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Geography Chp.

3 Water Resources
1. Groundwater- Rainwater that seeps into the ground is called groundwater.
2. Potable water- Water that is suitable for drinking is called potable water.
3. Water table- The level at and below which water is found in the ground.
4. Effluent- Waste water from factories and industrial complexes.
5. Dam- A structure built across a river with different purposes, e.g. Flood control, irrigation
and for generation of hydel power.
6. Eutrophication – The process that results in oxygen depletion of the water body due to the
excessive growth & bacterial degradation of the algae.
7. Reservoir- A man-made lake behind the dam in which the water is stored.
8. Aquifers -Aquifers are underground formations of soil and rock which hold water.
Answer the following
1. Inspite of 3/4th of the earth’s surface being covered with water, scarcity of water is a major
problem. Explain.

Ans: i) Of the total amount of water on earth, 97% is found in the oceans.ii) Of the remaining
3%, two third is locked up as ice sheets and glaciers. iii)Only 1% fresh water is found in rivers,
lakes, ponds, wells etc for use. iv) Half of this is groundwater.
2. Name the methods that help to purify drinking water.
Ans: i) Filtration and sedimentation ii) Disinfecting the water with chlorine. iii)UV method (
Ultraviolet radiation to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi) iv) Distillation
3. What are multipurpose river valley projects?
Ans: River valley projects with many benefits such as flood control, irrigation and generation
of hydel power.
4. List the causes for shortage of water.
Ans: Water shortage occurs because:
 Unequal distribution of rainfall
 Global warming.
 Increase in population.
 Pumping water indiscriminately.
 Modern agricultural technology
 Most rivers of the world have been diverted for irrigation and are mostly dry.
 Many tanks and ponds storing rainwater have dried up.
5. Suggest different steps to conserve water.
Ans: A) Save rainwater: a) Plantation of trees and other vegetation to check run-off. b)
Restoration of traditional ponds, tanks and lakes to store the rainwater. c) Water
harvesting in both urban and rural areas to store rainwater.
B) Save irrigation water: a) Adopting agricultural practices that need less water. b)
Switching to organic farming and dry farming methods as well as growing of drought
resistant crops. c)Promoting sprinkler and drip irrigation.
C) Save industrially consumed water: a) Recycle water which was used for cooling of
pipes in power plants. b) Reuse water with the help of modern technology. c) Effluents
should be treated before they are drained into rivers or lakes.
D)Save domestic water: a) Check loss of water that occurs due to wastage, leakage
and defective pipes. b) Educate people about water conservation. c)Install water
saving taps. d) Utilize kitchen waste water for cleaning floors or in the garden.
6. Why salty water is able to sustain certain animals?
Ans: Poultry, sheep and goats need water free from contaminating microbes just like humans,
but they can tolerate higher levels of salt than humans. That is why salty water is able to
sustain certain animals.
7. Name some deserts found in the sub-tropical regions.

Ans: Deserts such as Sahara, Kalahari, Namibia, Arabian, Thar, Gobi, Atacama are found in
the sub-tropical regions of the continents.
8. How does groundwater get polluted?

Ans: Groundwater gets polluted by i) seepage from landfills ii) septic tanks and underground
tanks filled with oil iii)chemicals or hazardous waste dumps.
9. Why does Mawsynram depend on piped water supply that comes from outside inspite of
getting over 2500cm of rainfall annually?

Ans: The reasons are i) No reservoir for storage has been made to save the rainwater. ii) Mass
destruction of forests and soil erosion iii) Due to the increase in the speed of runoff, the water
does not percolate into the ground.
10. Name the five processes that water circulates in the different spheres of the Earth through
the water cycle.
Ans: Water circulates in five processes in water cycle: i) Evaporation ii) Condensation iii)
Precipitation iv) Infiltration v) Surface run off
1. The water cycle is also called hydrologic cycle.
2. Precipitation is the primary source of freshwater.
3. Mawsynram in Meghalaya has the world’s highest rainfall.
4. There are 31dams on the River Tennessee.
5. Reliance Refinery at Jamnagar already has five desalination plants.
6. 1 hectare= 10,000 sq metres.
7. Water which is present below the surface is called ground water.
8. Global warming is changing rainfall patterns.
9. Water is impounded by making dams on rivers so that it is available in times of
10. The World Water day is celebrated on 22 March.

Reader Exercise:
A. 1-c ; 2-d ; 3-d ; 4-b ; 5-b
B. Cancelled
C. 1-b ; 2-c ; 3-e ; 4-d ; 5-a
D. 1-T ; 2-F ; 3-T ; 4-T ; 5-F

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