Customer Interaction SOP

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Section Number Section Name SOP No.

& Name

Operations - II Customer Service 1. Customer Interaction

Signed off By Last Updated on Page

Value Retail Operations Team 15th Sept, 2006 1 of 4

Customer Interaction
Our business largely encourages a self-service culture among our customers. Everything is well communicated and displayed in the store, and this helps the customers to shop on their own. However, customers would still like to get help when they need from somebody who is courteous, helpful & effective. Every customer interaction is an opportunity for us to contribute to the customers satisfaction. The customer maybe looking for something specific, or have a question about our products, our store or our policies. Or the customer may just be looking around. Sometimes a customer could have dissatisfaction against our system, have experienced some incident where we went wrong, or have a suggestion for us to improve. At all these times, eeffective and courteous interactions with all our customers go a long way in ensuring the success of our store. An effective customer interaction is about communication and problem solving. If we are able to provide a solution to them, we win a loyal customer for life. The following procedures have been put together to enable effective & courteous customer interactions between staff from our various sections and customers walking into our stores.

Security Staff
When the customer enters the store Smile. Say Please leave your baggage at the counter. After customer leaves the baggage & enters the store Smile. And say Welcome. Give a shopping basket or trolley to the customer. And say Happy Shopping.

Section Number Section Name SOP No. & Name

Operations - II Customer Service 1. Customer Interaction

Signed off By Last Updated on Page

Value Retail Operations Team 15th Sept, 2006 2 of 4

At the Baggage Counter : Say Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening While taking the customers bag, askIs there anything precious/valuable in the bag? . If yes, put the sticker/tag accordingly Give the token At the exits : Check the number of bags Say Thank you for shopping at Big/Food Bazaar. Good day/night

When a customer walks into or near your section : Make eye contact & smile Say May I help you? If the customer is looking for another section, escort the customer to the section which she is seeking, or give clear directions verbally. Do not point out from where you stand. If the customer has picked up something from your section, and looks ready to move on, guide the customer to the next logical section by saying Would you like to take a look at our ____ section ?. It is.(give directions to that section)

Housekeeping & Back-office staff

To a customer, anybody in uniform is there to help. Hence, when they need any help or some information, they may ask the next uniformed person they see, which could also be the housekeeping staff or someone from the back office. When Housekeeping or Back-office staff comes in contact with a customer If the customer is looking for something specific, guide the customer & escort the customer if necessary If the customer looks stranded or lost in a temporarily unmanned section, politely ask the customer to wait, then go and find a TM from a nearby section and handover the customer before moving on with your own work

Section Number Section Name SOP No. & Name

Operations - II Customer Service 1. Customer Interaction

Signed off By Last Updated on Page

Value Retail Operations Team 15th Sept, 2006 3 of 4

The cashiers counter is the most important part of the customers shopping experience. Its a point where you can create absolute customer satisfaction or complete dissatisfaction. When the customer reaches the checkout/cashiers counter Make eye contact & smile. Say Good evening Sir/Maam Scan items 1 by 1. While scanning, please also : Check for loyalty program memberships etc.: Are you a _____ holder / member sir/maam? Explain the days schemes to the customer Are you aware of this particular scheme.? After scanning, based on the REM prompt, say Sir/Maam, if you purchase products worth Rs. ____ or more, then you get a _____ . Would you like to return and purchase something more to avail of this benefit? Once the customer has finished purchasing, then pass on the items to the bagger at your counter. Then say, Your bill is Rs. ____, would you like to pay by cash, card or Gift Vouchers? If customer pays by cash.count the money. If customer pays by card, swipe the card, pullout the receipt, and handover for customers signature along with a pen. Pullout the bill and write the number of bags on the bill. Incase of payment by card, staple the duplicate copy of the signed acknowledgement to the bill. Give the bill to the customer with your right hand. If you are returning cash to the customer, stack the notes neatly above the bill, place coins on the top and handover to the customer with your right hand. Then say Thank you for shopping at Big Bazaar. Please visit again.

Section Number Section Name SOP No. & Name

Operations - II Customer Service 1. Customer Interaction

Signed off By Last Updated on Page

Value Retail Operations Team 15th Sept, 2006 4 of 4

The bagger at the counter writes the number of products on each bag.

Customer Service Desk

The CSD is another important part of the customers shopping experience. Its the point where you are given another opportunity to serve or satisfy the customer effectively. When the customer reaches the CSD Make eye contact & smile. Say Good evening Sir/Maam. How can I help you? . And then proceed to help him Thank the customer for bringing up the complaint/query or dissatisfaction and allowing you to serve him/her. When an angry/irate customer approaches the CSD : Let the customer express him/herself fully. Do not interrupt. Be calm, and solve the problem as quickly as possible. Apologise for any inconvenience or delay caused to the customer. Thank the customer for bringing up the complaint/query or dissatisfaction and allowing you to serve him/her.

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