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Name : Muhammad Makinun Amin

NPM : 21061020025
Class : Morning

About Naming
Naming for a business is almost as important as Naming for an individual. For example, imagine that of the
many fried chicken products that are issued if all companies do not use names as identities. It is difficult for
consumers to identify correctly. It is also not possible to embed the alphabet AZ as a substitute for a business

Embedding a name in a business not only makes it easier for consumers to distinguish the company's products
but also has a great influence on brand awareness. The bigger and louder the brand name is discussed (in a
positive context), the greater the potential for a business to develop rapidly and be successful.

What are the Influences of Naming on Business

In addition to being tasked with providing identity, it also increases the success of brand awareness. What else
does Naming have to do with a business:

1. Increase the Number of Customers

It's not uncommon for business names to affect customer quotas. The more famous his name consumers, the
greater the business opportunity to dominate the market. Considering getting here, consumers are getting
smarter. They only want high-quality products to buy before looking for options for the second, next brand.

Despite having few customers, less popular Naming businesses tend to have a hard time growing. The opposite
of a popular brand name whose customers continue to increase from day to day. Especially if it is supported by
service consistency and product quality.

2. Communication Tools
Running a business requires a mature marketing strategy. Brand awareness is not enough just to display the
logo. But it is also mandatory to launch Naming as part of communication between companies and consumers.
When a company has a certain name and is well supported by consumers, it's a sign that the business is starting
to be accepted. The communication that has been established has yielded positive results.

On the other hand, if the company launches a brand name but consumers don't seem interested. A sign that
something is wrong with your business strategy or maybe the company should try a rebranding option.

3. Demonstrate Creativity and Mature Business Thinking

Naming is the message and information that you want to give to your target marketing. Before using a name,
think carefully, about whether the name can describe your business. Whether the name you choose has a
relationship with the business you are running or there is no connection at all.

Some companies may be successful in using Naming that has a different meaning to the business being
undertaken. But the majority of companies will use a brand name that has a connection. Whether with business
history, business location other unique things.

4. Forms of Appreciation to Achieve Goals

Everything requires the same process as a baby walking on all fours or walking. Without choosing Naming and
creating a logo, the company image you want will never materialize. Everything will only end in vain just
wishful thinking.

So it's no exaggeration if brand naming is associated as a tool or means of achieving goals in running a
business. At least by having your name you are one step ahead of introducing and offering products to the
general public.

5. Describing and Explaining Company Image

One of the reasons the company collapsed was none other than the company's deteriorating image. Then, what
is the cause, is it because the quality of the product has decreased, the services provided are unsatisfactory, or
are there other reasons.

The tarnishing of a company's brand name will indirectly affect the company's image. The opposite also
applies, if a company has a good Naming, automatically the business image that is formed will also be positive.
Consumer opinions will begin to form and are divided into the pros and cons.

If you can't afford to turn things around, a rebranding option and one of those ways are in the form of Naming
is probably best. A new start will provide refreshment for consumers while reducing negative opinions that
continue to grow.

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