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Rusliana Azzahra

Prodi Administrasi Rumah Sakit

UAS Bahasa Inggris

1. Make the sentences using the phrases below

a) eat breakfast
: She had her breakfast this morning.
b) go to class
:I go to my class to take my book.
c) put on my clothes
: I put on my clothes tidily everytime i go to school.
d) drink a cup of coffee/tea
: He likes to drink a cup of coffee for breakfast.
e) Shave
: My dad shaves his hair at the saloon
f) put on my make-up
: I put on my make up because i want to go to out
g) take a shower/bath
: I take a shower every morning to be healthy
h) get up
: I wake up at 6 am. Then I make a bed.
i) pick up my books
: Can you pick up my books
j) walk to the bathroom
: I always stagger when i walk to the bathroom in the morning
k) watch TV
: me and my sister watch TV after school
l) look in the mirror
: hey, look at the mirror! You’re so pretty
m) turn off the alarm clock
: i fell so disturbed, so i turn off the alarm clock
n) go to die kitchen/the cafeteria
: me and my friends usually go to the cafetaria every weekend
o) brush/comb my hair
: when i see the mirror, i always comb my hair. I dont know why, that’s my habbit
p) say good-bye to my roommate, wife/husband
: Goodbye, hope we can meet again
q) brush my teeth
: I brush my teeth every time I go to sleep

2. Give your opinion about current education?

: Education today is quite fun, and I really want to keep trying to be more advanced
and social.

3. Write a paragraph about your daily activities?

: My daily activities are always busy with work and college, I am more happy and
comfortable alone because it allows me to focus more on the future. I always work
every day, go to college, help my parents, study

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