a boat or
floating platform
1.3. a small boat made of rubber or plastic that is filled with air

 an inflatable raft
 The two airmen inflated the life raft.

2. superpower (noun): one of the countries in the world that has very great military or
economic power and a lot of influence, for example the US

 Japan's status as an economic superpower

3. scrap something to cancel or get rid of something that is no longer practical or useful

 They had been forced to scrap plans for a new school building.
 The oldest of the aircraft were scrapped.

4. diversification (noun):
4.1. (into something) (especially in business) the act of developing a wider range of
products, interests, skills, etc. in order to be more successful or reduce risk

 the company's diversification into healthcare products

4.2. the process of changing so that there is a greater variety

 the evolutionary diversification of flowering plants
5. export-led (adj): (SYN. export-driven) mainly involving or caused by selling goods in
other countries:
- Many small companies drive Italy's export-led economy.
- export-led growth/recovery/boom
6. beholden (adj): beholden to somebody (for something) owing something to
somebody because of something that they have done for you

 She didn't like to be beholden to anyone.

7. assertive (adj): expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence, so that
people take notice

 You should try and be more assertive.

 assertive behaviour

8. congress (noun): a large formal meeting or series of meetings where

representatives from different groups discuss ideas, make decisions, etc.

 an international congress of trades unions

9. reticent unwilling to tell people about things

- SYNONYM reserved, uncommunicative
- She was shy and reticent.
- reticent about something He was extremely reticent about his personal life.
10. rock the boat:  to do something that upsets a situation and causes problems

 She was told to keep her mouth shut and not rock the boat.

11. decouple something (from something) to end the connection or relationship

between two things

 Gasoline prices have been decoupled from crude oil prices.

12. confrontational (adj): tending to deal with people in an aggressive way that is likely to
cause arguments, rather than discussing things with them

 Why do they take such a confrontational approach towards Europe?

 a confrontational style of management

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