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Asia Pacific Educ. Rev.

(2015) 16:653–662
DOI 10.1007/s12564-015-9405-6

Understanding teachers’ concerns about inclusive education

Monika Yadav1 • Ajay Das2 • Sushama Sharma1 • Ashwini Tiwari3

Received: 24 January 2015 / Revised: 30 October 2015 / Accepted: 5 November 2015 / Published online: 12 November 2015
Ó Education Research Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2015

Abstract This study examined the concerns of regular movement exists in both developed and developing coun-
elementary school teachers in Gurgaon, India, in order to tries, the implementation of this school change varies not
work with students with disabilities in inclusive education only among nations, but also within nations (i.e., states and
settings. A total of 175 teachers responded to a two-part districts). This is especially the case in India where there
questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive and are vast differences in urban and rural areas, states that
inferential statistics. The data indicated that the teachers in have per capita incomes significantly higher than those
Gurgaon, overall, were a little concerned about imple- where a vast majority of the population lives below poverty
menting inclusive education in their schools. Significant line and the states in north-eastern part of India that have
difference existed in teacher concerns whether they taught not benefitted as much with the recent economic boom.
in government versus privately managed schools. Impli- While inclusion as a theory has been largely welcomed,
cations are discussed to address teacher concerns for there is a school of thought which expresses reservations as
inclusive education in India. to whether the ordinary classroom can provide optimal
quality education for children with disabilities. A decisive
Keywords Concerns  Inclusion  Teachers  Disabilities  issue is how students can be ensured optimal education in
India accordance with her/his capabilities and needs. But it is
widely recognized that segregated education that was being
largely followed the world over during the eighties and
Introduction early nineties has not brought about the desired results
(Ince 2012). Although an earlier common misconception
Educational systems across the world have been experi- was that inclusion is just about placement of students with
encing major changes in the last four decades. One of them diverse learning needs in general education classrooms,
is related to the increase in the diversity of school popu- more recently, researchers argue that it is much more than
lations (Hettiarachchi and Das 2014). Classrooms are placement (e.g., Winter 2006). It is about the quality of the
becoming more heterogeneous as a result of a worldwide school experience and about how far they are helped to
movement toward the inclusion of students with special learn, achieve and participate fully in the life of the school
educational needs within ordinary or general education (Pachigar et al. 2011). The success of the inclusion
settings. It should be noted that although the inclusion movement depends on many factors, including needed
revisions and changes in policies, regulatory systems and
& Ajay Das
administrative structures, and the availability of materials and resources. In particular, it depends on the foot soldiers,
namely skilled classroom teachers.
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India The hallmark of inclusive education is the teachers’
3239 Alexander Hall, College of Education and Human willingness to accept students with special needs. Imple-
Services, Murray State University, Murray, KY 42071, USA menting inclusive education is not an easy task and
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX, USA requires significant changes to facilitate improvements in

654 M. Yadav et al.

the way teachers work in the classrooms. Literature indi- Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation
cates that success in implementing effective inclusive and Multiple Disabilities Act especially for the rehabilita-
teaching practices is contingent on teachers’ self-efficacy tion of people with disabilities.
beliefs. In addition, their concerns need to be systemati- A massive nationwide program Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
cally addressed before the foundation of a successful (SSA) was launched in 2002–2003, which aimed to achieve
inclusion program can be laid (Bradshaw and Mundia universal elementary education for all. Efforts within SSA
2006; Oswald and Swart 2011). were underscored by effective decentralization, sustainable
financing, cost-effective strategies for universalization,
community-owned planning and implementation, and
Inclusive education movement in India focus on girls, marginalized caste groups and ethnic
minorities. Inclusive education was an integral component
The origin of inclusive education in India can be traced of SSA. SSA program was upgraded to Rashtriya Mad-
back to 1974 when for the first time the scheme of Inte- hyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) in 2009 with the objec-
grated Education of Disabled Children (IEDC) was tive to enhance access to secondary education and to
implemented by the central Government of India (GOI) in improve its quality. It was envisaged to achieve an
selected blocks of the country. A decade later, the National enrollment rate of 75 % at secondary stage within 5 years
Policy on Education (NPE) in 1986 stressed the removal of of implementation of the scheme by providing a secondary
disparities in education, while attending to the specific school within a reasonable distance of any habitation. The
needs of those who had been denied equality so far other objectives include improving quality of education
(Ministry of Human Resource Development 1986). The imparted at secondary level through making all secondary
objective was to integrate individuals with the physical and schools conform to prescribed norms, removing gender,
cognitive impairment with the general community as equal socio-economic and disability barriers, providing universal
partners and to prepare them to reach their full potential. access to secondary level education by 2017 and achieving
To fulfill the provisions for children with disabilities in universal retention by 2020 (Das and Shah 2014).
the NPE, the government launched the Project for Inte- Another significant legislation, The Right of Children to
grated Education Development (PIED) with assistance Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act was passed in
from UNICEF in 1986. The implementation of PIED in 10 2009. It offered every child between 6 and 14 years of age
demonstration sites in rural and urban contexts encouraged a right to an appropriate full-time education. The RTE Act
policy-makers to include children with disabilities in 1992. proposed free and compulsory education, making it binding
In practice, children with multiple and severe disabilities on all public and private schools to reserve 25 % of their
were also integrated in project areas as a consequence of seats for children from ‘‘disadvantaged sections’’. Sec-
the lack of special schools, and through the commitment to tion 3 of the Act stated that ‘‘disadvantaged sections’’
providing education for all. Evaluation of PIED showed include children with disabilities. A bill was passed by the
higher retention rates of children with disabilities, and a parliament of India in 2012 amending the RTE Act. This
positive change in teacher practices. bill allowed children with autism, cerebral palsy, mental
The GOI enacted the Persons with Disabilities (Equal retardation and multiple disabilities the benefit of choosing
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) to study from home. The bill also emphasized that the
Act in 1995 which called for the education of children with ‘‘home schooling option’’ should not become an instrument
disabilities up to the age of 18 years in an appropriate for schools to not accept children with disabilities.
environment. The Act granted ‘equal opportunities, pro-
tection of rights and full participation’ to people with dis-
abilities. It included a number of provisions to promote the Theoretical framework
inclusion of students with disabilities into regular schools.
Although there was no specific mention of inclusive edu- This study was guided by Ajzen’s theory of reasoned
cation in the PWD Act, it was referred to be a breakthrough action (Azjen 1991). This is a widely used theoretical
legislation relating to education and economic rehabilita- model to determine behavior arising from attitudes and has
tion of people with disabilities in India (Das et al. 2013; been used in research involving attitudes or perceptions
Bhatnagar and Das 2014; Shah 2005). The economic toward individuals with disabilities (Hodge and Jansma
rehabilitation section under this act stipulated that certain 2000). The theory of reasoned action suggests that an
positions in various government departments and in the individual’s behavior is determined by his or her intention
public sector was to be identified, and 3 % seats were to be to engage in the behavior. In the case of classroom teachers
reserved for people with disabilities. In 1999, the in Gurgaon including students with disabilities in their
Government passed the National Trust for Welfare of classrooms, it will be the result of the individual’s: (1)

Understanding teachers’ concerns about inclusive education 655

attitudes: an individual’s beliefs about the attributes and special needs in their classrooms. The authors further
outcomes of including students with disabilities in their reported that ‘participants were most concerned about lack
classrooms weighted by their evaluations of these attri- of resources (e.g., lack of funds, lack of para-professional
butes or outcomes. (2) Subjective norms: an individual’s staff and inappropriate infrastructure)’ (p. 326).
beliefs regarding important others’ approval or disap- In addition to the review of literature conducted in this
proval of inclusive education, weighted by their motiva- area in India, an extensive review of literature was con-
tion to comply with these important others’ beliefs. (3) ducted to locate similar research on teacher concerns in
Perceived behavioral control: an individual’s perceived overseas countries. The search yielded a number of
control over the implementation of inclusive education research studies that have been done using CIES or a
(knowledge of strategies). It can therefore be said that the modified version of it. For example, Sharma et al. (2006)
more favorable the attitude and subjective norm, and the identified the concerns of the pre-service teachers in four
greater the perceived control, the stronger should be the countries. The researchers reported concern mean scores of
person’s intention to perform the behavior (inclusive 2.21, 2.25, 2.62 and 2.68 for the teachers from Canada,
education in this case). Teacher concerns can be under- Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong respectively. In
stood as primarily a product of the first and the third another study, Bradshaw and Mundia (2006) found the
factor and will impact the implementation of inclusive concern mean score of 2.70 among 166 pre-service
education programs. teachers in Brunei. Ahsan et al. (2012) reported a concern
mean score of 2.67 among pre-service teachers in Ban-
gladesh. Forlin and Chambers (2011) reported that pre-
Teacher concerns about inclusive education service teachers in Hong Kong indicated least level of
concerns about non-acceptance of students with disabilities
There have been several attempts to identify teacher con- by their peers without disabilities in general education
cerns about inclusive education in India. Our literature classrooms followed by their lack of knowledge of
review yielded four research articles that attempted to instructional techniques in meeting the needs these stu-
identify teacher concerns about inclusion in India. In the dents. The teachers were most concerned about inadequate
earliest study, Sharma (2001) examined the concerns of resources and a lack of staff to support inclusion. After
310 primary school principals and 484 teachers working in conducting a survey of 126 physical education pre-service
government schools in Delhi. He found that both principals teachers regarding inclusive education in Botswana, Man-
and teachers were concerned about the lack of resources, gope et al. (2013) reported that the teachers were con-
the lack of funding and the lack of training to implement cerned about the lack of knowledge and skills required for
inclusive education. Shah (2005) conducted a survey of inclusion, lack of time, lack of resources and the negative
560 school teachers working in government schools in impact on students without disabilities. Fayez et al. (2011)
Ahmedabad and reported a moderate level of concerns conducted interviews of 20 preservice early childhood
among these teachers. The teachers were most concerned teachers in Jordan and reported that the teachers ‘‘were
about lack of infrastructural resources and least concerned concerned about the poor building facilities and the lack of
about lack of social acceptance of students with disabilities resources, support, and adequate services for inclusion.’’
in inclusive education classrooms. Significant differences (p. 334).
existed in teacher concerns based on the following back- In addition to the research studies that specifically
ground variables: gender, qualifications in special educa- explored teacher concerns, a number of researchers in India
tion, teaching experience and number of students with have explored teacher preparedness for inclusive educa-
disabilities in class. Another research was conducted by tion. For example, Jangira et al. (1995) conducted a survey
Bhatnagar (2006) with a sample of 470 regular school of teachers in seven states and reported that the teachers
teachers drawn from schools run by a private management lacked specific skills in meeting the unique needs of stu-
in Delhi. The researcher reported a ‘moderate levels of dents with disabilities. Das (2001), after conducting a
concerns’ among the teachers for the implementation of survey of 223 primary and 130 secondary regular school
inclusive education. The teachers reported a number of teachers in Delhi, reported that a vast majority of the
concerns including poor infrastructure, financial limita- teachers had limited or low level of competence in working
tions, large class sizes, lack of trained teachers and nega- with students with disabilities. Further, nearly 70 % of the
tive attitudes of teachers among others. The fourth study teachers indicated not receiving training in special educa-
was conducted by Sharma et al. (2009) with 478 pre-ser- tion. Singal (2008) explored variables associated with
vice teachers enrolled at Pune University in the state of inclusion and reported their impact on the implementation
Maharashtra. Respondents in this study also indicated a of inclusive education in India. The researcher conducted a
moderate level of concerns about including students with qualitative study utilizing teacher interviews in schools

656 M. Yadav et al.

located in Delhi. Participants in this study reported large 3. Teachers’ concerns for academic standard of the
class size as a major barrier in the implementation of classrooms (Factor III), and
inclusion programs in their schools. 4. Teachers’ concerns for the workload in inclusive
In so far as the state of Haryana is concerned, our lit- settings (Factor IV).
erature review did not yield any research that systemati-
cally focused on identifying teachers’ perceptions
Adaptation of the survey instrument
regarding various aspects of inclusive education, including
their concerns. This study was conducted to fill that void in
The CIES was adapted for the use in this study. Initially, 20
the literature. The objectives of this study were:
items were added to the scale aligning it to the recent
1. To identify the concerns of elementary regular school literature and socio-politico-educational situations in India.
teachers in Gurgaon regarding the inclusion of students The majority of the items that were generated focused on
with disabilities into their classrooms; concerns of educators to include all learners by using
2. To determine whether significant relationships exist inclusive strategies rather than a narrow focus on one or
between the teachers’ concerns and selected factors in more disabilities.
their personal and professional backgrounds. The ratings of the scale were also modified. The new
scale consists of four point rating ranging from 0 to 3,
where 0 = Not at all concerned, 1 = A little concerned,
2 = moderately concerned, and 3 = Extremely concerned.
For each item, respondents could indicate their level of
concern by choosing a response, which best reflected their
A survey design was utilized in this study. A two-part
feelings, ranging from Not at all Concerned to Extremely
questionnaire was used for data collection. Part-one of the
Concerned. Hinkin and Tracey’s (1999) approach was
questionnaire gathered information about background
followed to determine the content validity of the modified
variables of the respondents. Part-two employed a modified
instrument. This approach involved gauging agreement
version of the Concerns about Inclusive Education Scale
among experts about the applicability of an item to mea-
(CIES) developed by Sharma and Desai (2002). CIES is a
sure a construct. A number of experts including university
21 item Likert scale. The CIES is designed to measure the
professors and practitioners working in the classroom (e.g.,
concerns of school principals and teachers regarding the
special education teachers and general education teachers)
inclusion of students with disabilities. The scale consists of
were asked to comment on the usefulness of each item in
a four point Likert-type classification with responses
measuring concerns of teachers in implementing inclusive
labeled extremely concerned (4), very concerned (3), a
practices. The experts rated 33 items as of high and 8 items
little concerned (2) not concerned at all (1) to measure the
as of moderate or low importance. They also suggested a
level of educators’ concerns. The validity of the CIES was
few terminological changes and the rephrasing of a few
addressed by Sharma and Desai (2002) through a panel of
items in the scale. A second draft of the Concerns scale,
experts. The reliability coefficient for the scale was found
consisting of the 33 items which were rated highly by the
to be 0.91.
experts, was produced. The scale was returned to the
The concern score for an individual is calculated by
experts for final review and confirmation. The revised scale
adding all of the responses on each item. The CIES yields a
was administered to the participants from 35 school of
total-scale score that is obtained by adding the value of
district Gurgaon. The data from 175 participants were
responses on each item. An educator’s concern score on
analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
CIES may range from 21 to 84; with a high score on CIES
(SPSS) software. Factor analysis was conducted for the
indicating that the respondent is highly concerned about
entire scale. At this stage, 10 more items were dropped as
including the students with disabilities in the classrooms
the item loadings were extremely weak to the factors.
compared with those respondents with lower scores. The
Therefore, the final scale consisted of 23 items (Please see
respondent who marks ‘not concerned at all’ in all the 21
‘‘Appendix’’). The final scale was renamed Concerns about
questions gets a score of 21; while a respondent who marks
Inclusive Education Scale—Revised (CIES-R). Reliability
‘very concerned’ in all the 21 items obtains a score of 84.
of the scale was computed using Cronbach’s alpha as a
Sharma and Desai (2002) indicated that the CIES has four
measure of internal consistency. The reliability of the scale
factors that include:
was found to be 0.88 which suggested that the scale had an
1. Teachers’ concerns for resources (Factor I), acceptable level of reliability for research purposes
2. Teachers’ concerns for acceptance of special students (DeVellis 2003). The following five factors were obtained
(Factor II), and used in data analysis:

Understanding teachers’ concerns about inclusive education 657

1. Classroom-related concerns (9 items) Table 1 Concern factor scores of CIES-R

2. School-related concerns (4 items) Factor Concern score SD
3. Self-related concerns (4 items)
4. Academic achievement related concerns (3 items) Classroom-related concerns 13.73 5.37
5. Management-related concerns (3 items) School-related concerns 6.19 2.41
Self-related concerns 6.20 2.78
Academic achievement related concerns 4.87 1.68
Participants and settings
Management-related concerns 3.99 2.03

Participants in this study were general education teachers

working in elementary schools (government and private) in
Table 2 Mean factor scores of CIES-R
Gurgaon district of Haryana state in India. Twenty-one
government schools and 14 private schools were randomly Factor Mean factor score Rank
selected to be included in this study. Five teachers from Classroom-related concerns 1.52 4
each school were invited to participate in the study. Per- School-related concerns 1.54 3
mission from central administration (e.g., government Self-related concerns 1.55 2
schools) was sought to conduct the study in their schools. Academic achievement related concerns 1.62 1
In case of private schools, permission was obtained from
Management-related concerns 1.33 5
school administration to conduct a survey of the teachers in
their schools. The assistance of school administrators was
then sought in the selection of the teachers. Informed It can, therefore, be concluded that the teachers in Gurgaon
consent was obtained from the teachers prior to them were a little concerned about including students with dis-
completing the questionnaires. Teachers completed the abilities in their classrooms (Table 1).
questionnaire at a place convenient to them; usually in In order to further understand teachers’ relative concerns
teacher work rooms. The questionnaires were made avail- on various factors of CIES-R, the means and standard
able to the teachers in either Hindi or English. In some deviations for the five factors were computed and rank
instances, the survey questionnaires were given to the ordered from the highest mean scores to the lowest mean
principal or to the principal’s designee and collected by the scores. Table 2 indicates that the teachers in Gurgaon
first author at a later mutually agreed upon date. Data indicated lowest level of concerns for the factor ‘‘man-
collection was completed within a 4 weeks period. The agement-related concerns’’. The highest level of concerns
teachers were assured of the anonymity of their response. A expressed by these teachers was for the factor ‘‘academic
total of 175 completed questionnaires was obtained yield- achievement related concerns’’.
ing a return rate of 100 %. Such high rate of return was
possible since the first author spent a great deal of time at Teachers’ concerns according to background
each school site ensuring all teachers completed their variables
A concern mean score was obtained for each of the sub-
categories of the background variable. A t test or analysis
Results of variance (ANOVA) was computed to determine whether
a significant difference existed in teachers’ concerns
Data obtained in this study were analyzed using descriptive according to the background variables.
and inferential statistics. Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS) was used for data analysis. In order to Gender
determine the teachers’ concerns regarding inclusive edu-
cation of students with disabilities, their responses on Table 3 shows the means and standard deviations (SD) of
CIES-R were examined. The means for each of the items of concerns for male and female teachers in Gurgaon. The
the CIES-R were computed. A mean score of 1.0 or above
would indicate teachers’ concerns for an item; whereas a Table 3 Comparison of teachers’ concerns based on their gender
mean score below 1.0 would indicate that the teachers are
Gender N Mean SD t
not concerned about that item. A mean score between 1 and
2 would indicate a little concern and a mean score between Male 28 33.39 10.297 -0.845
2 and 3 would indicate a higher level of concern. The Female 147 35.36 11.471
concerns mean score of the teachers in this study was 1.51.

658 M. Yadav et al.

Table 4 Comparison of teacher concerns based on their employment Table 6 Comparison of teachers’ concerns based on teaching
setting experience
Type of school N Mean SD t value Sum of squares df Mean square F

Government 100 32.76 12.376 -3.173* Between groups 217.355 2 108.677 0.852
Private 75 38.09 8.840 Within groups 21948.279 172 127.606
* P \ 0.01 Total 22165.634 174

mean concern score for male teachers was 33.39, and for significant. Table 6 shows that the F value is 0.852. This
female teachers it was 35.36. Female teachers in Gurgaon value is non-significant at both 0.05 and 0.01 levels of
were more concerned than male teachers. Also, Table 3 significance. Therefore, there is not a significant difference
shows the t value (-0.845) which is not significant either at in the teachers’ concerns based on the length of their
0.01 or 0.05 levels of significance. This means there is no teaching experience.
significant difference in the concerns of male and female
elementary school teachers in Gurgaon regarding the Educational qualifications
inclusion of students with disabilities.
Table 7 shows that the mean concerns of the teachers with
Type of school taught different educational qualifications, e.g., below graduate,
graduate, post graduate and above post graduate were
Table 4 shows the means and standard deviations of 34.06, 34.44, 35.15 and 40.40, respectively.
teachers’ concerns employed in government or private Table 8 shows that the F value is 0.864 which is not
schools in Gurgaon. The mean concern score for govern- significant at either 0.05 or 0.01 levels of significance.
ment school teachers was 32.76, and for private school Therefore, there is no significant difference in the teachers’
teachers it was 38.09. This shows that private school concerns based on their educational qualifications.
teachers are more concerned than government school
teachers. A t test was conducted to determine whether the
observed difference was statistically significant. A t value Discussion
(-3.173) was significant at 0.01 level of significance. This
means that the observed difference in the teachers’ con- The GOI has been emphasizing inclusive education for
cerns was statistically significant. students with disabilities in its policy and programs in the
last four decades. The result of these efforts has been an
Length of teaching experience increasing number of students participating in mainstream
classrooms. These efforts also aimed for infusing research-
Table 5 shows the means and standard deviations of based knowledge of special education and the systematic
teachers’ concerns based on the length of their teaching
experience. The mean concern score of all 175 teachers Table 7 Teachers’ concerns based on their educational qualifications
was 35.05 whereas that of teachers in different teaching
Educational qualification N Mean SD
experience groups of 0–10, 11–20, and above 21 years
were 36.06, 34.08 and 33.46, respectively. This shows a Below graduate 18 34.06 13.162
gradual decline in teacher concerns as they obtain more Graduate 72 34.44 11.425
experience in teaching. Post graduate 75 35.15 10.595
ANOVA was conducted to determine whether observed Above post graduate 10 40.40 12.085
differences in teachers’ mean concerns were statistically Total 175 35.05 11.287

Table 5 Teachers’ concerns based on their teaching experience

Table 8 Comparison of teachers’ concerns based on their educa-
Experience in years N Mean SD tional qualifications

0–10 years 94 36.06 10.210 Sum of squares df Mean square F

11–20 years 53 34.08 11.876 Between groups 331.125 3 110.375 0.864
Above 21 years 28 33.46 13.498 Within groups 21834.509 171 127.687
Total 175 35.05 11.287 Total 22165.634 174

Understanding teachers’ concerns about inclusive education 659

application of sound instructional practices for the educa- (CIES-G) and reported that the teachers in Ahmedabad had
tion of students with disabilities in general education a moderate level of concerns. She obtained a concern mean
classrooms. A natural corollary of these developments is score of 2.31. She also obtained the following mean scores
that general education teachers would be required to pos- for each of the factors of CIES-G: concerns about infras-
sess the appropriate attitudes, knowledge and skills in order tructural resources (2.56), concerns about self-efficacy
to fulfill their new roles and responsibilities. A number of (2.38), concerns about motivation (2.34), concerns about
researchers argue that teachers who are favorably disposed academic achievement and standards (2.15) and concerns
toward the inclusion of students with disabilities employ about social acceptance (2.13). As it can be seen from these
more effective instructional strategies than those who hold findings that the teachers in Shah (2005) study, indicated a
negative attitudes (Forlin and Chambers 2011; Forlin et al. lower level of concern about academic achievement,
2008; Oswald and Swart 2011; Pivik et al. 2002). Other whereas in the present study that was ranked as number one
researchers have also indicated that there is a positive concern among teachers in Gurgaon.
correlation between supportive teacher attitudes and Bhatnagar (2006) used CIES and reported that the
enhanced performance by students with disabilities who teachers working in schools run by a private management in
were included in regular education classrooms (Ahsan et al. Delhi had a moderate level of concerns as well. The
2012; Shah 2005). Shah et al. (2014) further argue by researcher surveyed a total of 470 teachers working in 12
saying: schools in Delhi and obtained a concern mean score of 2.37.
Upon further analysis, the researcher found that the teachers
The positive attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of
in Delhi were most concerned about the lack of resources
teachers regarding implementation of inclusive edu-
(2.76) followed by decline in academic standard of the
cation programs in their classrooms, therefore,
classrooms (2.33), lack of acceptance of students with spe-
become a potent force if schools are to reduce the
cial needs (2.32). Factor 4 (concerns about increased work-
disparities between the statutory mandate to provide
load in inclusive settings, mean = 1.99) failed to meet the
for the education of all children and their actual level
minimum requirement for it to be considered as a concern.
of current service delivery. (p. 9)
Ahsan et al. (2012) reported that preservice teachers in
The purpose of this study was to determine regular Bangladesh were less concerned about peer acceptance
elementary school teachers’ perceived concerns about toward children with disabilities and about their stress
including students with disabilities in their classrooms. levels. The teachers were more concerned about their
Using CIES-R, it was found that the participants in this increased workload and most concerned about providing
study were a little concerned (mean = 1.51) about appropriate attention to diverse group of children in general
including students with disabilities in their classrooms. The education classrooms.
results of this study were in line with the findings of earlier The teachers in this study seemed to be most concerned
research conducted on this topic (Ahsan et al. 2012; Forlin about ‘‘Academic achievement related concerns’’
and Chambers 2011). (mean = 1.62). This shows that the teachers are most
It should be noted here that CIES-R consists of a four- concerned about falling achievement levels of their stu-
point rating scale ranging from 0-3, where 0 = not at all dents in class. This finding was consistent with findings of
concerned, 1 = a little concerned, 2 = moderately con- other researchers (e.g., Bhatnagar 2006; Shah 2005). It
cerned, and 3 = extremely concerned. Other researchers should be noted here that teachers in private schools in
that have used either CIES or a modified version of it in India are under increased pressure and scrutiny to prepare
India namely Sharma (2001), Shah (2005), Bhatnagar students for rigorous competitive examinations leading to
(2006) and Sharma et al. (2009) also consist of a four-point careers in engineering or science related fields. In this
rating scale. However, the survey instruments ranged on a regard Sharma and Das (2015) argue that many teachers
scale of 1–4, where 1 = not concerned at all, 2 = little and administrators in India especially ‘‘those at privately
concerned, 3 = very concerned, and 4 = extremely con- managed schools, succumb to academic and test-score
cerned. The following total-scale mean concern scores pressures and neglect the education of disadvantaged
were obtained by the researchers listed in the previous groups, including those with disabilities (p. 65).’’ It almost
sentence, respectively: 2.20, 2.31, 2.37 and 2.25. There- warrants a change of culture in schools if the needs of
fore, although a lower numerical score was obtained in this students with disabilities are to be truly met in inclusive
study, realistically it was a little higher than the previous classrooms. Teachers need to be supported in their
findings. Causes for these increased levels of concerns endeavor in meeting the needs of all students, not just in
among teachers in Gurgaon, therefore, need to be explored. meeting the needs of a few high achieving students. On the
In addition, Shah (2005) used a modified version of other hand, it is pleasing to see teachers expressing their
CIES namely Concerns about Inclusive Scale—Gujarati lowest level of concerns for ‘‘management-related

660 M. Yadav et al.

concerns’’ (mean = 1.33). This shows that the teachers this happened. Perhaps, a qualitative research involving
have confidence in their school administration in support- semi-structured or focus group interviews may inform us
ing them with necessary services or resources when they what is causing these elevated levels of concerns among
have a child with a disability in their classroom. This teachers with higher levels of academic qualifications.
finding was in sharp contrast with findings of other It was also found that the teachers who had less than
researchers such as Mangope et al. (2013) and Fayez et al. 10 years of teaching experience expressed highest levels of
(2011) who reported physical and personnel resources as concerns among other sub-groups in this category
major source of concern for the teachers. (mean = 36.06). It may be that these teachers consider
With regard to the background variables and their themselves under increased pressure to implement inclu-
impact on teacher concerns, the results of this study were sive education due to recent emphasis of GOI.
compared with other studies mentioned earlier. Female The study has some limitations that should be noted
teachers (mean = 35.36), in this study, were found to be while interpreting the results. First, the study is limited to
more concerned about inclusive education than their male the concerns of elementary school teachers teaching in 21
counterparts (mean = 33.39). Although this difference was government and 14 private schools in Gurgaon. Therefore,
not statistically significant, it does align with the findings caution should be exercised in generalizing the results of
of Bhatnagar (2006) and Shah (2005). Bhatnagar and Das this study to other populations. Second, there are limita-
(2013) explains this by saying: tions of self-report surveys and there will always remain
some doubt as to what degree the participants’ responses
the reason for female teachers being more concerned
reflect their true concerns. Third, variables other than those
than their male counterparts because in Indian society
investigated in this study might have had a significant
females mostly bear responsibility for rearing the
influence on teacher concerns regarding inclusive educa-
children. The males in Indian society do not usually
tion in Gurgaon. Fourth, the term ‘concern’ is generally
spend as much time with child rearing and household
considered to have inherent negative connotation attached
activities. They are mostly bread winners for the
with it. Additionally, survey items can be positively wor-
family and focus their time and energy on activities
ded in future research, e.g., I am able to maintain discipline
outside the day-to-day management of the household.
in the classroom, I have the knowledge and skills required
These aspects can have impact on male teachers
to teach students with disabilities, my school has enough
being less concerned about including students with
resources for implementing inclusion successfully and so
special needs in their classrooms (p. 110).
on. Nonetheless, the study does offer some important
It was also found in this study that those teachers who pointers to understand difficulties faced by primary stake-
worked in schools run by a private management holders such as classroom teachers. It may also assist
(mean = 38.09) had a significantly higher level of concerns policy makers and program planners who are charged with
than those who worked in government run schools the responsibility of planning and realizing the goals of
(mean = 32.76). It should be noted that administrators in inclusive education in the state of Haryana.
privately managed schools in India have more autonomy in
personnel decisions. Also, parents in India tend to exert more
pressure toward private school administrators or teachers to Conclusion
prepare their children for science, technology or manage-
ment-related careers (Tiwari et al. 2015). This in turn This was the first known systematic investigation of regular
translates into teachers teaching students to successfully pass school teachers’ concerns about inclusive education in the
rigorous entrance examinations while compromising the state of Haryana in India. Although the respondents in this
needs of struggling learners. Shah et al. (2014) explain this study were a little concerned about the implementation of
by stating ‘‘An elevated level of concerns by these teachers inclusive education; it should be noted that the sample was
may be explained by the administration’s expectations and drawn from predominantly an urban area which has a
contextual variables of the private organization (p. 8).’’ proximity to New Delhi. Implementation of key initiatives
The teachers who had qualifications of above post- by the central GOI initially tends to focus largely on major
graduate degree expressed the highest levels of concerns urban centers such as New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and
among other sub-groups in this category (mean = 40.40). Kolkata. It is assumed that these teachers received some
This finding was different from previous research con- training in special education or might be familiar with the
ducted by Bhatnagar (2006) and Shah (2005). In both of implementation of inclusive education. Another important
these studies, teachers with qualifications of ‘‘below post point is that the respondents in this study were elementary
graduate degree’’ indicated higher levels of concerns. school teachers. Literature indicates that secondary class-
There is a need for further exploration to understand why rooms present greater challenges to general education

Understanding teachers’ concerns about inclusive education 661

teachers for the implementation of inclusive education. The 8. I am not familiar with the modifications in teaching
results of this study, nonetheless, provide a starting point in strategies and class environment that enhance the
the direction of meeting the needs of classroom teachers learning of the disabled children.
that are charged with the implementation of inclusive 9. Students with disabilities will not be accepted by
education. Further research is warranted to fully understand students without disabilities.
the extent of their concerns and what can be done to alle- Factor 2: school-related concerns
viate those concerns.
The results of this study have implications for the edu- 10. My school will not have enough resources for
cational administrators and policy makers in India. The implementing inclusion successfully.
inclusive education programs in India could be success- 11. There will be inadequate para-professional staff
fully implemented if appropriate measures are taken in available to support students with disabilities (e.g.,
order to reduce teachers’ concerns. Therefore, first of all, speech pathologist, physiotherapist, OT).
professional development opportunities need to be made 12. My school will have difficulty in accommodating
available especially for those general education teachers students with various types of disabilities because
that lack training in special education. To ensure long-term of inappropriate infrastructure (for, e.g., architec-
support for teachers, it would require the full commitment tural barriers).
of educational systems to mentoring new teachers and in 13. There will not be special education teaching staff
providing continual and appropriate professional learning. available to support inclusion.
In addition, appropriate measures would need to be taken Factor 3: self-related concerns
especially in privately managed schools so that the 14. I do not have knowledge and skills required to
administrators and teachers do not succumb to parental teach students with disabilities.
pressure leading toward ‘‘teaching to test’’ mentality. The 15. I am not competent enough to use multi-sensory
classroom teachers should be afforded with both material approach for students with different disabilities.
and human resources necessary to adequately meet the 16. It will be difficult to keep all the students with or
needs of students with disabilities. A collaborative and without disabilities focused during the class.
systematic effort between universities and local educa- 17. I do not have enough knowledge about inclusive
tional systems is also warranted to ensure a cohesive practices.
transition from undergraduate teacher preparation to Factor 4: academic achievement related concerns
becoming a competent and effectively trained inclusive
teacher. These efforts could help to reinforce a cooperative 18.
The overall academic standard of the school will
spirit in implementing inclusive education in India. suffer.
19. The academic achievement of students without
disabilities will be affected.
20. Special students create disciplinary problems.
Appendix: Concerns about Inclusive Education
Factor 5: management-related concerns
Scale: Revised
21. There will be inadequate administrative support to
Factor 1: classroom-related concerns implement the inclusive education program.
22. It will be very difficult to include disabled students
1. It would be difficult to maintain discipline in class.
in co-curricular activities (e.g., including students
2. It will be difficult to give equal attention to all students
with severe physical disabilities in playing sports
in an inclusive classroom.
such as cricket can be difficult).
3. I will not be able to cope with students with a disability
23. Parents of children without disabilities may not like
who do not have adequate self-care skills (e.g.,
the idea of placing their children in the same
students who are not toilet trained).
classroom with students with disabilities.
4. It will be difficult to manage students with disruptive
5. I will not be able to cope up with the challenges posed
by the diversity in the class room in terms of various
disabilities. References
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