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1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri

NAMA : Raudatul Jannah, S.Pd
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Learning Activity 1: Procedure
Text; Manual
2. Learning Activity 2: Procedure
Text; Recipe
3. Learning Activity 3: Itinerary
4. Learning Activity 4: News Item
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1 Garis besar materi yang 1. Learning Activity 1: Procedure Text;
dipelajari Manual
1.1 Definition of Procedure Text;
Manual alternatively referred to as
documentation or end-user
documentation, a manual is a book
or pamphlet that contains
information about a program or piece
of hardware. For example, a
computer case may come with
documentation explaining what sizes
of motherboard it can hold. Or, a
video game may come with a manual
explaining how to play it.
1.2 Social Function of Procedure Text;
a. It is used to describe how
something is done in sequenced
b. It provides a series of steps in
sequence that explain the readers
how to do something while
allowing them to reach the
outcome successfully.
c. The communicative purpose of the
text is to tell the steps of making
or doing something.
1.3 Generic Structure of Procedure
Text; Manual
a. Goal/aim
This part of the text describes the
purpose of doing or operating
b. Materials/equipments
This part describes the materials or
equipments needed in the process of
doing or operating something. It is
important to note that some of
procedure texts do not provide
materials section.
c. Steps/methods
This part describes the set of
instructions in order to achieve the
1.4 Language features of Procedure
Text; Manual
a. Generally using simple present
b. Using adverbial of sequence or
using temporal adjective
c. Using imperative sentences or
d. Using action verbs.
e. Using conjunctions to link a
process to another process
2. Learning Activity 2: Procedure Text;
2.1 Definition of Procedure Text;
Procedure text; Recipe is a text that
explain or help us how to make
something, its one of the common
procedural text. It contains of a list of
ingrediets and a set of istructions
that tell us how to make something.
2.2 Social Function of Procedure Text;
a. Recipe is used to describe how
food is completely made or cooked
through a sequence of series.
b. Communicative purpose of recipe
is to describe how food is
completely made through a
sequence of actions or steps.
2.3 Generic structure of Procedure
Text; Recipe
a. Goal / aim
b. Ingredients
c. Steps/ methods
2.4 Language features of Procedure
Text; Recipe
a. Noun or noun groups
b. Conjunctions
c. Action verbs
d. Imperatives Sentence
e. Adverbial
3. Learning Activity 3: Itinerary
3.1 Definition of Itinerary
Itinerary is defined as a schedule of
events relating to a planned travel
which is generally including
destinations to be visited at a
specified time and the means of
transportation to move between those
3.2 Social Function of Itinerary
a. To make a well-prepared program
or travel
b. To make an effective journey or
c. To be a guideline in spending time
during travelling
3.3 Generic Structure of Itinerary
a. Goal/aim
b. Methods/steps
(program/activities ,
transportations, facilities etc.)
3.4 Language Features of Itinerary
a. Use simple present tense
b. Use action verb
c. Use simple sentence or phrase
4. Learning Activity 4: News Item
4.1 Definitions of News Item
News item text is a text that tells the
readers, listeners or viewers about
events of the day. The events in news
item text should be considered
newsworthy or important.
4.2 Social Function of News Item
News item text is to inform the
readers, listeners or viewers about
events of the days in chronological
4.3 Generic Structure of News Item
a. Main Events / Newsworthy
event(s): it recounts the event in
summary form.
b. Elaboration / Background
event(s): they elaborate what
happened, to whom, in what
c. Resource of Information (Source) :
it contains comments by
participants in, witnesses to and
authorities expert on the event.
4.4 Language Features of News Item
a. Using action verbs Action verb
b. Using saying verb
c. Using passive voice
d. Using adverb

2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. Generic Structure of Itinerary

dipahami di modul ini 2. Generic Structure of News Item

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. The differences between procedure text

mengalami miskonsepsi manual and recipe
2. The differences social function between
initerary and news item

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