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Everyone has their own way on how to survive all the struggles that passes.

One of the way to survive is

to have a will. Will is built with reason, people without will is like living a life without purpose. On the
next part of this essay I will be tackling about what is Will and answer some questions and use it as guide
to build my thoughts.

First off, what is will? Will is the desire of mind to choose among respective and various desires. It is the
decision made on what to do rather than reacting automatically to a certain situation. There are
classifications of will and one is that is free will. I think that will is more compelling force than free will,
first let me explain what compelling force means. Compelling force literally mean the action or state of
being forced to do something and it is against someone’s conscious wishes. This explains why will is
more of a compelling force than free will, it clearly states will is aligned with a lot more responsibility
than free will. Also free will is the freedom to choose the courses of action you want to do, by the word
itself free. As mention, what constitutes free will? Free will is the capability to choose among
alternatives to act at a certain situation. What constitutes free will is up to an individual. But typically a
free will includes doing what you wish to do, having a purpose in life without being forced to do it so.
Here given a statement which I will explain if there is an exercise of will or a need to perform a duty. A
judgment made without looking at the conflicting sides of two opposing parties is a judgment rendered
out of necessity to render a decision. It is clear in the statement that it is rendered out of necessity
which means, it is done because of some obligation, it is needed and required. This statement there is a
need to perform a duty. Judgement without looking at both sides is a judgement that is done because it
is required. Speaking of will, what is more dominant the power to decide or the will to act? I think that
the power to decide is more dominant than the will to act because, doing things in life requires a
decision and without decision an individual most likely do not have the will to act. Will is the purpose of
why an individual is doing it so without the purpose or the decision, they do not know what will they do.

Therefore, will is one of the important aspect in life. Moreover, it is also the beginning of what every
person’s everyday purpose. Hence, people should at least have a brief understanding about free will or

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